Innovative Pressure Sensor Platform and Its Integration with an End-User Application Articles uri icon

publication date

  • June 2014

start page

  • 10273

end page

  • 10291


  • 14


  • 6

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1424-8220


  • This paper describes the fully integration of an innovative and low-cost pressure sensor sheet based on a bendable and printed electronics technology. All integration stages are covered, from most low-level functional system, like physical analog sensor data acquisition, followed by embedded data processing, to end user interactive visual application. Data acquisition embedded software and hardware was developed using a Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP). Finally, after first electronic prototype successful testing, a Taylor-made electronics was developed, reducing electronics volume to 3.5 cm × 6 cm × 2 cm with a maximum power consumption of 765 mW for both electronics and pressure sensor sheet.


  • Robotics and Industrial Informatics


  • systems integration; pressure sensor; bendable sensor; rapid control prototyping; embedded software; end-user application