publication venue for
- Hierarchical Universal Matrices for Curvilinear Tetrahedral H(curl) Finite Elements with Inhomogeneous Material Properties. 72:89-99. 2024
- A Rigorous Code Verification Process of the Domain Decomposition Method in a Finite Element Method for Electromagnetics. 0:1-11. 2023
- A Broadband Circularly Polarized Single-Layer Metasurface Antenna Using Characteristic-Mode Analysis. 71:3114-3122. 2023
- Design Methodology of Single-Layer Dual-Band Metasurfaces for Leaky-Wave Antennas. 71:1196-1203. 2023
- Second-order Nédélec curl-conforming hexahedral element for computational electromagnetics. 71:859 -868. 2023
- Circularly Polarized Miniaturized Implantable Antenna for Leadless Pacemaker Devices. 70:6423-6432. 2022
- Dual-Polarized Highly Folded Bowtie Antenna With Slotted Self-GroundedStructure for Sub-6 GHz 5G Applications. 70:3028-3033. 2022
- A Novel Framework of Singularity Cancellation Transformations for Strongly Near-Singular Integrals. 69:8539-8550. 2021
- Ultrawideband Conical Log-Spiral Circularly Polarized Feed for Radio Astronomy. 68:1995-2007. 2020
- Signal-Level Models of Pointwise Electromagnetic Exposure for Millimeter Wave Communication. 68:3963-3977. 2019
- K a-Band Fully Metallic TE40 Slot Array Antenna with Glide-Symmetric Gap Waveguide Technology. 67 :6410-6418. 2019
- Radial Line Slot Antenna Design with Groove Gap Waveguide Feed for Monopulse Radar Systems. 67:6317-6324. 2019
- Lessons Learned Using a Physics-Based Macromodel for Analysis of Radio Wave Propagation in Wireless Transmission. 67:2150-2157. 2019
- Adaptive Processing at Multiple Frequencies Using the Same Antenna Array Consisting of Dissimilar Nonuniformly Spaced Elements Over an Imperfectly Conducting Ground. 67:622-625. 2019
- Physics-Based Modeling of Experimental Data Encountered in Cellular Wireless Communication. 66:6673-6682. 2018
- Survey of Available Experimental Data of Radio Wave Propagation for Wireless Transmission. 66: 6665-6672. 2018
- A Nonstandard Schwarz Domain Decomposition Method for Finite-Element Mesh Truncation of Infinite Arrays. 66:6179-6190. 2018
- Low-Dispersive Leaky-Wave Antenna Integrated in Groove Gap Waveguide Technology. 66:5727-5736. 2018
- A Contactless RFID System Based on Chipless MIW Tags. 66:5064-5071. 2018
- Fiber-Coupled 2-D n-i-pn-i-p Superlattice Photomixer Array. 65:3474-3480. 2017
- Second-Order Nedelec Curl-Conforming Prismatic Element for Computational Electromagnetics. 64:4384-4395. 2016
- Leaky-Wave Thinned Phased Array in PCB Technology for Telecommunication Applications. 64:4288-4296. 2016
- Design method for actively matched antennas with non-foster elements. 64:4118-4123. 2016
- An Expose on Internal Resonance, External Resonance, and Characteristic Modes. 64:4695-4702. 2016
- Gap Waveguide Leaky-Wave Antenna. 64:2055-2060. 2016
- Green's Function Using Schelkunoff Integrals for Horizontal Electric Dipoles Over an Imperfect Ground Plane. 64:1342-1355. 2016
- Dielectric Rod Waveguide Antenna as THz Emitter for Photomixing Devices. 63:882-890. 2015
- Directivity Enhancement and Spurious Radiation Suppression in Leaky-Wave Antennas Using Inductive Grid Metasurfaces. 63:891-900. 2015
- Sensitivity Analysis for Active Matched Antennas With Non-Foster Elements. 62:6040-6048. 2014
- Meander dipole antenna to increase CW THz photomixing emitted power. 62:4868-4872. 2014
- Reply to "Comments on 'A Physics-Based Green's Function for Analysis of Vertical Electric Dipole Radiation Over an Imperfect Ground Plane'". 62:4910-4913. 2014
- Application of the schelkunoff formulation to the sommerfeld problem of a vertical electric dipole radiating over an imperfect ground. 62:4162-4170. 2014
- Planar Dual-Mode Horn Array With Corporate-Feed Network in Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide. 62:3534-3542. 2014
- Textile soft surface for back radiation reduction in bent wearable antennas. 62:3873-3878. 2014
- Comparison of the Performance between a Parasitically Coupled and a Direct Coupled Feed for a Microstrip Antenna Array. 62:2813-2818. 2014
- Calculation of Far-Field Radiation Pattern Using Nonuniformly Spaced Antennas by a Least Square Method. 62:1572-1578. 2014
- On the Use of Leaky Wave Phased Arrays for the Reduction of the Grating Lobe Level. 62:1789-1795. 2014
- A Physics-Based Green's Function for Analysis of Vertical Electric Dipole Radiation Over an Imperfect Ground Plane. 61:4148-4157. 2013
- Adaptive approximate Kernel orthogonalization for antenna array processing. 61:4091-4100. 2013
- Holographic Surface Leaky-Wave Lenses With Circularly-Polarized Focused Near-Fields-Part I: Concept, Design and Analysis Theory. 61:3475-3485. 2013
- Holographic Surface Leaky-Wave Lenses With Circularly-Polarized Focused Near-Fields-Part II: Experiments and Description of Frequency Steering of Focal Length. 61:3486-3494. 2013
- Tilting Radiation Patterns in Linear Arrays Without Phase Shifters. 61:3360-3364. 2013
- Anomalous behavior in the radiation patterns. 61:973-976. 2013
- Printed Magnetoinductive-Wave (MIW) Delay Lines for Chipless RFID Applications. 60:5075-5082. 2012
- A Support Vector Machine MUSIC Algorithm. 60:4901-4910. 2012
- Choice of the Scaling Factor in a Marching-on-in-Degree Time Domain Technique Based on the Associated Laguerre Functions. 60:4463-4467. 2012
- Stability of Non-Foster Reactive Elements for Use in Active Metamaterials and Antennas. 60:3490-3494. 2012
- Free Space Radiation Pattern Reconstruction from Non-Anechoic Measurements Using an Impulse Response of the Environment. 60:821-831. 2012
- An Improved Marching-on-in-Degree Method Using a New Temporal Basis. 59:4643-4650. 2011
- Gain Enhancement by Dielectric Horns in the Terahertz Band. 59:3164-3170. 2011
- Dual-Band Patch Antennas Based on Short-Circuited Split Ring Resonators. 59:2758-2765. 2011
- Ultra-Wideband Aperture Array Element Design for Low Frequency Radio Astronomy. 59:1808-1816. 2011
- Left-Handed Wire Antennas Over Ground Plane With Wideband Tuning. 59:1460-1471. 2011
- The Design of an Ultrawideband T-Pulse With a Linear Phase Fitting the FCC Mask. 59:1432-1436. 2011
- Characterization and Reduction of Mutual Coupling Between Stacked Patches. 59:1031-1036. 2011
- Parallelized Hybrid Method with Higher-Order MoM and PO for Analysis of Phased Array Antennas on Electrically Large Platforms. 58:4110-4115. 2010
- Approximate Kernel Orthogonalization for Antenna Array Processing. 58:3942-3950. 2010
- Compact Loaded PIFA for Multifrequency Applications. 58:656-664. 2010
- Study and Design of a Differentially-Fed Tapered Slot Antenna Array. 58:68-78. 2010
- Planar Soft Surfaces and Their Application to Mutual Coupling Reduction. 57:3852-3859. 2009
- An Adjoint-Field Technique for Shape Reconstruction of 3-D Penetrable Object Immersed in Lossy MediumImmersed in Lossy Medium. 57:520-534. 2009
- Proximity Coupled Microstrip Patch Antenna With Reduced Harmonic Radiation. 57:27-32. 2009
- Multifrequency and Dual-Mode Patch Antennas Partially Filled with Left-Handed Structures. 56:2527-2539. 2008
- Lumped-Element Balun for UHF UWB Printed Balanced Antennas. 56:2102-2107. 2008
- Mutual Coupling Reduction in Patch Antenna Arrays by Using a Planar EBG Structure and a Multilayer Dielectric Substrate. 56:1648-1655. 2008
- High Isolation Proximity Coupled Multilayer Patch Antenna for Dual-Frequency Operation. 56:1180-1183. 2008
- Fully Coupled Hybrid FEM-UTD Method Using NURBS for the Analysis of Radiation Problems. 56:774-783. 2008