sample of publications
- Using a privacy-enhanced authentication process to secure IoT-based smart grid infrastructures. Journal of Supercomputing. 80:1668-1693. 2023
- ECG Identification Based on the Gramian Angular Field and Tested with Individuals in Resting and Activity States. Sensors. 23. 2023
- ELEKTRA: ELEKTRokardiomatrix application to biometric identification with convolutional neural networks. Neurocomputing. 506:37-49. 2022
- Defending Industry 4.0: An Enhanced Authentication Scheme for IoT Devices. IEEE Systems Journal. 16:4501-4512. 2022
- ECGsound for human identification. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 72, part B:1-10. 2022
- Zephyrus: An information hiding mechanism leveraging Ethereum data fields. IEEE Access. 9:118553-118570. 2021
- RSEAP2: An enhanced version of RSEAP, an RFID based authentication protocol for vehicular cloud computing. Vehicular Communications. 1-14. 2021
- A true random number generator based on gait data for the Internet of You. IEEE Access. 8:71642-71651. 2020
- Access control for implantable medical devices. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. 1-13. 2020
- Closed-loop deep brain stimulation based on a stream-clustering system. Expert Systems with Applications. 126:187-199. 2019
- Non-linear dynamics analysis of resting tremor for demand-driven deep brain stimulation. Sensors. 19. 2019
- Design and Analysis of a True Random Number Generator Based on GSR Signals for Body Sensor Networks. Sensors. 19. 2019
- Non-linear dynamical analysis of resting tremor for demand-driven deep brain stimulation. Sensors. 19:1-16. 2019
- Guest editorial. Electronic Library. 37. 2019
- ECG-RNG: a random number generator based on ECG signals and suitable for securing wireless sensor networks. Sensors. 18:1-15. 2018
- Real-time electrocardiogram streams for continuous authentication. Applied Soft Computing Journal. 68:784-794. 2018
- Effect of attacker characterization in ECG-based continuous authentication mechanisms for Internet of Things. Future Generation Computer Systems. 81:67-77. 2018
- Encryption by Heart (EbH)-Using ECG for time-invariant symmetric key generation. Future Generation Computer Systems. 77:136-148. 2017
- Alpha band disruption in the AD-continuum starts in the subjective cognitive decline stage: a MEG study. Scientific Reports. 1-11. 2016
- Non-invasive multi-modal human identification system combining ECG, GSR, and airflow biosignals. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering. 35:735-748. 2015
- Human identification using compressed ECG signals. Journal of Medical Systems. 39. 2015
- A fuzzy inference system for closed-loop deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Medical Systems. 1-11. 2015
- Security and privacy issues in implantable medical devices: A comprehensive survey. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 55:272-289. 2015
- Resting tremor classification and detection in Parkinson's disease patients. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 16:88-97. 2015
conference contributions