sample of publications
- Evaluation of LLM Tools for Feedback Generation in a Course on Concurrent Programming. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 2024
- Analysis and Prediction of Students' Performance in a Computer-Based Course Through Real-Time Events. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 17:1754-1764. 2023
- ABENEARIO: A system for learning early maths with ABN. Education and Information Technologies. 28:12859-12881. 2023
- Evaluation of an Algorithm for Automatic Grading of Forum Messages in MOOC Discussion Forums. Sustainability. 13:1-18. 2021
- Analysing self-regulated learning strategies of MOOC learners through self-reported data. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 37:56-70. 2021
- An algorithm and a tool for the automatic grading of MOOC learners from their contributions in the discussion forum. Applied Sciences-Basel. 11:1-21. 2020
- Analyzing learners' engagement and behavior in MOOCs on programming with the Codeboard IDE. ETR&D-EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. 2505-2528. 2020
- Educational Technology in the Age of Natural Interfaces and Deep Learning. Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 15:26-33. 2020
- Educational Technology in the Age of Natural Interfaces and Deep Learning = La tecnología educativa en la era de las interfaces naturales y el aprendizaje profundo. Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 15:26-33. 2020
- Self-regulated learning in MOOCs: lessons learned from a literature review. EDUCATIONAL REVIEW. 72:319-345. 2020
- A learning analytics methodology for understanding social interactions in MOOCs. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 12:442-455. 2019
- Tecnología educativa en el grupo GAST-UC3M: Un septenio más tarde. Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa. 128-141. 2019
- Redesigning a Freshman Engineering Course to Promote Active Learning by Flipping the Classroom through the Reuse of MOOCs. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 35:385-396. 2019
- Analysing the predictive power for anticipating assignment grades in a massive open online course. BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. 37:1021-1036. 2018
- A study of learning-by-doing in MOOCs through the integration of third-party external tools: comparison of synchronous and asynchronous running modes. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 24:1015-1033. 2018
- Uncovering flipped-classroom problems at an engineering course on systems architecture through data-driven learning design. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 34:865-878. 2018
- Lostrego: a distributed stream-based infrastructure for the real-time gathering and analysis of heterogeneous educational data. JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. 100:56-68. 2017
- Understanding Learners' Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 18:119-137. 2017
- A methodology for improving active learning engineering courses with a large number of students and teachers through feedback gathering and iterative refinement. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN EDUCATION. 25:387-408. 2015
- MyLearningMentor: a mobile App to support learners participating in MOOCs. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 21:735-753. 2015
- Composing and scheduling service-oriented applications in time-triggered distributed real-time Java environments. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. 26:152-193. 2014
- An Algorithm for Peer Review Matching in Massive Courses for Minimising Students' Frustration. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 19:2173-2197. 2013
- Enhancing OSGi with real-time Java support. SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. 43:33-65. 2013
- Módulo empresarial para la validación formal de ejercicios aplicado a la programación concurrente en Java = Enterprise Module for Exercise Formal Validation applied on Java Concurrent Programming. Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial. 9:290-299. 2012
- A dual programming model for distributed real-time Java. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 7:750-758. 2011
- Non-functional information transmission patterns for distributed real-time Java. SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. 41:1409-1435. 2011
- A hybrid approach for selecting service-based real-time composition algorithms in heterogeneous environments. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. 23:1816-1851. 2011
- Extending the concurrency model of the real-time specification for Java. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. 23:1623-1645. 2011
- Fine tuning of the multiplexing facilities of Java's Remote Method Invocation. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. 23:1236-1260. 2011
- Real-time reconfiguration in multimedia embedded systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS. 57:1280-1287. 2011
- Course Quality Improvement using Mid-semester Feedback. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning. 3:366-376. 2011
- NO-Heap remote objects for distributed Real-Time Java. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. 10:1-25. 2010
- A Synchronous Scheduling Service for Distributed Real-Time Java. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS. 21:506-519. 2010
- Simple Asynchronous Remote Invocations for Distributed Real-Time Java. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 5:289-298. 2009
- QoS-Aware Real-Time Composition Algorithms for Service-Based Applications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 5:278-288. 2009
- Integrating Multiplexing Facilities in the Set of JRMP Subprotocols. IEEE Latin America Transactions. 7:107-113. 2009
conference contributions
- Recognizing the Value of Recognition in Education. 1-5. 2023
- Fomento de la asistencia a clase y de la participación en la evaluación continua mediante el uso de evaluación formativa y sumativa y de la metodología de revisión entre pares 2022
- Programming Teaching Interaction. 1965-1969. 2022
- Towards a Cloud-Based University Accelerated by the Pandemic. 1642-1649. 2021
- Application of learning analytics to study the accuracy of self-reported working patterns in self-regulated learning questionnaires. 1201-1205. 2020
- Design of a Smart ABN Device for Early Math Education. 1-6. 2020
- Making Educational Technology Invisible. 1922-1927. 2020
- What Can You Do with Educational Technology that is Getting More Human?. 1480-1487. 2019
- Sentiment analysis in MOOCs: A case study. 1489-1496. 2018
- The Hybridization Factor of Technology in Education. 1883-1889. 2018
- Boosting interaction with educational technology. 1763-1767. 2017
- From MOOCs to SPOCs... and from SPOCs to flipped classroom. 347-354. 2017
- Integration of external tools to Foster learner interaction in MOOCs: The example of codeboard. 1-10. 2017
- Reutilización de MOOCs en el aula para implementar "Clase Invertida". 21-28. 2017
- Analizando el papel de las redes sociales en un MOOC de introducción a la programación en Java. 660-665. 2016
- From software engineering to courseware engineering. 1122-1128. 2016
- From the classroom to a massive audience: a successful experience introducing programming with Java. 11-20. 2016
- Interactive activities: the key to learning programming with MOOCs. 319-328. 2016
- eMadrid project: MOOCs and learning analytics. 1-5. 2016
- Diseñando un MOOC en edX: introducción a la programación con Java: parte 1. 391-398. 2015
- Evaluación para el aprendizaje aplicando revisión entre iguales: caso de estudio en una asignatura de programación. 372-377. 2015
- Mixing and blending MOOC technologies with face-to-face pedagogies. 967-971. 2015
- A Multidimensional Analysis of Trends in Educational Technology. 395-398. 2014
- Adaptive planner for facilitating the management of tasks in MOOCs 2014
- Validación por la Comunidad Docente de una Metodología de Aprendizaje Activo para Cursos de Programación. 563-570. 2013
- A Bounded-time Service Composition Algorithm for Distributed Real-time Systems. 1413-1420. 2012
- Supporting Service Composition and Real-time Execution throught Characterization of QoS Properties. 110-117. 2011
- A Process for Improving Course Quality based on Mid-Semester Feedback. 379-386. 2010
- Simplifying the Dualizad Threading Model of RTSJ 2008
- Solutions for Supporting Composition of Service-Based Real-Time Applications 2008