sample of publications
- Electrospun Polyvinylpyrrolidone-Based Dressings Containing GO/ZnO Nanocomposites: A Novel Frontier in Antibacterial Wound Care. Pharmaceutics. 16. 2024
- Morphological, structural and luminescent characterization of Nd-doped ZnO nano- and microstructures grown by vapor-solid method. Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials. 299:1-9. 2024
- Temperature Sensing Properties of Biocompatible Yb/Er-Doped GdF3 and YF3 Mesocrystals. Journal of Functional Biomaterials. 15. 2024
- Simultaneous desalination and consolidation treatment through the application of electrokinetic techniques. Construction and Building Materials. 408, 133686:1-16. 2023
- Effect of lithium doping on structural, morphological and photocatalytic properties of Nd-doped ZnO. Ceramics International. 49:33513-3352. 2023
- ZnO-Based Materials: From Pauli's Nonsense to a Key Enabling Technology. Photonics. 10:1-14. 2023
- Evaluation of synthesis time in the growth of vertical-aligned MWCNTs by spray pyrolysis. MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION. 203:1-7. 2023
- The effect of composition and microstructure on the creep behaviour of 14 Cr ODS steels consolidated by SPS. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING. 849:1-8. 2022
- Influence of nanoscale defects on the improvement of photocatalytic activity of Ag/ZnO. MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION. 185:1-14. 2022
- In-situ electrochemical synthesis of inorganic compounds for materials conservation: Assessment of their effects on the porous structure. Ceramics International. 47:30406-30424. 2021
- ZnO Nanoparticles with Controllable Ce Content for Efficient Photocatalytic Degradation of MB Synthesized by Polyol Method. Catalysts. 11:1-20. 2021
- Development of New 14 Cr ODS Steels by Using New Oxides Formers and B as an Inhibitor of the Grain Growth. Metals. 10:1344. 2020
- Photocatalytic activity of electric-arc furnace flue dusts. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 9:1261-1272. 2020
- Electroprecipitation of Magnesium and Calcium Compounds for Weathering Protection of Ornamental Rocks. Crystal Growth and Design. 20:2337-2355. 2020
- Growth and characterisation of ZnO micro/nanostructures doped with cerium for photocatalytic degradation applications. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 820. 2020
- Morphological, structural, and functional properties of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes deposited on porous silicon layers by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 292. 2020
- Structural, optical and electrical behavior of zinc oxide/MWCNT composite thin films. OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS. 51(220):1-19. 2019
- New photocatalytic materials obtained from the recycling of alkaline and Zn/C spent batteries. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T. 8:2809-2818. 2019
- Influence of thermal treatment on the structural and optical properties of methoxy-substituted 2, 4-diphenyl quinoline. APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING. 125. 2019
- Synthesis and characterisation of spherical core-shell Ag/ZnO nanocomposites using single and two - steps ultrasonic spray pyrolysis (USP). CATALYSIS TODAY. 321:26-33. 2019
- Sol-gel synthesis of Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles: a comparative study of their antifungal activity in partially quaternized p(DMAEMA) nanocomposite films. JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 89:310-321. 2019
- Sol&-gel synthesis of Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles: a comparative study of their antifungal activity in partially quaternizedp(DMAEMA) nanocomposite films. JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 98:310-321. 2018
- Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocrystalline ZnO Doped with Al3+ and Ni2+ by a Sol-Gel Method Coupled with Ultrasound Irradiation. Crystals. 8. 2018
- Correlation between microstructure and cathodoluminescence properties of Mg(OH)(2) (brucite) nanoparticles: effect of synthesis method. CRYSTENGCOMM. 20:5632-5640. 2018
- The modification in the photo-physical properties via transformation of synthetic dihydrated Znq(2) to anhydrous (Znq(2))(4) tetramer by sublimation process. OPTICAL MATERIALS. 82:175-189. 2018
- The effect of ethanol on structural, morphological and optical properties of Li(I) 8-hydroxyquinoline phosphor. Journal of Luminescence. 192:1180-1190. 2017
- Synthesis, Photocatalytic, and Antifungal Properties of MgO, ZnO and Zn/Mg Oxide Nanoparticles for the Protection of Calcareous Stone Heritage. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 12:24873-24886. 2017
- Atomic scale study of the dehydration/structural transformation in micro and nanostructured brucite (Mg(OH)(2)) particles: Influence of the hydrothermal synthesis conditions. ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 28:61-72. 2017
- Compositional and structural dependence of up-converting rare earth fluorides obtained through EDTA assisted hydro/solvothermal synthesis. ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 28:73-82. 2017
- New nanomaterials for applications in conservation and restoration of stony materials: A review = Revisión de los nuevos nanomateriales para la conservación y restauración del material pétreo. MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCION. 67:1-18. 2017
- Preface of Special Issue: AMPT2015. ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 28:1-2. 2017
- Solvothermal synthesis of Ag/ZnO microinanostructures with different precursors for advanced photocatalytic applications. ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 28:83-92. 2017
- Structural and functional properties of ZnO thin films grown on Si substrates by air assisted USP method from non-aqueous solutions at low-temperature. ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 28:93-100. 2017
- The processing of optically active functional hierarchical nanoparticles. ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 28. 2017
- TEM-HRTEM study on the dehydration process of nanostructured Mg-Ca hydroxide into Mg-Ca oxide. Ceramics International. 42:9455-9466. 2016
- Application of magnesium hydroxide nanocoatings on cellulose fibers with different refining degrees. RSC Advances. 6:51583-51590. 2016
- PEG and PVP assisted solvothermal synthesis of NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ up-conversion nanoparticles. ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 27:845-853. 2016
- Solvothermal synthesis of Ag/ZnO and Pt/ZnO nanocomposites and comparison of their photocatalytic behaviors on dyes degradation. ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 27:983-993. 2016
- Optical and morpho-structural properties of ZnO nanostructured particles synthesized at low temperature via air-assisted USP method. APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING. 122. 2016
- A Spray Pyrolysis Method to Grow Carbon Nanotubes on Carbon Fibres, Steel and Ceramic Bricks. JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY. 15:2858-2864. 2015
- Aerosol-assisted processing of hierarchically organised TiO2 nanoparticles. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS & PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY. 50:221-229. 2015
- Directed growth of nanoarchitected hybrid phosphor particles synthesized at low temperature. ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 25:1442-1448. 2014
- Synthesis and morpho-structural characterization of nanostructured magnesium hydroxide obtained by a hydrothermal method. Ceramics International. 40:12285-12292. 2014
- Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic properties of nanostructured ZnO particles obtained by low temperature air-assisted-USP. ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 25:1435-1441. 2014
- Structural and Morphological Properties of Nanostructured ZnO Particles Grown by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis Method with Horizontal Furnace. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2014
- Effect of temperature and reaction time on the synthesis of nanocrystalline brucite. International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies. VI:50-54. 2014
- Special Issue on Evolution of Engineering, Technologies and Materials Preface (Guest Editors: Dumitru Nedelcu, Jerzy Swider, María Eugenia Rabanal Jiménez & Fiqiri Hodaj). INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS SCIENCES. 21:249-250. 2014
- Structural, morphological and up-converting luminescence characteristics of nanocrystalline Y₂O₃:Yb/Er powders obtained via spray pyrolysis. Ceramics International. 40:3089-3095. 2014
- Structural, morphological and luminescence properties of nanocrystalline up-converting Y₁.₈₉Yb₀.₁Er₀.₀₁O₃ phosphor particles synthesized through aerosol route. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 580:584-591. 2013
- TEM-STEM study of europium doped gadolinium oxide nanoparticles synthesized by spray pyrolysis. ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 24:864-870. 2013
- Evaluación de las propiedades luminiscentes y detección de Eu2+ en partículas nanoestructuradas del sistema Gd2-xEuxO3 (x=0.05, 0.10 y 0.30) = Evaluation of luminescent properties and detection of Eu2+ in nanostructured particles of Gd2-x EuxO3 system (x=0.05, 0.10 and 0.30). BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO. 51:255-260. 2012
- Synthesis of Cerium-Activated Yttrium Aluminate Based Fine Phosphors by an Aerosol Route. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 2012:2716-2724. 2012
- Milling Process of Petroleum Coke for Sintered Steel Applications. POWDER METALLURGY. 54:59-66. 2011
- Photoluminescent Properties of Nanostructured Y2O3:Eu3+ Powders obtained through Aerosol Synthesis. OPTICAL MATERIALS. 32:1606-1611. 2010
- Synthesis of Nanostructured Particles for Li-ion Cathodic and Anodic Materials obtained by Spray Pyrolysis. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO. 49:61-66. 2010
- Aerosol Route in Processing of Nanostructured Phosphor Materials. Processing and Application of Ceramics. 4:135-145. 2010
- Morphological, Structural and Electrochemical Properties of Lithium Iron Phosphates Synthesized by Spray Pyrolysis. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA. 55:2805-2809. 2010
- Nanostructured Alumina Particles Synthesized by the Spray Pyrolysis Method: Microstructural and Morphological Analyses. Ceramics International. 36:767-772. 2010
- Síntesis de partículas nanoestructuradas para materiales catódicos y anódicos obtenidos mediante Spray Prólisis = Synthesis of Nanostructured Particles for Li-ion Cathodic and Anodic Materials obtained by Spray Pyrolysis. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO. 49:61-66. 2010
- Aerosol Route in Processing of Nanostructured Functional Materials. KONA Powder and Particle Journal. 27:84-106. 2009
- Synthesis and Characterization of Rare Earth Oxide Nanostructured Particles Doped with Eu for Luminescent Applications Obtained by Aerosol Method. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO. 48:33-38. 2009
- Microstructural and Morphological Analysis of Nanostructured Alumina Particles Synthesized at Low Temperature Via Aerosol Route. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 28:2487-2494. 2008
- Aerosol sinteza i kakakterizacija manostrukturnih cestica na bazi Y3Al5O12:Ce3+IY2O3:Eu+3 = Aerosol Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostrutured Particles of Y3Al5O12:Ce3+and Y2O3:Eu3+. Hemijska Industrija. 61:101-108. 2008
- Síntesis y caracterización de cerámicas nanoestructuradas para baterías de litio-ión. UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO UPV/EHU. 2008
conference contributions
- The role of composition and microstructure on creep strength in a Ferritic ODS steel 2021
- The Role Of Composition And Microstructure On Creep Strength In A Ferritic ODS Steel 2019
- Photocatalyst based on hybrid nanostructures of metal oxides. 41-42. 2018
- Antifungal properties of MgO, ZnO and Mg/Zn Oxide nanoparticles for the protection of stone heritage 2016
- Neutron radiography as a tool for monitoring the effectiveness of consolidant nanomaterials applied to the stone heritage 2016
- Obtención y Caracterización del Sistema Híbrido ZnO/CNTs 2016
- Optical and morpho-structural properties of ZnO nanoparticles synthesized from aqueous solutions at low temperature by air-assisted-USP method 2016
- Structural and functional properties of ZnO/Si heterojunction structures fabricated by USP technique from non-aqueous solutions 2016
- Study of structural and optical properties of ZnAlQ5 (zinc aluminum quinolate) organic phosphor for OLED applications. 020453-020453. 2016
- Síntesis y caracterización de semiconductores nanoestructurados de óxidos metálicos (ZnO) dopados con tierras raras y metales de transición para aplicaciones fotocatalíticas 2016
- Síntesis y caracterización de sistemas híbridos basados en ZnO preparados mediante el método Spray Pirolisis (USP) para aplicaciones fotocatalíticas 2016
- Effect of the precursor concentration on the physic-chemical and optical properties of synthesized ZnO nanoparticles obtained by air-assisted USP 2015
- Hydro/solvo-thermal synthesis of surface modified NaYF4 co-doped Yb3+/Er3+ up-conversion nanoparticles. 20-20. 2015
- Innovative inorganic nanomaterial for the conservation of cultural heritage: consolidation and deacidification 2015
- Making nanomaterials suitable for conservation and restoration of cultural heritage 2015
- Novel hierarchical functional nanomaterials processed via bottom-up chemical approaches 2015
- Nuevos avances en el diseño de nanomateriales para la consolidación del patrimonio pétreo: evaluación de su efectividad en la dolomía de Laspra. 154-157. 2015
- PEG assisted hydrothermal synthesis of NaYF4:Yb3+, Er3+ nanoparticles. 65-65. 2015
- PVP-assisted solvothermal processing of hexagonal NaYF4: Yb3+, Er3+ nanoparticles 2015
- Studies on structural, optical and electrical properties of MOx:F (M: Zn, Sn) thin films prepared by air-assist 2015
- Well-known functional materials at nanometric scale to novel and singular applications 2015
- Influence of deposit temperature on the optical and Photocatalytic properties of Nanostructured ZnO particles obtained by USP method 2014
- Influence of thickness and precursor concentration on the structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of ZNO thin films deposited at low temperature by USP 2014
- Influencia en la actividad fotocatalítica de sistemas híbridos basados en ZnO 2014
- Luminescence of Y_2O_3:Sm3+ Nanopowders Prepared by Polyol Method 2014
- New consolidant product based on nanoparticles to preserve the dolomitic stone heritage 2014
- New nanomaterial of magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles for the conservation of stone heritage 2014
- Photocatalytic behavior of nanostructured systems based on Ag&ZnO synthesized by solvothermal method. 15. 2014
- Structural and morphological properties of nanostructured ZnO particles grown by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis method with hrizontal furnace 2014
- Surfactants asssted hydrothermal synthesis of NaYF4 co-coped Yb3+/Er3+ up-conversion nanoparticles 2014
- Synthesis and Characterization of Magnesium Hydroxide nanoparticles via hydrothermal method 2014
- Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured hybrid system of Ag&ZnO obtained by solvothermal method for photocatalytic application 2014
- Thermal characterization of composite materials exposed to fire: quantitative comparison between classic and infrared-nondestructive methods 2014
- Aerosol route as a feasible bottom-up chemical approach for up-converting phosphor particles processing. 852-857. 2013
- Growth of ZnO structures with different morphology by hexamethylenetetramine-hydrothermal method 2013
- Synthesis and luminescence properties of multifunctional Ag/Y2O3: Eu3+ hybrid nanostructures with zero dimension 2013
- Submicronic Ceramic Powders Prepared by Irradiation Microwave Techniques 2012
- TEM-STEM study of europium doped gadolinium oxide nanoparticles synthesized by spray pyrolysis. 864-870. 2012
- La2O3-Reinforced W and W-V alloys Produced by Hot Isostatic Pressing. 508-511. 2011
- La2O3-reinforced W and W&-V alloys produced by hot isostatic pressing. 508-511. 2011
- Mechanical Milling Process of aPetroleum Coke with Boric Acid for Lithium-Ion Batteries 2011
- Morphological and Structural Characterization of the Yttrium Aluminium Oxide-Based Phosphor Particles 2011
- Síntesis y Caracterización de partículas nanoestructuradas del sistema Li3Fe2(PO4)3 preparadas por métodos de baja temperatura 2011
- Ciencia y energías renovables para el desarrollo sostenible 2008
- Materiales nanoestructurados con propiedades electroquímicas obtenidos mediante técnicas de aerosol a bajas/intermedias temperaturas 2008
- Nanostructured Y2O3 and (Y1-xGdx) Particles Doped with Europim Synthesized by Aerosol Route 2008
- Proyecto Leonardo: Desing for PM "Una experiencia de enseñanza a distancia en el area de materiales (Pulvimetalúrgia)" 2008
- Síntesis y caracterización de cerámicas nanoestructuradas para baterías de litio-ión. 353-356. 2008
- Síntesis y caracterización de óxidos de tierras raras dopados con Eu con propiedades luminiscentes obtenidos mediante spray pirólisis. 537-540. 2008
- The Opportunities of the Ultrasonic Aerosol Route for the Synthesis of Rare Oxide Nanoparticles for Luminescent Applications 2008
- Ultrasonic Aerosol Route for the Synthesis of Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticle 2008
- YAG:Ce3+ Nanostructured Particles Obtained Via Spray Pyrolysis of Polymeric Precursor Solution 2008