sample of publications
- Delving into the relationship between regular physical exercise and cardiac interoception in two cross-sectional studies. Neuropsychologia. 198:1-9. 2024
- Pushed by Sound: Effects of Sound and Movement Direction on Body Perception, Experience Quality, and Exercise Support. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 31:1-36. 2024
- Understanding and treating body image disturbances in eating disorders through body illusion interventions: a scoping review protocol. Systematic Reviews. 13:1-9. 2024
- Body x Materials @ CHI: Exploring the intersections of body and materiality in a full-day workshop. Interactions (Interactions). 2024
- You, me, and us: Maintaining self-other distinction enhances coordination, agency, and affect. iScience. 26:1-15. 2023
- Pain Level and Pain-Related Behaviour Classification Using GRU-Based Sparsely-Connected RNNs. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 17:677-688. 2023
- Exploring multisensory integration of non¿naturalistic sounds on body perception in young females with eating disorders symptomatology: a study protocol. Journal of Eating Disorders. 11:1-15. 2023
- Body weight distortions in an auditory-driven body illusion in subclinical and clinical eating disorders. Scientific Reports. 12:1-17. 2022
- Investigating psychological variables for technologies promoting physical activity. Digital Health. 8:1-29. 2022
- Eye movements and eating disorders: protocol for an exploratory experimental study examining the relationship in young¿adult women with subclinical symptomatology. Journal of Eating Disorders. 10:1-8. 2022
- Effects of pitch and musical sounds on body¿representations when moving with sound. Scientific Reports. 12:1-20. 2022
- Action Sounds Informing Own Body Perception Influence Gender Identity and Social Cognition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15. 2021
- The Perceived Match Between Observed and Own Bodies, but Not Its Accuracy, Is Influenced by Movement Dynamics and Clothing Cues. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15:1-14. 2021
- Use of a real-life practical context changes the relationship between implicit body representations and real body measurements. Scientific Reports. 11:1-15. 2021
- A transdisciplinary collaborative journey leading to sensorial clothing. CoDesign. 16:311-327. 2020
- Author Correction: Perceived match between own and observed models' bodies: influence of face, viewpoints, and body size. Scientific Reports. 10:1-1. 2020
- Perceived match between own and observed models' bodies: influence of face, viewpoints, and body size. Scientific Reports. 10:1-18. 2020
- Arousing the sound: A field study on the emotional impact on children of arousing sound design and 3D audio spatialization in an audio story. Frontiers in Psychology. 11:1-19. 2020
- Altering one's body-perception through e-textiles and haptic metaphors. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 7. 2020
- Auditory-induced body distortions in children and adults. Scientific Reports. 10. 2020
- Enriching footsteps sounds in gait rehabilitation in chronic stroke patients: a pilot study. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2019
- Audio-tactile cues from an object's fall change estimates of one's body height. PLoS ONE. 13:1-20. 2018
- Listening to a conversation with aggressive content expands the interpersonal space. PLoS ONE. 13:1-13. 2018
- Author Correction: Embodiment in a child-like talking virtual body influences object size perception, self-identification, and subsequent real speaking. Scientific Reports. 8:1-2. 2018
- Generic HRTFs May be Good Enough in Virtual Reality. Improving Source Localization through Cross-Modal Plasticity. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12. 2018
- Embodiment in a child-like talking virtual body influences object size perception, self-identification, and subsequent real speaking. Scientific Reports. 7:1-12. 2017
- Contingent sounds change the mental representation of one's finger length. Scientific Reports. 7:1-11. 2017
- Bodily sensory inputs and anomalous bodily experiences in complex regional pain syndrome: evaluation of the potential effects of sound feedback. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 11:1-16. 2017
- Corrigendum: Action sounds modulate arm reaching movements. Frontiers in Psychology. 7:1-1. 2016
- Auditory-Induced Emotion Mediates Perceptual Categorization of Everyday Sounds. Frontiers in Psychology. 7:1-6. 2016
- What do your footsteps sound like? An investigation on interactive footstep sounds adjustment. Applied Acoustics. 111:77-85. 2016
- Action sounds modulate arm reaching movements. Frontiers in Psychology. 7:1-14. 2016
- Multimodal Contributions to Body Representation. Multisensory Research. 29:635-661. 2016
- Emotion-inducing approaching sounds shape the boundaries of multisensory peripersonal space. Neuropsychologia. 70:468-475. 2015
- Sonification of Surface Tapping Changes Behavior, Surface Perception, and Emotion. IEEE Multimedia. 22:48-57. 2015
- Plasticity in Unimodal and Multimodal Brain Areas Reflects Multisensory Changes in Self-Face Identification. Cerebral Cortex. 25:46-55. 2015
- The pleasant heat? Evidence for thermal-emotional implicit associations occurring with semantic and physical thermal stimulation. Cognitive Neuroscience. 6:24-30. 2015
- Balancing the "inner" and the "outer" self: Interoceptive sensitivity modulates self&-other boundaries. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 143:736-744. 2014
- Bodily ownership and self-location: Components of bodily self-consciousness. Consciousness and Cognition. 22:1239-1252. 2013
- Embodying an outgroup: the role of racial bias and the effect of multisensory processing in somatosensory remapping. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 7. 2013
- Active and passive-touch during interpersonal multisensory stimulation change self&-other boundaries. Consciousness and Cognition. 22:1352-1360. 2013
- It feels like it's me: Interpersonal multisensory stimulation enhances visual remapping of touch from other to self.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 39:630-637. 2013
- Human emotional response to steering wheel vibration in automobiles. International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration. 9:109-128. 2013
- The person in the mirror: Using the enfacement illusion to investigate the experiential structure of self-identification. Consciousness and Cognition. 21:1725-1738. 2012
- The different faces of one's self: An fMRI study into the recognition of current and past self-facial appearances. NeuroImage. 63:1720-1729. 2012
- Looking into myself: Changes in interoceptive sensitivity during mirror self‐observation. Psychophysiology. 49. 2012
- Beyond the colour of my skin: How skin colour affects the sense of body-ownership. Consciousness and Cognition. 21:1242-1256. 2012
- The Other in Me: Interpersonal Multisensory Stimulation Changes the Mental Representation of the Self. PLoS ONE. 7. 2012
- Action sounds recalibrate perceived tactile distance. Current Biology. 22:R516-R517. 2012
- Emoacoustics: A Study of the Psychoacoustical and Psychological Dimensions of Emotional Sound Design. Journal of The AES. 60:21-28. 2012
- Whole-body vibration influences on sound localization in the median plane. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 224:1311-1320. 2010
- When room size matters: Acoustic influences on emotional responses to sounds. Emotion. 10:416-422. 2010
- Embodied auditory perception: The emotional impact of approaching and receding sound sources.. Emotion. 10:216-229. 2010
- Auditory&-somatosensory multisensory interactions are spatially modulated by stimulated body surface and acoustic spectra. Neuropsychologia. 47:195-203. 2009
- Emotional bias for the perception of rising tones. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 123. 2008
- Binaural bone-conducted sound in virtual environments: Evaluation of a portable, multimodal motion simulator prototype. Acoustical Science and Technology. 29:149-155. 2008
- Self-Representation in Mediated Environments: The Experience of Emotions Modulated by Auditory-Vibrotactile Heartbeat. CYBERPSYCHOLOGY & BEHAVIOR. 11. 2008
book chapters
- Sensing the body through sound. In: The Routledge Handbook of Bodily Awareness. TAYLOR AND FRANCIS. p. 230-p. 246. 2022
- Principles for Designing Body-Centered Auditory Feedback. In: Wiley Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction. WILEY. 371-404. 2018
conference contributions
- Body Transformation: An Experiential Quality of Sensory Feedback Wearables for Altering Body Perception. 1-19. 2024
- Co-Designing Sensory Feedback for Wearables to Support Physical Activity through Body Sensations. 1-31. 2024
- SoniWeight Shoes: Investigating Effects and Personalization of a Wearable Sound Device for Altering Body Perception and Behavior 2024
- Towards a Minimalist Embodied Sketching Toolkit for Wearable Design for Motor Learning. 1-7. 2024
- Body x Materials: A workshop exploring the role of material-enabled body-based multisensory experiences. 1-7. 2023
- Design Resources in Movement-based Design Methods: a Practice-based Characterization. 871-888. 2023
- Joakinator: An Interface for Transforming Body Movement and Perception through Machine Learning and Sonification of Muscle-Tone and Force. 1-4. 2023
- On Futuring Body Perception Transformation Technologies: Roles, Goals and Values. 169-181. 2023
- Technology, Movement, and Play Is Hampering and Boosting Interactive Play. 231-234. 2023
- WorkShop Joakinator: An Interface for Transforming Body Movement and Perception through Machine Learning and Sonification of Muscle-Tone and Force 2023
- As light as your footsteps: design and evaluation of a portable device for changing body perception through a sound illusion. 1083-1092. 2022
- Exploring the Design Space for Body Transformation Wearables to Support Physical Activity through Sensitizing and Bodystorming. 1-9. 2022
- Fine Virtual Manipulation with Hands of Different Sizes. 304-309. 2021
- Rethinking the Senses: A Workshop on Multisensory Embodied Experiences and Disability Interactions. 1-5. 2021
- SoniBand: Understanding the Effects of Metaphorical Movement Sonifications on Body Perception and Physical Activity. 1-16. 2021
- Soniband: Understanding the efects of metaphorical movement sonifications on body perception and physical activity. 1-16. 2021
- Altering body perception and emotion in physically inactive people through movement sonification. 489-495. 2019
- As light as you aspire to be: Changing body perception with sound to support physical activity. 1-14. 2019
- Magic lining: crafting multidisciplinary experiential knowledge by changing wearer's body-perception through vibrotactile clothing. 186-196. 2019
- "Touch the Sound": Tangible Interface for Children Music Learning and Sound Experimentation 2018
- Designing a gesture-sound wearable system to motivate physical activity by altering body perception 2018
- Magic lining: an exploration of smart textiles altering people's self-perception 2018
- Mind the Gap: A SIG on Bridging the Gap in Research on Body Sensing, Body Perception and Multisensory Feedback. 1092-1095. 2016
- Musically Informed Sonification for Chronic Pain Rehabilitation: Facilitating Progress & Avoiding Over-Doing. 5698-5703. 2016
- Third workshop on full-body and multisensory experience. 962-967. 2016
- Using sound in multi-touch interfaces to change materiality and touch behavior 2014
- Working with the television on: an investigation into media multitasking 2014