publication venue for
- A novel automatic-dependent surveillance-broadcast patch antenna for aircraft tracking. 64:2125-2293. 2022
- Intelligent reflecting surface-assisted terahertz communication towards B5G and 6G: State-of-the-art. 65:858-866. 2022
- Optically reconfigurable planar monopole antenna for cognitive radio application. 61:1110-1115. 2019
- A novel monofilar-Archimedean metamaterial inspired leaky-wave antenna for scanning application for passive radar systems. 60:2055-2060. 2018
- Triple-band planar dipole antenna for omnidirectional radiation. 60:1048-1051. 2018
- Analysis of Planar Microwave Devices Using Higher Order Curl-Conforming Triangular Prismatic Finite Elements. 58:1794-1801. 2016
- New compact printed leaky-wave antenna with beam steering. 58:215-217. 2015
- UWB antenna based on SCRLH-TLs for portable wireless devices. 58:69-71. 2015
- The resonating MTM-based miniaturized antennas for wide-band RF-microwave systems. 57:2339-2344. 2015
- Compact antenna based on a composite right/left-handed transmission line. 57:1785-1788. 2015
- Optical properties of carbon nanotube thin films in subterahertz frequency regime. 56:1895-1898. 2014
- The natural resonant singularity expansion method (SEM) poles for a dielectric sphere in various environments. 56:690-694. 2014
- A study of transmission of RF signal with single conductor wire. 56:124-127. 2014
- Microwave Tunable Notch Filter Based on Liquid Crystal Using Spiral Spurline Technology. 55:2420-2423. 2013
- A study of wideband pulse shape distortion due to presence of obstacles. 55:1618-1622. 2013
- In-axis reception by polarization discrimination in a modulating-retroreflector-based free-space optical communication link. 54:2520-2522. 2012
- Analysis of transient wave propagation in an arbitrary frequency-dispersive media using the associated Laguerre functions in the FDTD-MOD method. 54:925-930. 2012
- Dual-band printed dipole antenna loaded with open complementary split-ring resonators (OCSRRs) for wireless applications. 54:1014-1017. 2012
- Photonic synthesis of continuous-wave millimeter-wave signals using a passively mode-locked laser diode and selective optical filtering. 54:1416-1419. 2012
- Super-Dense Array Emulating the Human Eye Vision Properties. 51:2954-2959. 2009