sample of publications
- Multidimensional domestic gender inequality and the global diffusion of women's ministries, 1975-2015.. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE SOCIOLOGY. 65:689-808. 2024
- Women in the New Labor Activism: Gender Trends in Attitudes Toward Unions. WORK AND OCCUPATIONS. 50:412-419. 2023
- Mind the gender gap: COVID-19 lockdown effects on gender differences in preprint submissions. PLoS One. 17:e0264265. 2022
- The Gender Mobility Paradox: Gender Segregation and Women"s Mobility Across Gender-Type Boundaries, 1970&-2018. GENDER & SOCIETY. 35:853-883. 2021
- The spiral of precariousness: unemployment, temporary and involuntary part-time in the young population, 2005-2021. Labos. Revista de Derecho del Trabajo y Protección Social. 2:141-150. 2021
- The crown: a survey about the Spanish monarchy. Political Research Exchange. 3:1938149-1-1938149-15. 2021
- Segregación ocupacional y actitudes hacia la desigualdad en el mundo rural, 2000-2018. Panorama Social. 125-139. 2020
- Women in Blue: Structural and Individual Determinants of Sex Segregation in Blue-Collar Occupations. GENDER & SOCIETY. 33:410-438. 2019
- Evaluation of anisotropic tangential conduction in printed-circuit-board heated-thin-foil heat flux sensors. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 127-A:1138-1146. 2018
- Different contexts and trends: Latina immigrant fertility in the US and Spain. INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION. 56:56-76. 2018
- Stopgappers? The Occupational Trajectories of Men in Female-Dominated Occupations. WORK AND OCCUPATIONS. 45:283-312. 2018
- Attrition from Male-dominated Occupations: Variation among Occupations and Women. SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES. 60:665-684. 2017
- WANTING MORE OR WANTING LESS? Mismatches between actual and preferred working hours in Spain, 2005-2014. Revista Internacional de Sociologia. 75. 2017
- The Scarring Effect of "Women's Work": The Determinants of Women's Attrition from Male-Dominated Occupations. SOCIAL FORCES. 93:1-29. 2014
- La brecha entre ricos y pobres: una reflexión sobre el incremento de la desigualdad en los países de la OCDE. Revista Espanola de Sociologia. 169-178. 2013
book chapters
- La juventud 10 años después del 15M. In: Informe sobre la democracia en España 2021. Fundación Alternativas (FA). 71-85. 2022
conference contributions
- Mind the gender gap: COVID-19 lockdown effects on gender differences in academic research 2021
- Mind the gender gap: COVID-19 lockdown effects on gender differences in research 2021
- Outsiders on the Inside? Gender Segregation in Online Communities 2021
- Outsiders on the Inside? Occupational Sex Segregation in Online Communities 2021
- Stopgappers? The occupational trajectories of men in female-dominated occupations 2016
- Stopgappers? The occupational trajectories of men in female-dominated occupations 2016
- Constrained choices. Occupational attributes and sextyped mobility in the labor market.(Oportunidades restringidas. Atributos ocupacionales y movilidad de género en el mercado de trabajo) 2013
- Constrained Choices, Occupational Attributes and Sex-Type Mobility in the Labor Market 2012
- What Do Women Look for? Occupational Attributes and Sex-Type Mobility in the Labor Market 2011