sample of publications
- Influence of Load Modeling on the Cost of Ensuring Stability Using TSCOPF. IEEE Access. 11:133329-133339. 2023
- Stability improvement of a transmission grid with high share of renewable energy using TSCOPF and inertia emulation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 34:3230-3237. 2022
- Evaluation of numerical methods for TSCOPF in a large interconnected system. IEEE Access. 10:70562 -70571. 2022
- Contribution of active management technologies to the reliability of power distribution networks. Applied Energy. 267:1-9. 2020
- Reliability assessment of distribution networks with optimal coordination of distributed generation, energy storage and demand management. Energies. 12:1-17. 2019
- Analytical methodology for reliability assessment of distribution networks with energy storage in islanded and emergency-tie restoration modes. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 107:735-744. 2019
- Analysis of Numerical Methods to Include Dynamic Constraints in an Optimal Power Flow Model. Energies. 12. 2019
- Enhanced auto-scaling incremental conductance MPPT method, implemented on low-cost microcontroller and SEPIC converter. Solar Energy. 180:152-168. 2019
- Optimization of the operation of a flywheel to support stability and reduce generation costs using a Multi-Contingency TSCOPF with nonlinear loads. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 104:69-77. 2019
- Optimal statistical calculation of power cables disposition in tunnels, for reducing magnetic fields and costs. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 103:360-368. 2018
- On the hydropower short-term scheduling of large basins, considering nonlinear programming, stochastic inflows and heavy ecological restrictions. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 97:408-417. 2018
- Optimal statistical calculation of underground cable bundles positions for time-varying currents. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 95:26-35. 2018
- Optimal Curtailment of Non-Synchronous Renewable Generation on the Island of Tenerife Considering Steady State and Transient Stability Constraints. Energies. 10:1926-1-1926-15. 2017
- Optimal Power Transmission of Offshore Wind Power Using a VSC-HVdc Interconnection. Energies. 10:1-16. 2017
- Multi-contingency TSCOPF based on full-system simulation. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution. 11:64-72. 2017
- Optimal scheduling of a hydro basin in a pool-based electricity market with consideration of transmission constraints. Electric Power Systems Research. 131:255-263. 2016
- Advanced application of transient stability constrained-optimal power flow to a transmission system including an HVDC-LCC link. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution. 9:1765-1772. 2015
- An integrated approach for optimal coordination of wind power and hydro pumping storage. Wind Energy. 17:829-852. 2014
- Maximum loadability of an isolated system considering steady-state and dynamic constraints. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 53:774-781. 2013
- On the short-term optimisation of a hydro basin with social constraints. Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering. 2:9-20. 2013
- Optimal re-dispatch of an isolated system considering transient stability constraints. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 44:728-735. 2013
- Optimal reactive power allocation in an offshore wind farms with LCC-HVdc link connection. Renewable Energy. 40:157-166. 2012
- Optimal operation of a pumped-storage hydro plant that compensates the imbalances of a wind power producer. Electric Power Systems Research. 81:1767-1777. 2011
- Optimal operation of offshore wind farms with line-commutated HVDC link connection. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. 25:504-513. 2010
- Delegated Dispatching of Wind Farms: An Optimal Approach Considering Continuous Control and Interruption Capabilities. Wind Energy. 12:332-347. 2009
- Reactive Power Response of Wind Generators Under an Incremental Network-Loss Allocation Approach. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. 23:612-621. 2008
book chapters
- Forecasting for storage management. In: Renewable energy forecasting: from models to applications. WOODHEAD PUBLISHING LIMITED. 309-323. 2017
- Coordination between wind farms and storage devices, technical and economics aspects. In: Handbook of Wind Power Systems. SPRINGER CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER GMBH. 591-622. 2014
- Wind Energy in Electricity Markets with High Wind Penetration. In: Electrical Power Research Trends. NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. 103-154. 2008
- Tools for the Effective Integration of Large Amounts of Wind Energy in the System. In: Optimization Advances in Electric Power Systems. NOVA PUBLISHERS. 113-150. 2008
- Wind Energy in Electricity Markets with High Wind Power Penetration. NUEVA YORK: NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. 2009
- Optimization Advances in Electric Power Systems. NUEVA YORK: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York Edited by Frank Columbus.. 2008
conference contributions
- Application of Linear Multi-step Methods to a Transient Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow Model. 1-6. 2020
- Economic Evaluation of Energy Storage used for Reliability Improvement in Distribution Networks 2019
- A Comparison of The Renewable Distributed Generation Models used in Reliability Assessment 2018
- An Analysis of the Energy Storage for Improving the Reliability of Distribution Networks 2018
- Comparative Implementation of Numerical Integration Methods for Transient Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow 2018
- On the operational optimization of large hydrological basins. 1028-1033. 2016
- Optimal geometric configurations for mitigation of magnetic fields of underground power lines. 1-6. 2015
- Optimal power flow with transient stability constraints. 1-5. 2011
- Economic Balances within a Delegate Dispatch of Renewable Generation 2008
- Learning through Projects: Adapting a Fundamental Subject to the Bologna Process 2008