sample of publications
- Detecting train driveshaft damages using accelerometer signals and Differential Convolutional Neural Networks. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 126. 2023
- Automatic patient functionality assessment from multimodal data using deep learning techniques - Development and feasibility evaluation. Internet Interventions. 33, 100657:100657-1-100657-9. 2023
- Handling Ill-Conditioned Omics Data with Deep Probabilistic Models. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 27. 2023
- Regularizing transformers with deep probabilistic layers. Neural Networks. 161. 2023
- Continuous Assessment of Function and Disability via Mobile Sensing: Real-World Data-Driven Feasibility Study. JMIR Formative Research. 7. 2023
- Automatic antibiotic resistance prediction in Klebsiella pneumoniae based on MALDI-TOF mass spectra. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 118. 2023
- Unsupervised learning of global factors in deep generative models. Pattern Recognition. 134:1-12. 2023
- Deep autoregressive models with spectral attention. Pattern Recognition. 133:1-12. 2023
- Multi-task longitudinal forecasting with missing values on Alzheimer's Disease. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 226:1-11. 2022
- Bayesian sparse factor analysis with kernelized observations. Neurocomputing. 490:66-78. 2022
- Medical data wrangling with sequential variational autoencoders. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 26:2737-2745. 2022
- Sparse semi-supervised heterogeneous interbattery bayesian analysis. Pattern Recognition. 120:1-13. 2021
- Spatially coupled generalized LDPC codes: asymptotic analysis and finite length scaling. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 67:3708 -3723. 2021
- Boosting Offline Handwritten Text Recognition in Historical Documents With Few Labeled Lines. IEEE Access. 9:76674-76688. 2021
- Predicting emotional states using behavioral markers derived from passively sensed data: Data-driven machine learning approach. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 9:e24465. 2021
- Handling incomplete heterogeneous data using VAEs. Pattern Recognition. 107:107501. 2020
- Deep Sequential Models for Suicidal Ideation from Multiple Source Data. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 23:2286-2293. 2019
- Probabilistic Time of Arrival Localization. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 26:1683-1687. 2019
- A Probabilistic Peeling Decoder to Efficiently Analyze Generalized LDPC Codes Over the BEC. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 65: 4831-4853. 2019
- Portable Multispectral System Based on Color Detector for the Analysis of Homogeneous Surfaces. Journal of Sensors. 2019
- Turbo EP-Based Equalization: A Filter-Type Implementation. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 66:4259-4270. 2018
- Probabilistic MIMO symbol detection with expectation consistency approximate inference.. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 67:3481-3494. 2018
- Generalized LDPC Codes for Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication in 5G and Beyond. IEEE Access. 6:72002-72014. 2018
- Continuous Transmission of Spatially Coupled LDPC Code Chains. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 65:5097 -5109. 2017
- Probabilistic Equalization With a Smoothing Expectation Propagation Approach. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 16:2950-2962. 2017
- Expectation Propagation as Turbo Equalizer in ISI Channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 65:360-370. 2017
- Entropy-constrained scalar quantization with a lossy-compressed bit. Entropy. 18. 2016
- Infinite Continuous Feature Model for Psychiatric Comorbidity Analysis. Neural Computation. 28:354-381. 2016
- On the Waterfall Performance of Finite-Length SC-LDPC Codes Constructed From Protographs. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 34:345-361. 2016
- A Scaling Law to Predict the Finite-Length Performance of Spatially-Coupled LDPC Codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 61:3164-3184. 2015
- Scalable multi-output label prediction: From classifier chains to classifier trellises. Pattern Recognition. 48:2096-2109. 2015
- Approaching the DT Bound Using Linear Codes in the Short Blocklength Regime. IEEE Communications Letters. 19:123-126. 2015
- Expectation Propagation Detection for High-Order High-Dimensional MIMO Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 62:2840-2849. 2014
- Tree-structured expectation propagation for LDPC decoding over BMS channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 61:4086-4095. 2013
- Tree-structure expectation propagation for LDPC decoding over the BEC. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 59:3354-3377. 2013
- Tree expectation propagation for ML decoding of LDPC codes over the BEC. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 61:465-473. 2012
- Remote Detection of Interfered Downlinks in Wireless Cellular Systems. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 23:444-453. 2012
- On the Design of LDPC-Convolutional Ensembles Using the TEP Decoder. IEEE Communications Letters. 16:726-729. 2012
- Remote detection of a frequency jammer operating in the down link of a cellular system. Wireless Personal Communications. 63:861-870. 2012
conference contributions
- Herramientas Jupyterhub y Nbgrader dentro de Aula Global. Un piloto en la asignatura "Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural" 2021
- On the Design of Generalized LDPC Codes with Component BCJR Decoding. 1-6. 2021
- Hidden Markov Models for Activity Detection in Atrial Fibrillation Electrograms. 1-4. 2020
- Boosting Handwriting Text Recognition in Small Databases with Transfer Learning. 429-434. 2018
- On Generalized LDPC Codes for 5G Ultra Reliable Communication. 81-85. 2018
- Spatially Coupled Generalized LDPC Codes: Introduction and Overview 2018
- On LDPC Code Ensembles with Generalized Constraints. 371-375. 2017
- Diversity versus multiplexing at finite blocklength. 891-895. 2014
- Improved performance of LDPC-coded MIMO systems with EP-based soft-decisions. 1997-2001. 2014
- Improving the finite-length performance of long SC-LDPC code chains by connecting consecutive chains. 72-76. 2014
- A closed-form scaling law for convolutional LDPC codes over the BEC. 1-5. 2013
- A finite length performance analysis of LDPC codes constructed by connecting spatially coupled chains. 1-5. 2013
- Improving the BP estimate over the AWGN channel using Tree-structured expectation propagation. 2990-2994. 2013
- Infinite continuous feature model for Psychiatric comorbidity analysis. 1-4. 2013
- Coding and Approximate Inference 2012
- Finite-length analysis of the TEP decoder for LDPC ensembles over the BEC. 2346-2350. 2012
- Finite-length performance of spatially-coupled LDPC codes under TEP decoding. 492-496. 2012
- Tree-Structure Expectation Propagation for LDPC Decoding in AWGN Channels 2012
- An Application of Tree-Structured Expectation Propagation for Channel Decoding. 1-9. 2011
- Capacity achieving LDPC ensembles for the TEP decoder in erasure channels. 2398-2402. 2011
- MAP decoding for LDPC codes over the Binary Erasure Channel. 145-149. 2011
- Reduced Complexity MAP decoder for LDPC codes over the BEC using Tree-Structure Expectation Propagation 2011
- Scaling behavior of Convolutional LDPC ensembles over the BEC. 1816-1820. 2011
- Scaling behavior of Convolutional LDPC ensembles over the BEC 2011