sample of publications
- Engineering sustainable digital transformation projects immune to technical debt. KYBERNETES. 53. 2024
- Digital transformation in organizational health and safety to mitigate Burnout Syndrome. Frontiers in Public Health. 11:1-13. 2023
- Agile Delphi methodology: A case study on how technology impacts burnout syndrome in the post-pandemic era. Frontiers in Public Health. 10. 2023
- Valuable business knowledge asset discovery by processing unstructured data. Sustainability. 14:1-24. 2022
- An instance-based-learning simulation model to predict knowledge assets evolution involved in potential digital transformation projects. Knowledge Management Research & Practice. 20:843-864. 2022
- Using system dynamics to teach about dependencies, correlation and systemic thinking on the software process workflows. IET Software. 15:351-364. 2021
- Smart occupational health and safety for a digital era and its place in smart and sustainable cities. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 18:8831-8856. 2021
- Exploring how the intangible side of an organization impacts its business model. KYBERNETES. 50:2790-2822. 2021
- Knowledge governance maturity assessment can help software engineers during the design of business digitalization projects. Journal of Software-Evolution and Process. 1-25. 2020
- Simulation of the software development process: an approximation using System Dynamics and the Larman Method. Innovación y Software. 1:39-57. 2020
- A methodology to manage oganizational procedures through ontologies. IEEE Access. 7:56244-56262. 2019
- Valence Matters in Judgments of Stock Accumulation in Blood Glucose Control and Other Global Problems. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making. 4:1-18. 2018
- Team Formation Using a Systems Thinking Approach. SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE. 35:369-385. 2018
- System dynamics and agent-based modelling to represent intangible process assets characterization. KYBERNETES. 47:289-306. 2018
- Strategic characterization of process assets based on asset quality and business impact. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS. 117:1720-1737. 2017
- Selecting a Software Elicitation Technique According to Layers of Knowledge and Preciseness: A Case Study. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 23:385-403. 2017
- An Agile Framework Definition for creating an engineering Massive Open Online Course from scratch. A case study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 32:2360-2373. 2016
- A Model of Biomimetic Process Assets to Simulate their Impact on Strategic Goals. INFORMATION SYSTEMS FRONTIERS. 1-18. 2016
- An Agile Framework Definition for Creating an Engineering Massive Open Online Course from Scratch: A Case Study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 32:2260-2273. 2016
- Uncovering hidden process assets: A case study. INFORMATION SYSTEMS FRONTIERS. 18:1041-1049. 2016
- Collaborative tools: computer science students' skills versus software industry needs. Journal of Software-Evolution and Process. 27:221-235. 2015
- Process Improvement from an Academic Perspective: How Could Software Engineering Education Contribute to CMMI Practices?. IEEE SOFTWARE. 31:90-96. 2014
- Knowledge management acquisition improvement by using software engineering elicitation techniques. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR. 30:721-730. 2014
- Foro profesional TIC: "El papel de la mujer en la profesión TIC". Novática. 4-5. 2012
- Foro profesional TIC: El papel de la mujer en la profesión TIC. Novática. 38:4-5. 2012
- Balancing software engineering education and industrial needs. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. 85:1607-1620. 2012
- Combining Software Engineering Elicitation Technique with the Knowledge Management Lifecycle. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research. 3:1-13. 2012
- Reverse Engineering and Software Products Reuse to Teach Collaborative Web Portals: A Case Study With Final-Year Computer Science Students. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION. 53:595-607. 2010
- Improving the Efficiency of Use of Software Engineering Practices using Product Patterns. INFORMATION SCIENCES. 180:2721-2742. 2010
book chapters
- ALTUS: A Process-Oriented, Knowledge Governance Maturity Model. In: Knowledge, People, and Digital Transformation. SPRINGER. 133-162. 2020
- Altus: A Process Oriented. Knowledge Governance Maturity Model. In: Knowledge, People, and Digital Transformation Approaches for a Sustainable Future. SPRINGER. 133-162. 2020
- Transactive Memory Systems. In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. IGI GLOBAL. 4736-4745. 2014
- Managing Tacit Knowledge to Improve Software Processes. In: Agile Estimation Techniques and Innovative Approaches to Software Process Improvement. IGI GLOBAL. 143-160. 2014
- Product Patterns to Support Knowledge Acquisition Management. In: Knowledge Discovery, Transfer, and Management in the Information Age. IGI GLOBAL. 20-39. 2014
- Analysis of Platforms for e-learning: A Proposal for Rapid Solutions in Specific Contexts. In: Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking. Information Science Reference. 22-34. 2009
- Patterns in the Field of Software Engineering. In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. Idea Group Publishing. 3032-3040. 2008
- Métodos y Técnicas Orientadas al Desarrollo de Trabajos de Investigación. CREATESPACE. 2013
- El Proceso de Gestión de la Configuración. Un Enfoque Práctico. CREATESPACE. 2013
conference contributions
- Jupyter: Aprendizaje interactivo y colaborativo del Lenguaje R 2022
- INDIGO: Industrial IoT Data Management and Control Platform based on Semantics. 4240-4246. 2020
- OPTYFY: Industrial IoT-Based Performance and Production Optimization Based on Semantics. 164-177. 2019
- System dynamics and agents-based simulation as tools for characterizing intangible process assets in organizations. 457-461. 2019
- System Dynamics and Agents-based simulation as tools for characterizing Intangible Assets in Organizations. 457-461. 2018
- Application of Software Engineering Techniques to provide a Formal, Repeatable Methodology to teach Programming in the Field of Statistics and Business. 7659-7668. 2016
- Balanced Scorecards Are Also Useful For Higher Education Institution Managemen. 2507-2516. 2016
- Metodología Lego® Serious Play® para mejorar la Participación y consolidar el Aprendizaje de Conceptos 2016
- Software Engineers must speak the Systemic Intangible Process Assets Language 2016
- Intangible Assets Management in the Software Industry 2014
- Propuesta para promover la soft skills entre alumnos de ingeniería informática 2014
- Smart Intangible Knowledge Assets Valuation. 862-867. 2014
- Guideline to Select Knowledge Elicitation Techniques. 374-384. 2013
- Product patterns for knowledge acquisition: Proposal and empirical validation 2013
- Project Planning Add-In based on Knowledge Reuse with Product Patterns. 13-19. 2013
- Los softskills de los nuevos profesionales de TI = Softskills of the New IT Professionals 2012
- Organizational Knowledge Management to Increase Productivity 2012
- Teaching Collaborative Web Tools at University: Does it Help Students to be Competitive in the Labor Market?. 5006-5015. 2012
- Enhancing Productivity Through Products and Knowledge Reuse 2011
- A Collaborative Framework to Support Software Process Improvement Based on the Reuse of Process Assets. 283-289. 2008
- Approaching Software Process Improvement to Organizations through the Reuse of their Processes and Products 2008
- Software Process Improvement Proposal Applying Six Sigma and Patterns 2008