publication venue for Corrigendum to 'Microstructural stability of secondary phases in an ODS ferritic steel after thermal aging at 873 K' [Materials Characterization 207 (2024) 113517] (Materials Characterization (2024) 207, (S1044580323008768), (10.1016/j.matchar.2023.113517)). 207. 2024 Microstructural stability of secondary phases in an ODS ferritic steel after thermal aging at 873 K. 207:113517-1-113517-10. 2024 Evaluation of synthesis time in the growth of vertical-aligned MWCNTs by spray pyrolysis. 203:1-7. 2023 Microstructural, chemical, and mechanical characterization of extruded Al-Cu-Li rods. 203:1-14. 2023 Influence of nanoscale defects on the improvement of photocatalytic activity of Ag/ZnO. 185:1-14. 2022 Unsupervised machine learning in fractography: Evaluation and interpretation. 182:1-12. 2021 The effect of microstructure and strain rate on the 25 degrees C and 700 degrees C compression deformation behavior of powder metallurgy processed Ti-45Al-2Nb-2Mn (at.%)-0.8 TiB2 (vol%) alloy. 172:110856-110871. 2021 Electron microscopy and atom probe tomography of nanoindentation deformation in oxide dispersion strengthened steels 2020 Characterisation of ODS Fe-14Cr-2W-0.3Ti before and after high temperature triple and low temperature single ion irradiations. 136:318-330. 2018 Molybdeno-Aluminizing of Powder Metallurgy and Wrought Ti and Ti-6Al-4Valloys by Pack Cementation process. 118:494-504. 2016 Effect of processing conditions on microstructural features in Mn&-Si sintered steels. 95:105-117. 2014 Characterization of 430L porous supports obtained by powder extrusion moulding for their application in solid oxide fuel cells. 86:108-115. 2013 Surface phenomena during the early stages of sintering in steels modified with Fe-Mn-Si-C master alloy. 86:80-91. 2013 Influence of Sintering Parameters on the Properties of Powder Metallurgy Ti-3Al-2.5V Alloy. 84:48-57. 2013 Serrated flow in powder metallurgy Al-5%Mg-1.2%Cr alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing. 73:16-30. 2012 Application of EIS to the Study of Corrosion Behaviour of Sintered Ferritic Stainless Steels Before and After High-Temperature Exposure. 59:32-39. 2008