sample of publications
- Predicting Air Traffic Flow Management hotspots due to weather using Convolutional Neural Networks. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 133. 2024
- Pre-tactical convection prediction for air traffic flow management using LSTM neural network. METEOROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS. 31. 2024
- Thunderstorm prediction during pre-tactical air-traffic-flow management using convolutional neural networks. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 241, 122466:1-14. 2023
- Fast 4D flight planning under uncertainty through parallel stochastic path simulation. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES. 148:1-18. 2023
- Performance impact assessment of reducing separation minima for en-route operations. Aerospace. 9:1-16. 2022
- Estimating entry counts and ATFM regulations during adverse weather conditions using machine learning. JOURNAL OF AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT. 95:102109-102120. 2021
- Robust Flight Planning Impact Assessment Considering Convective Phenomena. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES. 123:1-16. 2021
- Environmental benefits in terms of fuel efficiency and noise when introducing continuous climb operations as part of terminal airspace operation. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 14:903-913. 2020
- Influence of atmospheric uncertainty, convective indicators, and cost-index on the leveled aircraft trajectory optimization problem. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES. 120:102784-102803. 2020
- Characterization and enhancement of flight planning predictability under wind uncertainty. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2019:1-29. 2019
- Analyzing the departure runway capacity effects of integrating optimized continuous climb operations. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2019. 2019
- Collocation methods to minimum-fuel trajectory problems with required time of arrival in ATM. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems. 13:243-265. 2016
book chapters
conference contributions
- Neural Network based Convection Indicator for Pre-Tactical Air Traffic Flow Management 2020
- Probabilistic 4D Flight Planning in Structured Airspaces through Parallelized Simulation on GPUs. 1-8. 2020
- Data Driven Occupancy Prediction in Adverse Weather Conditions using Thunderstorm and Traffic Observations. 1-8. 2019
- ATM Performance Analysis considering Minimum Climatology Impact Trajectories 2017
- Robust Optimal Trajectory Planning under Uncertain Winds and Convective Risk. 82-103. 2017
- A Comparison of Optimal Control Methods for Minimum Fuel Cruise at Constant Altitude and Course with Fixed Arrival Time. 231-244. 2014