sample of publications
- Fast parallel IGA-ADS solver for time-dependent Maxwell"s equations. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 151:36-49. 2023
- A Rigorous Code Verification Process of the Domain Decomposition Method in a Finite Element Method for Electromagnetics. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 0:1-11. 2023
- Strategies to parallelize a finite element mesh truncation technique on multi-core and many-core architectures. Journal of Supercomputing. 79:7648-7664. 2023
- Second-order Nédélec curl-conforming hexahedral element for computational electromagnetics. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 71:859 -868. 2023
- Tailored meshing for parallel 3D electromagnetic modeling using high-order edge elements. Journal of Computational Science. 63:1-12. 2022
- Standing-Wave Feeding for High-Gain Linear Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) Array. Sensors. 22:3089-3104. 2022
- 3D Magnetotelluric Modeling Using High-Order Tetrahedral Nédélec Elements on Massively Parallel Computing Platforms. Computers and Geosciences. 160:105030-105042. 2022
- Test-Driven Development of a Substructuring Technique for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Finite Periodic Structures. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 11:11619-11637. 2021
- Adaptive Semi-Structured Mesh Refinement Techniques for the Finite Element Method. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 11:3683-3702. 2021
- Study of accuracy of a non-conformal finite element domain decomposition method. Journal of Computational Physics. 429:1-16. 2021
- GPU Acceleration of a Non-Standard Finite Element Mesh Truncation Technique for Electromagnetics. IEEE Access. 8:94719-94730. 2020
- Ultrawideband Conical Log-Spiral Circularly Polarized Feed for Radio Astronomy. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 68:1995-2007. 2020
- A painless automatic hp-adaptive strategy for elliptic problems. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 178:1-22. 2020
- 3-D-Printed dielectric resonator antenna arrays based on standing-wave feeding approach. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 18:2180-2183. 2019
- Parallel 3-D marine controlled-source electromagnetic modelling using high-order tetrahedral Nédélec elements. Geophysical Journal International. 219:39-65. 2019
- Construction of higher-order curl-conforming finite elements and its assembly. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering. 29:1-7. 2019
- On the use of many-core machines for the acceleration of a mesh truncation technique for FEM. Journal of Supercomputing. 75:1686-1696. 2019
- A Nonstandard Schwarz Domain Decomposition Method for Finite-Element Mesh Truncation of Infinite Arrays. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 66:6179-6190. 2018
- Mesh-based multi-frontal solver with reuse of partial LU factorizations for antenna array. Journal of Computational Science. 18:132-142. 2017
- Posidonia: A Tool for HPC and Remote Scientific Simulations. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine. 57:166-177. 2016
- Second-Order Nedelec Curl-Conforming Prismatic Element for Computational Electromagnetics. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 64:4384-4395. 2016
- Analysis of Planar Microwave Devices Using Higher Order Curl-Conforming Triangular Prismatic Finite Elements. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 58:1794-1801. 2016
- Self-Adaptive hp Finite Element Method with Iterative Mesh Truncation Technique Accelerated with Adaptive Cross Approximation. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 71:1911-1932. 2016
- Verification Process of Finite-Element Method Code for Electromagnetics: Using the method of manufactured solutions. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine. 58:28-38. 2016
- High-accuracy adaptive modeling of the energy distribution of a meniscus-shaped cell culture in a Petri dish. Journal of Computational Science. 9:143-149. 2015
- 3D hp-adaptive finite element simulations of bend, step, and magic-T electromagnetic waveguide structures. Journal of Computational Science. 5:65-75. 2014
- Computational Performance of a Weighted Regularized Maxwell Equation Finite Element Formulation. Progress in electromagnetics research. 136:61-77. 2013
- A three-dimensional self-adaptive hp finite element method for the characterization of waveguide discontinuities. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 249-252:62-74. 2012
- 3D hp-Adaptive Finite Element Simulations of a Magic-T Electromagnetic Waveguide Structure. Procedia Computer Science. 9:1444-1453. 2012
- A comparison between pml, infinite elements and an iterative bem as mesh truncation methods for hp self-adaptive procedures in electromagnetics. Progress in Electromagnetics Research. 126:499-519. 2012
- Goal-oriented self-adaptive hp-strategies for Finite Element analysis of electromagnetic scattering and radiation problems. Progress in Electromagnetics Research. 125:459-482. 2012
- Convergence Study of a Non-Standard Schwarz Domain Decomposition Method for Finite Element Mesh Truncation in Electro-Magnetics. Progress in Electromagnetics Research. 120:439-457. 2011
- RCS Computation Using a Parallel in-core and out-of-core Direct Solver. Progress in Electromagnetics Research. 118:505-525. 2011
- Parallelizing a Hybrid Finite Element-Boundary Integral Method for the Analysis of Scattering and Radiation of Electromagnetic Waves. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 48:645-657. 2010
- An Interface between an hp-Adaptive Finite Element Package and the pre- and post-Processor GiD. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 46:328-338. 2010
- Energy-norm-based and goal-oriented automatic hp adaptivity for electromagnetics: application to waveguide discontinuities. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 56:3039-3049. 2008
- Fully Coupled Hybrid FEM-UTD Method Using NURBS for the Analysis of Radiation Problems. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 56:774-783. 2008
book chapters
- Energy-Norm-Based and Goal-Oriented Automatic hp Adaptivity for Electromagnetics: Application to Waveguide Discontinuities. In: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 3039-3049. 2008
- Fully Coupled Hybrid FEM-UTD Method Using NURBS for the Analysis of Radiation Problems. In: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 774-783. 2008
- Iterative and Self-Adaptive Finite-Elements in Electromagnetic Modeling. Artech House. 2008
conference contributions
- Incremento del engagement mediante estrategias de gamificación y seguimiento personalizado, con vista a una docencia semipresencial 2022
- Electromagnetic Finite Element Solver for HPC Environments using Direct Substructuring Method. 1186-1189. 2018
- Towards a Scalable hp Adaptive Finite Element Code Based on a Nonconformal Domain Decomposition Method. 436-439. 2018
- Analysis of Dispersion Error of Higher-Order Curl-Conforming Prismatic Finite Element. 1-3. 2017
- On the Design of Higher-Order Curl-Conforming Finite Elements and its Assembly Features. 1-3. 2017
- Higher Order Finite Element Method Simulator for Antenna Analysis. 1-4. 2016
- Higher order finite element method solver for the analysis of microwave devices in planar technology. 473-476. 2016
- Posidonia: a software tool for HPC scientific simulations 2016
- Posidonia: a tool for HPC and remote scientific simulations 2016
- Second-Order Nédélec Curl-Conforming Prism for Finite Element Computations 2016
- HOFEM: A higher order finite element method electromagnetic simulator. 10-12. 2015
- Aceleración mediante ACA de un código autoadaptativo hp para el análisis de problemas abiertos 2012
- HOBBIES: Higher Order Basis Based Integral Equation Solver 2012
- Some Spanish contributions to UHF dense arrays (SKA project) and THz imaging arrays. 247-250. 2012
- Automatic Goal Oriented Optimization Using Parallel Higher Order Basis Based Integral Equation Solver. 3917-3920. 2011
- Clusters de Alto Rendimiento para el Análisis de Problemas Electromagnéticos 2011
- An Interface for an hp-Adaptive Finite Element Package Using GiD 2008
- An hp Fourier-Finite-Element Framework with Electromagnetics and Multi- Physics Applications 2008
- Broadband DOA Estimation Using Realistic Antenna Arrays 2008
- Fully Coupled Multi-Hybrid FEM-MoM-PO Method for Scattering and Radiation Problems 2008
- GiDtohp: interfaz basada en preprocesador GiD para modelado geométrico con adaptatividad automática hp 2008
- Metodo Multi-Hıbrido FEM-MoM-PO para el analisis de problemas de dispersion y radiación 2008
- Metodo de elementos finitos hp con adaptabilidad automatica orientada a un objetivo para problemas abiertos en 2D 2008
- Recent Developments Regarding Finite Element Methods at the Radiofrequency (Group of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) 2008