publication venue for
- Generic eigenstructure of Hermitian pencils. 45:260-283. 2024
- Strongly minimal self-conjugate linearizations for polynomial and rational matrices. 43:1354-1381. 2022
- Diagonal scalings for the eigenstructure of arbitrary pencils. 43:1213-1237. 2022
- Generic symmetric matrix polynomials with bounded rank and fixed odd grade. 41:1033-1058. 2020
- First order structure-preserving perturbation theory for eigenvalues of symplectic matrices. 41:657-690. 2020
- Van Dooren's Index Sum Theorem and Rational Matrices with Prescribed Structural Data. 40:720-738. 2019
- Strong Linearizations of Rational Matrices. 39:1670-1700. 2018
- A Geometric Description of the Sets of Palindromic and Alternating Matrix Pencils with Bounded Rank. 39:1116-1134. 2018
- Linearizations of Hermitian Matrix Polynomials Preserving the Sign Characteristic. 38:249-272. 2017
- First order asymptotic expansions for eigenvalues of multiplicatively perturbed matrices. 37:1478-1504. 2016
- Generic change of the partial multiplicities of regular matrix pencils under low-rank perturbations. 37:823-835. 2016
- The Inverse Eigenvector Problem for Real Tridiagonal Matrices. 37:577-597. 2016
- Matrix Polynomials with Completely Prescribed Eigenstructure. 36:302-328. 2015
- Relative perturbation theory for diagonally dominant matrices. 35:1303-1328. 2014
- A New Perturbation Bound for the LDU Factorization of Diagonally Dominant Matrices. 35:904-930. 2014
- Accurate solution of structured least squares problems via rank-revealing decompositions. 34:1112-1128. 2013
- Phase Transitions with Midrange Interactions: A Nonlocal Stefan Model. 4:3071-3100. 2012
- Perturbation theory for Hamiltonian matrices and the distance to bounded-realness. 32:484-514. 2011
- Recovery of eigenvectors and minimal bases of matrix polynomials from generalized Fiedler linearizations. 32:463-483. 2011
- Fiedler Companion Linearizations and the Recovery of Minimal Indices. 31:2181-2204. 2010
- Parametrization of the Matrix Symplectic Group and Applications. 31:650-673. 2009
- Structured Hölder Condition Numbers for Multiple Eigenvalues. 31:175-201. 2009
- A Note On Generic Kronecker Orbits Of Matrix Pencils With Fixed Rank. 30:491-496. 2008
- Low Rank Perturbation Of Weierstrass Structure. 30:538-547. 2008