sample of publications
- Desing and comparison of bone substitutes. Study of in vivo behavior in a rabbit model. Revista Espanola de Cirugia Ortopedica y Traumatologia. 67. 2023
- Simple beam hardening correction method (2DCalBH) based on 2D linearization. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 67:1-13. 2022
- Tolerance to geometrical inaccuracies in CBCT systems: A comprehensive study. Medical Physics. 48:6007-6019. 2021
- Optimization design of a calibration for quantitative radiography. Medical Physics. 48:1039-1053. 2021
- Optimization of a calibration phantom for quantitative radiography. Medical Physics. 48. 2021
- Accelerated iterative image reconstruction for cone-beam computed tomography through Big Data frameworks. Future Generation Computer Systems. 106:534-544. 2020
- Simplified statistical image reconstruction for X-ray CT with beam-hardening artifact compensation. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 39:111-118. 2020
- XAP-Lab: A software tool for designing flexible X-ray acquisition protocols. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 177:243-252. 2019
- Enabling tomography with low-cost C-arm systems. PLoS ONE. 13. 2018
- Unsupervised CT lung image segmentation of a mycobacterium tuberculosis infection model. Scientific Reports. 8 (9802):1-10. 2018
- GPU-accelerated iterative reconstruction for limited-data tomography in CBCT systems.. BMC Bioinformatics. 19. 2018
- FUX-Sim: implementation of a fast universal simulation/reconstruction framework for X-ray systems. PLoS ONE. 12. 2017
- A Novel Prior- and Motion-Based Compressed Sensing Method for Small-Animal Respiratory Gated CT. PLoS ONE. 11:1-20. 2016
- Investigation of different sparsity transforms for the PICCS algorithm in small-animal respiratory gated CT. PLoS ONE. 10:1-18. 2015
- Surfing the optimization space of a multiple-GPU parallel implementation of a X-ray tomography reconstruction algorithm. Journal of Systems and Software. 95:166-175. 2014
- Dual-exposure technique for extending the dynamic range of X-ray flat panel detectors. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 59:421-439. 2014
- Misalignments calibration in small-animal PET scanners based on rotating planar detectors and parallel-beam geometry. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 57:7493-7518. 2012
- Software architecture for multi-bed FDK-based reconstruction in X-ray CT scanners. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 107:218-232. 2012
- Accuracy of CT-based attenuation correction in PET/CT bone imaging. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 57:2477-2490. 2012
- A SPECT scanner for rodent imaging based on small-area gamma cameras. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 57:2524-2531. 2010
conference contributions
- Multi-bed stitching tool for 3D computed tomography accelerated by GPU devices 2022
- New reconstruction methodology for chest tomosynthesis based on deep learning. 123042X-1-123042X-8. 2022
- Deep-learning based scatter correction in digital radiography 2021
- New method for correcting beam-hardening artifacts in CT images via deep learning. 188-192. 2021
- Compensación de radiación dispersa en radiografía digital a través del aprendizaje automático: resultados preliminares. 73-76. 2020
- Corrección del Artefacto de Truncamiento en TAC mediante Aprendizaje profundo. 285-288. 2020
- Efecto de los parámetros geométricos de adquisición en tomosíntesis digital lineal. 273-276. 2020
- Estimación del desplazamiento horizontal del detector en un sistema de rayos X utilizando aprendizaje por transferencia. 447-450. 2020
- Herramienta de pegado de múltiples camas para tomografía computarizada en 3D mediante dispositivos GPU. 85-88. 2020
- Método de calibración geométrica para tomosíntesis de tórax. 459-462. 2020
- Método de reconstrucción tomográfica con información a priori obtenida con aprendizaje profundo. 206-209. 2020
- New statistical reconstruction method for quantitative imaging in preclinical studies: preliminary results 2020
- Nuevo método para la obtención de imágenes TAC libres de endurecimiento de haz vía aprendizaje automático. 439-442. 2020
- Prior Information for CT reconstruction from thermal data. 474-477. 2020
- Segmentation-free statistical method for polyenergetic X-ray computed tomography with a calibration step. 118-121. 2020
- BoneAnalytics: software para cuantificación ósea en imágenes de TAC. 1-4. 2019
- Scatter Correction for planar radiography with a Beam-hole array: preliminary results 2019
- Simple respiratory gating method for low-dose small-animal CT studies: preliminary results 2019
- Surface reconstruction through thermal images to use it as prior information in iterative reconstruction algorithms. 107-110. 2019
- Calibration set-up for Dual Energy capabilities in a Real Advance Digital Radiography System 2018
- Calibration-free method for beam-hardening compensation: preliminary results 2018
- Método para la corrección de radiación dispersa a través de un beam-stopper en radiografía plana. 15-18. 2018
- Recovering density values on small animal X-ray imaging through beam hardening compensation: preliminary results 2018
- Respiratory gating method for low-dose small-animal CT studies: preliminary results. 173-176. 2018
- Setting up a low-cost C-arm for its use as a tomograph: preliminary results. 143-146. 2018
- Statistical Image Reconstruction with Sample-Based Beam-Hardening compensation for X-ray CT. 11-14. 2018
- Surface extraction with structured-light scanner for limited angle tomography 2018
- X-Ray Scatter correction in 2D radiography using a beam-stopper: a simulation study 2018
- Architecture for the Execution of Tasks in Apache Spark in Heterogeneous Environments. 504-515. 2017
- Calibration free method for beam hardening compensation: preliminary results 2017
- Corrección de artefacto por movimiento respiratorio para TAC de pequeño animal en estudios con bajas dosis de radiación. 247-250. 2017
- Corrección del efecto de endurecimiento basado en una linealización 2D. 529-532. 2017
- Extracción de superficie con escáner de luz estructurada para tomografía de ángulo limitado. 243-246. 2017
- Medical Imaging Processing on a Big Data Platform Using Python: Experiences with Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Architectures. 830-837. 2017
- Método para visualización simultánea en imagen de rayos X de tejidos de muy diferente densidad. 349-352. 2017
Sparse reconstruction
methods in X-ray CT 2017 - XAPLAB: software de diseño de protocolos de adquisición con equipos de rayos X. 37-40. 2017
- A software tool for the design and simulation of X-ray acquisition protocols. 323-326. 2016
- Architecture for the Execution of Tasks in Apache Spark in Heterogeneous Environments 2016
- Design and evaluation of a parallel and multi-platform cone-beam X-Ray simulation framework 2016
- Exploring a Distributed Iterative Reconstructor Based on Split Bregman Using PETSc. 191-200. 2016
- Geometric Calibration Workflow for High Resolution Cone Beam Micro-Computed Tomography. 1-3. 2016
- Nuevo algoritmo de corrección del artefacto de endurecimiento de haz exento de calibración. 2-4. 2016
- Propuesta Arquitectónica para la ejecución de tareas en Apache Spark para entornos heterogéneos.. 299-304. 2016
- Simple method for beam-hardening correction based on a 2D linearization function. 475-478. 2016
- Study of the possibilities of Surface-Constrained Compressed Sensing (SCCS) Method for Limited-View Tomography in CBCT systems. 491-494. 2016
- X-Ray Scatter Correction Method for Planar Radiography Based on a Beam Stopper: a Simulation Study 2016
- Setting up a C-arm for its use as a tomograph / Puesta a punto de un arco en C para su uso como tomógrafo. 134-137. 2015
- Evaluation of the effect of angular calibration accuracy in a C-arm for its use in tomography 2014
- Herramienta de segmentación de pulmón y de granulomas tuberculosos en imágenes de TAC 2014
- Iterative dual-energy material decomposition for slow kVp switching: a compressed sensing approach. 491-494. 2014
- Novel 4D image reconstruction for dynamic X-Ray computed tomography in slow rotating scanners 2014
- Parallel Implementation of a X-Ray Tomography Reconstruction Algorithm for High-Resolution Studies. 257-260. 2014
- Study of the implementation of dual energy decomposition in a real digital radiography system 2014
- Calibration of a C-arm X-Ray System for Its Use in Tomography. 245-248. 2013
- Parallel implementation of a X-ray tomography reconstruction algorithm based on MPI and CUDA. 217-222. 2013
- ¿Qué es una tomografía? 2013
- Complete Scheme for Beam Hardening Correction in Small Animal Computed Tomography. 3835-3838. 2012
- Evaluation of the effect of calibration accuracy in a C-arm for its use in tomography 2012
- Exploiting parallelism in a X-ray tomography reconstruction algorithm on hybrid multi-GPU and multi-core platforms. 867-868. 2012
- Investigation of Different Compressed Sensing Approaches for Respiratory Gating in Small Animal CT. 3344-3346. 2012
- Iterative Dual-Energy Raw Data Decomposition for Slow kVp Switching: a Feasibility Study. 473. 2012
- Paralelización de un algoritmo de reconstrucción tomográfica de rayos X para plataformas híbridas basadas en multi-GPU y multi-core 2012
- Un nuevo algoritmo para la reducción del artefacto de anillo en tomografía computarizada de pequeño animal 2012
- Automatic Monte-Carlo Based Scatter correction for X-ray Cone Beam CT using General Purpose Graphic Processing Units (GP-GPU): a Feasibility study. 3705-3709. 2011
- Corrección empírica de primer y segundo orden del artefacto de endurecimiento de haz en imágenes de micro-TAC. 433-436. 2011
- Implementación modular en GPU de un algoritmo de reconstrucción basado en FDK para tomografía de rayos X. 657-660. 2011
- Interfaz de usuario para la adquisición de datos, calibración y reconstrucción de imagen para tomógrafo SPECT de animales de laboratorio. 515-518. 2011
- Tomographic image reconstruction 2011
- X-ray and CT imaging 2011
- A Statistical Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Polyenergetic X-Ray CT: Preliminary Results on a Small Animal Scanner 2010