Standing-Wave Feeding for High-Gain Linear Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) Array Articles uri icon

publication date

  • April 2022

start page

  • 3089

end page

  • 3104


  • 8


  • 22

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1424-8220


  • A novel feeding method for linear DRA arrays is presented, illuminating the use of the
    power divider, transitions, and launchers, and keeping uniform excitation to array elements. This
    results in a high-gain DRA array with low losses with a design that is simple, compact and inexpensive.
    The proposed feeding method is based on exciting standing waves using discrete metallic patches in
    a simple design procedure. Two arrays with two and four DRA elements are presented as a proof of
    concept, which provide high gains of 12 and 15 dBi, respectively, which are close to the theoretical
    limit based on array theory. The radiation efficiency for both arrays is about 93%, which is equal to
    the array element efficiency, confirming that the feeding method does not add losses as in the case of
    standard methods. To facilitate the fabrication process, the entire array structure is 3D-printed, which
    significantly decreases the complexity of fabrication and alignment. Compared to state-of-the-art
    feeding techniques, the proposed method provides higher gain and higher efficiency with a smaller
    electrical size.


  • Telecommunications


  • antenna array feeds; dielectric resonator antenna (dra); linear antenna arrays; standing; wave; high-gain antennas; high radiation efficiency; 3d printing