sample of publications
- Open Conversational LLMs do not know most Spanish words. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 2024
- Enabling seamless migration of optical metro-urban networks to the multi-band: Unveiling a cutting-edge 6D planning tool for the 6G era. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 16. 2024
- Understanding the Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Writing: Metadata to the Rescue. COMPUTER. 57. 2024
- On clustering coherent optics point-to-multipoint trees for cost-effective bandwidth assignment in MANs. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 15:999-1007. 2023
- Network traffic analysis under emerging beyond-5G scenarios for multi-band optical technology adoption. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 15:f36-f47. 2023
- Toward end-to-end latency management of 5G network slicing and fronthaul traffic (Invited paper). OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY. 76:1-9. 2023
- Is your FPGA bitstream Hardware Trojan-free? Machine learning can provide an answer. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE. 128:1-11. 2022
- All-optical aggregation and distribution of traffic in large metropolitan area networks using multi-Tb/s S-BVTs. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 14:316-326. 2022
- Optimizing Learned Bloom Filters: How Much Should Be Learned?. IEEE Embedded Systems Letters. 123-126. 2022
- Learning EPON delay models from data: A machine learning approach. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 13:322-330. 2021
- Voting margin: A scheme for error-tolerant k nearest neighbors classifiers for machine learning. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. 9:2089-2098. 2021
- Comprehensive model for technoeconomic studies of next-generation central offices for metro networks. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 12:414-427. 2020
- Decentralized Coordination of Converged Tactile Internet and MEC services in H-CRAN Fiber Wireless Networks. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 38:4935-4947. 2020
- SDN-enabled S-BVT for Disaggregated Networks: Design, Implementation and Cost Analysis. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 38:3037-3043. 2020
- A techno-economic study of optical network disaggregation employing open-source software business models for metropolitan area networks. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 58:40-46. 2020
- Analysis of a hybrid Fixed-Elastic DBA with guaranteed fronthaul delay in XG(s)-PONs. Computer Networks. 164:1-13. 2019
- Machine learning-based routing and wavelength assignment in software-defined optical networks. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 16:871-883. 2019
- Machine-Learning based analysis and classification of Android malware signatures. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 97:295-305. 2019
- 5G New Radio Fronthaul Network Design for eCPRI-IEEE 802.1CM and Extreme Latency Percentiles. IEEE Access. 7:82218-82230. 2019
- Meeting the traffic requirements of residential users in the next decade with current FTTH standards: How much? How long?. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 57:120-125. 2019
- CloneSpot: Fast detection of Android repackages. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 94:740-748. 2019
- Design and analysis of 5G scenarios with simmer: an R package for fast DES prototyping. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 56:145-151. 2018
- Android Malware Characterization Using Metadata and Machine Learning Techniques. Security and Communication Networks (discontinued). 2018:1-11. 2018
- Fronthaul network modeling and dimensioning meeting ultra-low latency requirements for 5G. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 10:573-581. 2018
- Salary Prediction in the IT Job Market with Few High-Dimensional Samples: A Spanish Case Study. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 11:1192-1209. 2018
- Delay analysis of mixed fronthaul and backhaul traffic under strict priority queueing discipline in a 5G packet transport network. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 28:1-9. 2017
- Towards a unified fronthaul-backhaul data plane for 5G The 5G-Crosshaul project approach. COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES. 51:56-62. 2017
- Oversubscription dimensioning of next-generation PONs with different service levels. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. 20:1341-1344. 2016
- Network Planning for Dual Residential-Business Exploitation of Next-Generation Passive Optical Networks to Provide Symmetrical 1 Gb/s Services. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 8:249-262. 2016
- An overview of the CPRI specification and its application to C-RAN-based LTE scenarios. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 54:152-159. 2016
- Provisioning 1 Gb/s symmetrical services with next-generation passive optical network technologies. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 54:72-77. 2016
- Packet Coalescing Strategies for Energy Efficient High-Speed Communications Over Plastic Optical Fibers. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 7:253-263. 2015
- Dissecting the protocol and network traffic of the OnLive cloud gaming platform. MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS. 20:451-470. 2014
- p-Cycle configuration possibilities over DRDA networks. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 26:1086-1095. 2014
- On the effect of sudden data bursts in the upstream channel of Ethernet PONs employing IPACT under the gated-service discipline. Optical Switching and Networking. 13:94-102. 2014
- Troubleshooting PON networks effectively with carrier-grade ethernet and WDM-PON. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 52:S7-S13. 2014
- On the tweet arrival process at Twitter: analysis and applications. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 25:273-282. 2014
- On providing mobility management in WOBANs: integration with PMIPv6 and MIH. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 51:172-181. 2013
- Buffer Design Under Bursty Traffic with Applications in FCoE Storage Area Networks. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. 17:413-416. 2013
- Performance analysis of Energy Efficient Ethernet on video streaming servers. Computer Networks. 57:599-608. 2013
- Analysis and simulation of a delay-based service differentiation algorithm for IPACT-based PONs. PHOTONIC NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS. 24:228-236. 2012
- Study of the potential energy savings in Ethernet by combining Energy Efficient Ethernet and Adaptive Link Rate. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 23:227-233. 2012
- Failure propagation in GMPLS optical rings: CTMC model and performance analysis. Optical Switching and Networking. 9:39-51. 2012
- Towards an energy efficient 10 Gb/s optical ethernet: performance analysis and viability. Optical Switching and Networking. 8:131-138. 2011
- Characterization of the busy-hour traffic of IP networks based on their intrinsic features. Computer Networks. 55:2111-2125. 2011
- Analysis of delay mean and variance of collision-free WDM rings with segment recirculation of blocked traffic. PHOTONIC NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS. 21:278-287. 2011
- Improving Energy Efficiency in IEEE 802.3ba High-Rate Ethernet Optical Links. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS. 17:419-427. 2011
- On Providing Metro Ethernet Services over Transparent WDM Optical Rings. IEEE NETWORK. 25:14-19. 2011
- Multilayer Traffic Engineering for IP Over WDM Networks Based on Bayesian Decision Theory. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 8:515-519. 2010
- Burst Transmission for Energy-Efficient Ethernet. IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING. 14:50-57. 2010
- A Reliability Analysis of Double-Ring Topologies with Dual Attachment Using p-Cycles for Optical Metro Networks. Computer Networks. 54:1328-1341. 2010
- On Local CAC Schemes for Scalability of High-Speed Networks. Journal of Networks. 5:225-229. 2010
- On the Blocking Time Distribution of Core OBS Switches. PHOTONIC NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS. 18:314-322. 2009
- Performance Evaluation of Energy Efficient Ethernet. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. 13:697-699. 2009
- Assembly Admission Control Based on Random Packet Selection at Border Nodes in Optical Burst-Switched Networks. PHOTONIC NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS. 18:39-48. 2009
- Performance Evaluation and Design of Polymorphous OBS Networks with Guaranteed TDM Services. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 27:2495-2505. 2009
- Analysis of Blocking Probability of Data Bursts with Continuous-Time Variable Offsets in Single-Wavelength OBS Switches. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 26:1559-1568. 2008
conference contributions
- Designing Metadata for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Academia 2024
- A Comparative Study on Shared Precomputed Restoration and Shared Backup Path Protection in EONs 2022
- A Comparison Study on Different Data sets for Span-level QoT Regression in EONs 2022
- A Novel Approach for Joint Analytical and ML-assisted GSNR Estimation in Flexible Optical Network 2022
- Applications of Machine Learning Techniques for What-if Analysis and Network Overload Detection 2022
- Assessing the Impact of Membership Inference Attacks on Classical Machine Learning Algorithms 2022
- Latency-aware network architectures for 5G backhaul and fronthaul. 1-3. 2022
- Link and Network-wide Study of Incoherent GN/EGN Models 2022
- Autonomous SDN-based Global Concurrent Restoration for High-Capacity Optical Metro Networks 2021
- Dimensioning Flex Ethernet Groups for the transport of 5G NR fronthaul traffic in C-RAN scenarios. 1-3. 2021
- Enabling dynamic all optical IP off-loading at Tb/s rates in large Metro Networks 2021
- Learned Bloom Filters in Adversarial Environments: A Malicious URL Detection Use-Case. 1-6. 2021
- Load-aware Optimal Association for 5G Mobile Users in HetNets with S-BVT Backhaul. 1-3. 2021
- On the cloudification of Metropolitan Area Networks: Impact on cost and energy consumption. 330-338. 2021
- Learning from data: applications of machine learning in optical network design and modeling 2020
- Tradeoffs in optical packet and circuit transport of fronthaul traffic: the time for SBVT? 2020
- Why should telcos invest on open-source software for optical WDM disaggregation? 2020
- Machine Learning-assisted Planning and Provisioning for SDN/NFV-enabled Metropolitan Networks. 438-442. 2019
- Netgen: A fast and scalable tool for the generation and labeling of networking datasets. 1-4. 2019
- Optical Interconnection of CDN Caches with Tb/s Sliceable Bandwidth-Variable Transceivers featuring Dynamic Restoration. 69-72. 2019
- Spectrum/Space Switching and Multi-Terabit Transmission in Agile Optical Metro Networks. 1-3. 2019
- Elastic Networks thematic network results II: edge computing and wireless support 2018
- Is Machine Learning Suitable for Solving RWA Problems in Optical Networks? 2018
- Machine-Learning-Assisted Routing in SDN-Based Optical Networks 2018
- SDN-based Multi-Core Power-over-Fiber (PoF) System for 5G Fronthaul: Towards PoF Pooling. 1-3. 2018
- SignatureMiner: A fast Anti-Virus signature intelligence tool 2018
- SignatureMiner: A fast Anti-Virus signature intelligence tool [póster] 2018
- Delay analysis of fronthaul traffic in 5G transport networks 2017
- POSTER: insights of antivirus relationships when detecting Android malware: a data analytics approach. 1778-1780. 2016
- Packet switching fabrics and applicability of 802.1p to transport 5G fronthaul traffic 2016
- Android malware detection from Google Play meta-data: Selection of important features. 701-702. 2015
- A Bloom Filter-Based Monitoring Station for a Lawful Interception Platform. 214-228. 2014
- Heuristics for PON-based 5G backhaul design. 1-2. 2014
- Multicast service for ultraflow access networks. 1-6. 2013
- Using transparent WDM metro rings to provide an out-of-band control network for OpenFlow in MAN. 1-4. 2013
- A First Measurement Study of Online Cloud Gaming 2012
- A note on potential energy savings by extending the average cycle times in Passive Optical Networks. 1-4. 2012
- An empirical study of Cloud Gaming. 1-2. 2012
- Managing delay in the access. 1-8. 2012
- A Middleware Architecture for Designing TV-Based Adapted Applications for the Elderly. 443-449. 2011
- Energy-aware Flow Allocation Algorithm for Energy Efficient Ethernet Networks 2011
- New Insights from the Analysis of Free Flow Vehicular Traffic in Highways. 1-9. 2011
- Study of a Hybrid OCDMA-WDM Segmented Ring for Metropolitan Area Networks. 83-88. 2011
- A CTMC-based characterisation of the propagation of errors in GMPLS Optical Rings 2010
- Influencia de las condiciones de procesado en las propiedades mecánicas y magnéticas de ferritas Ni-Zn fabricadas mediante moldeo por inyección de polvos. 75-80. 2009