Tree-structured expectation propagation for LDPC decoding over BMS channels Articles uri icon

publication date

  • October 2013

start page

  • 4086

end page

  • 4095


  • 10


  • 61

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 0090-6778

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1558-0857


  • In this paper, we put forward the tree-structured expectation propagation (TEP) algorithm for decoding block and convolutional low-density parity-check codes over any binary channel. We have already shown that TEP improves belief propagation (BP) over the binary erasure channel (BEC) by imposing marginal constraints over a set of pairs of variables that form a tree or a forest. The TEP decoder is a message-passing algorithm that sequentially builds a tree/forest of erased variables to capture additional information disregarded by the standard BP decoder, which leads to a noticeable reduction of the error rate for finite-length codes. In this paper, we show how the TEP can be extended to any channel, specifically to binary memoryless symmetric (BMS) channels. We particularly focus on how the TEP algorithm can be adapted for any channel model and, more importantly, how to choose the tree/forest to keep the gains observed for block and convolutional LDPC codes over the BEC.


  • channel coding; sparse linear codes; expectation propagation