Optimal reactive power allocation in an offshore wind farms with LCC-HVdc link connection
published in
- Renewable Energy Journal
publication date
- April 2012
start page
- 157
end page
- 166
- 1
- 40
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0960-1481
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1879-0682
- This paper addresses the optimal operation of an offshore wind farms (OWF), consisting of 120 wind turbines with doubly fed induction generators (DFIG) and a high voltage dc (HVdc) connection with the grid, using line commutated converters (LCC). For an optimal operation of the OWF, the distribution of the reactive power set points throughout the wind turbine generators must be optimal, in order to achieve minimum losses within the wind farm and the HVdc transmission system and therefore obtain the maximum production output. To accomplish this objective, an optimization formulation has been proposed which includes a complete model of the OWF and the LCC-HVdc, and the study of two different configurations. Simulation results show the advantages of using the reactive capability of the DFIG to achieve the optimal operation of the OWF.
- wind energy; optimization methods; doubly fed induction generator; high voltage dc transmission