sample of publications
- Why do majoritarian systems benefit the right? Income groups and vote choice across different electoral systems. Political Science Research and Methods. 12. 2024
- The 2023 Spanish general elections and the fourth Sánchez cabinet: A successful gamble for the left?. Mediterranean Politics. 1-14. 2024
- Voting for trade protectionist parties: Evidence from nine waves of the European Social Survey. EUROPEAN UNION POLITICS. 25:527-548. 2024
- The nationalisation of subnational elections in polarised Spain: the May 2023 regional and local elections. South European Society and Politics. 1-27. 2024
- Overlapping polarization: On the contextual determinants of the interplay between ideological and affective polarization. ELECTORAL STUDIES. 84. 2023
- Overlapping polarization: On the contextual determinants of the interplay between ideological and affective polarization. ELECTORAL STUDIES. 84. 2023
- The strategic determinants of legislative malapportionment in new democracies. ELECTORAL STUDIES. 81:1-9. 2023
- Electoral systems and ideological voting. European Political Science Review. 14:463-481. 2022
- Cordons sanitaires or tainted coalitions? The electoral consequences of populist participation in government. PARTY POLITICS. 28:889-902. 2022
- Construyendo bloques: la promiscuidad política online en tiempos de polarización en España = Building Blocks: Online Political Promiscuity in Times of Polarization in Spain. Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas. 61-82. 2022
- Territorial Polarisation after Radical Parties' Breakthrough in Spain. South European Society and Politics. 27:51-73. 2022
- Socioeconomic heterogeneity and party system fragmentation. Journal of Elections Public Opinion and Parties. 33:377-397. 2020
- Voting after the change: a natural experiment on the effect of electoral reform on party system fragmentation. INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW. 41:271-286. 2020
- The Politics of Committee Chairs Assignment in Ireland and Spain. PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS. 72:182-201. 2019
- Determinants of legislative committee membership in proportional representation systems. PARTY POLITICS. 24:524-535. 2018
- The impact of intraparty electoral reforms on party system nationalization. PUBLIUS-THE JOURNAL OF FEDERALISM. 48:191-216. 2018
- Do European Parliament Elections Impact National Party System Fragmentation?. COMPARATIVE POLITICAL STUDIES. 51:447-476. 2018
- The effect of valence and ideology in campaign conversion: panel evidence from three Spanish general elections. PUBLIC CHOICE. 175:155-179. 2018
- Attempts to reform the electoral system in Spain: the role of experts. Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy. 16:1-19. 2017
- Elecciones Municipales en España: La Personalización del Voto = Local elections in Spain. The personalization of voting behavior. Revista Internacional de Sociologia. 75. 2017
- Ticket-splitting in mixed-member systems: on the importance of seat linkage between electoral tiers. WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS. 40:584-597. 2017
- Allocating campaign effort in Spain: evidence from four general elections. South European Society and Politics. 121:243-262. 2016
- Elecciones municipales en España: un análisis multinivel de los determinantes individuales y contextuales del voto = Local elections in Spain: a multilevel analysis of the individual and contextual determinants of voting. Revista de Estudios Politicos. 172:47-82. 2016
- Economy, type of government, and strategic timing of elections: calling opportunistic early elections in OECD democracies. WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS. 2015
- Staying in the First League: Parliamentary Representation and the Electoral Success of Small Parties. Political Science Research and Methods. 3:187-204. 2015
- The international diffusion of electoral systems: The spread of mechanisms tempering proportional representation across Europe. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL RESEARCH. 54:384-410. 2015
- Electoral systems and the Sheriff of Nottingham: Determinants of disproportionality in new and established democracies. PARTY POLITICS. 21:222-233. 2015
book chapters
- Moving beyond the economy: executive approval in Spain. In: Economics and politics revisited. Executive approval and the new calculus of support. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. 181-203. 2023
- Turnout. In: The Oxford handbook of Spanish politics. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. 2020
- La competición política en las Islas Baleares, 1983-2015. De las demandas descentralizadoras a la importancia de la corrupcion. In: En busca del poder territorial : cuatro décadas de elecciones autonómicas en España. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES SOCIOLOGICAS (CIS). 93-114. 2019
- Commitee systems in Portugal and Spain. In: The Iberian legislatures in comparative perspective. Routledge. 1-18. 2019
- La batalla en la derecha española. In: Informe sobre la Democracia en España 2018. FUNDACION ALTERNATIVAS. 53-69. 2019
- Elecciones municipales en España (1979-2011): las dimensiones del voto. In: La elección directa del alcalde. Reflexiones, efectos y alternativas. 105-139. 2015
- Electoral and party systems in Europe. In: Routledge Handbook of European Politics. TAYLOR AND FRANCIS. 2015
- La participación en las elecciones de 2008: factores micro y macro. In: Elecciones generales 2008. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES SOCIOLÓGICAS. 175-206. 2010