sample of publications
- Lightweight Nanostructures of Cellulose Nanofibers and Ti3C2Tx MXenes for Their Application in Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. ACS Applied Engineering Materials. 1:1881-1891. 2023
- Tuning the electromagnetic shielding mechanism with nitrogen-doped graphene aerogels. ChemNanoMat. 9:1-10. 2023
- Mechanism of morphology development in HDGEBA/PAMS hybrid thermosets: Monte Carlo simulation and LSCM study. Polymers. 14:1-17. 2022
- Photocatalytic Behavior of Supported Copper Double Salt: The Role of Graphene Oxide. Journal of Chemistry. 2022:1-9. 2022
- Chitosan as a Tool for Sustainable Development: A Mini Review. Polymers. 14:1475-1502. 2022
- Concentration Effect over Thermoresponse Derived from Organometallic Compounds of Functionalized Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-dopamine Methacrylamide). Polymers. 13:1-17. 2021
- Facile and Rapid decoration of graphene oxide with copper double salt, oxides and metallic copper as catalysts in oxidation and coupling reactions. CARBON. 161:7-16. 2020
- Effect of polysulfone brush functionalization on thermo-mechanical properties of melt extruded graphene/polysulfone nanocomposites. CARBON. 151:84-93. 2019
- Modulating the electromagnetic shielding mechanisms by thermal treatment of high porosity graphene aerogels. CARBON. 147:27-34. 2019
- High ampacity carbon nanotube materials. Nanomaterials. 9:1-19. 2019
- Jet Milling as an Alternative Processing Technique for Preparing Polysulfone Hard Nanocomposites. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2019
- H2O2/UV layer-by-layer oxidation of multiwall carbon nanotubes: The "onion effect" and the control of the degree of surface crystallinity and diameter. CARBON. 139:1027-1034. 2018
- Electromagnetic shielding materials in GHz range. CHEMICAL RECORD. 18:1000-1009. 2018
- Magneto-Mechanical Surfaces Design. CHEMICAL RECORD. 18:1010-1019. 2018
- Effect of nitrogen and oxygen doped carbon nanotubes on flammability of epoxy nanocomposites. CARBON. 121:193-200. 2017
- The effect of polymer grafting in the dispersibility of alumina/polysulfone nanocomposites. MACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH. 25:11-20. 2017
- Nanoindentation and wear behavior of thermally stable biocompatible polysulfone-alumina nanocomposites. RSC Advances. 6:100239-100247. 2016
- High porosity scaffold composites of graphene and carbon nanotubes as microwave absorbing materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 4:8575-8582. 2016
- Carbon nanotube scaffolds with controlled porosity as electromagnetic absorbing materials in the gigahertz range. Nanoscale. 8:10724-10730. 2016
- Mezclas asfálticas con betunes modificados con nanotubos de carbono. Diseño y propiedades. Carreteras. 20-30. 2016
- Critical examination of chemically modified hybrid thermosets: Synthesis, characterization and mechanical behavior in the plateau regime of polyaminosiloxane-nitrile-DGEBA. POLYMER. 69:178-185. 2015
- Advanced self-healing asphalt composites in the pavement performance field: mechanisms at the nano level and new repairing methodologies. Recent Patents on Nanotechnology. 9:43-50. 2015
- Interfacial characterization of epoxy/silica nanocomposites measured by fluorescence. EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL. 62:31-42. 2015
- Fluorescence probes the early formation of network at the interface of epoxy-silica nanocomposite during curing. MATERIALS LETTERS. 137:460-463. 2014
- Carbon nanotube-Cu hybrids enhanced catalytic activity in aqueous media. CARBON. 78:10-18. 2014
- gamma-Alumina Modification with Long Chain Carboxylic Acid Surface Nanocrystals for Biocompatible Polysulfone Nanocomposites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 6:14460-14468. 2014
- Ultra-light carbon nanotube sponge as an efficient electromagnetic shielding material in the GHz range. Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters. 8:698-704. 2014
- Synergistic effect of magnetite nanoparticles and carbon nanofibres in electromagnetic absorbing composites. CARBON. 74:63-72. 2014
- An efficient method for the carboxylation of few-wall carbon nanotubes with little damage to their sidewalls. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 140:499-507. 2013
- Magnetic nanocomposites based on hydrogenated epoxy resin. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 132:618-624. 2012
- Interphases in Graphene Polymer-based Nanocomposites: Achievements and Challenges. ADVANCED MATERIALS. 23:5302-5310. 2011
- Molecular probe technique for determining local thermal transitions: The glass transition at Silica/PMMA nanocomposite interfaces. POLYMER. 51:4891-4898. 2010
- Preparation of cycloaliphatic epoxy hybrids with non-conventional amine-curing agent. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY. 103:717-723. 2010
- Synthesis of Novel Nanoreinforcements for Polymer Matrices by ATRP: Triblock Poly(rotaxan)s based in Polyethyleneglycol End-Caged with poly (Methyl Methacrylate). POLYMER. 50:5884-5891. 2009
- Compression Elastic Modulus of Neutral, Ionic, and Amphoteric Hydrogels Based on N-Vinylimidazole. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. 47:1078-1087. 2009
- The Effect of Surface Modification of Silica Microfillers in an Epoxy Matrix on the Thermo-mechanical Properties. JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 22:1443-1459. 2008
book chapters
- Porous carbon nanotube frameworks for electromagnetic interference shielding. In: Porous Nanocomposites for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding 2024
- Carbon nanotube composites as electromagnetic shielding materials in GHz range. In: Carbon nanotubes - current progress of their polymer composites. INTECH. 2016
- Spectroscopic analysis of epoxy/thermoplastic blends. In: Handbook of Epoxy Blends. Springer International Publishing. 1-30. 2016
- Applications of FTIR on Epoxy Resins: Identification, Monitoring the Curing Process, Phase Separation and Water Uptake. In: Infrared Spectroscopy: Materials Science, Engineering and Technology. INTECH. 261-284. 2012
- Fluorescence of Polymers at Interfaces: Polymerization, Relaxations, and Imaging. In: Reviews in Fluorescence 2010. SPRINGER. 311-347. 2010
conference contributions
- Low-cost broadband ultrasound emitters based on high power diode lasers and PDMS composite films for ultrasound imaging 2019
- Laser generated ultrasound by using high power diode lasers and PDMS composite films for ultrasound imaging. 67-68. 2018
- TiO2-GO, effect Over PVDF Piezoelectricity: Light and Flexible Pressure Sensors. 63-63. 2018
- To2-Go Effect Over PVDF Piezoelectricity: Light and Flexible Presure Sensors. 63-63. 2018
- Chemically modified hybrid thermosets: elastic behavior in the plateau regime of polyaminosiloxane-nitrile-DGEB 2016
- High porosity Graphene/Fe3O4 scaffolds for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. 271-271. 2016
- Self-healing of asphalt mixes, containing conductive modified bitumen, using microwave heating 2016
- High porosity graphene/CNT hybrid scaffold with excellent electromagnetic interference shielding 2015
- Influence in the morphology of Epoxy/PSU blends for modified RGO with PSU brushes. 1-2. 2015
- Mezclas asfálticas con betunes modificados con nanotubos de carbono. Diseño y propiedades 2015
- Biotin oriented metal self-assembled microstructures 2012
- An Alternative Method for Obtaining Good Dispersions and Orientation of Mwcnts in an Aerospace Epoxy Resin 2011
- Dgeba and Liquid Crystalline Epoxy Correacted Networks: Synthesis and Curing Kinetics by Fluorencence and Ft-Nir Techniques 2008
- Interfacial Phenomena in Silica/Epoxy Hybrid Nanocomposites 2008
- Novel Triblock Polyrotaxanes Sunthesised by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization 2008
- Surface Modification of Polyrotaxanes as Nanoreinforcement in Epoxy Resin 2008
- Tenacidad en resinas epoxi modificadas con cristales líquidos epoxi: efecto del agente entrecruzante 2008
- The Early Crosslinking Process in Fluorescent Epoxy Systems by Confocal Microscopy 2008