sample of publications
- Development of powders of Ti-Fe-Sn ultrafine eutectics for laser additive manufacturing. Powder Technology. 404:1-12. 2022
- Novel high entropy alloys as binder in cermets: From design to sintering. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 99:1-10. 2021
- Design and production of a new feconicralcu high-entropy alloy: Influence of powder production method on sintering. Materials. 14:4342-4359. 2021
- Understanding the links between the composition-processing-properties in new formulations of heas sintered by sps. Metals. 11:1-15. 2021
- Microstructure evolution in a fast and ultrafast sintered non-equiatomic Al/Cu HEA. Metals. 11:1-16. 2021
- Powder metallurgy and high-entropy alloys: update on new opportunities. Powder Metallurgy. 63:227-236. 2020
- Influence of the processing route on the properties of Ti(C,N)-Fe15Ni cermets. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 87:1-9. 2020
- High-entropy alloys fabricated via powder metallurgy. A critical review. Powder Metallurgy. 62:84-114. 2019
- Understanding of wetting and solubility behavior of Fe binder on Ti(C,N) cermets. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 770:17-25. 2019
- Influence of carbon content on microstructure and properties of a steel matrix cermet. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 75:78-84. 2018
- Steel binder cermets processed by combination of colloidal processing and powder metallurgy. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 74:1-6. 2018
- Mechanical characterization of Ti(C,N)-based cermets fabricated through different colloidal processing routes. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 732:806-817. 2018
- Processing of a new high entropy alloy: AlCrFeMoNiTi. Powder Metallurgy. 61:258-265. 2018
- Novel colloidal approach for the microstructural improvement in Ti(C,N)/FeNi cermets. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 724:327-338. 2017
- Characterization of interfaces between TiCN and iron-base binders. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 63:32-37. 2017
- Study of the Fe-Ti/W system for joining applications in high-temperature fusion reactor components. Fusion Engineering and Design. 108:48-54. 2016
- Influence of heat treatment on the high temperature oxidation mechanisms of an Fe-TiCN cermet. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 591:72-79. 2014
- High Temperature Transformations in a Steel-TiCN cermet. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 41:115-120. 2013
- Procesamiento coloidal de compuestos metalocerámicos en base Fe con alto contenido de refuerzo cerámico Ti(C,N) = Colloidal processing of Fe-based metalceramic composites with high content of ceramic reinforcement. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio. 52:247-250. 2013
- Influence of carbon content on the sinterability of an FeCr matrix cermet reinforced with TiCN. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 36:283-288. 2013
- Microstructural development and mechanical properties of iron based cermets processed by pressureless and spark plasma sintering. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 538:28-34. 2012
book chapters
- Sintering of high entropy alloys: processing and properties. In: Encyclopedia of materials: metals and alloys. ELSEVIER INC.. 362-371. 2022
conference contributions
- Design of alternative binders for hard materials. 1-13. 2020
- Influence of the processing route on the properties of Ti(C,N)-Fe15Ni cermets 2019
- Influence of the processing route on the properties of Ti(C,N)-Fe15Ni cermets 2019
- Influence of the colloidal processing route on the mechanical properties of Ti(C,N)-based cermets. 1-12. 2017
- Aleaciones de alta entropía como matriz metálica alternativa en cermets 2016
- Estudio de fatiga térmica de cermets base hierro. 565-570. 2015
- Estudio de la intercara en materiales compuestos tipo cermet para el diseño de matrices metálicas alternativas. 571-576. 2015
- Estudio de la intercara en materiales compuestos tipo cermet para el diseño de matrices metálicas alternativas 2015
- FGM Stainless steel-Ti(CN) cermets through colloidal processing. 143-152. 2015
- Interface characterization of an Fe-matrix cermet 2015
- Interface study for the design of alternative matrixes in cermets 2015
- Interface study for the design of alternative matrixes in cermets 2015
- Potencial de las técnicas coloidales para el procesamiento de polvos metálicos finos. Casos de estudio Fe-Si 2015
- Searching new matrixes in cermets: high entropy alloys 2015
- Study of the system Fe-Ti/W for high temperature applications 2015
- Combination of Colloidal Techniques and Powder Metallurgy for Processing Fe-Ti(C,N) Cermets 2014
- Design of complex granules for the dispersion of ceramic nanoparticles into a metallic matrix based on the manipulation of the colloidal chemistry of the surfaces in aqueous suspensions 2014
- New PM Approach for Processing Fine Iron and Steel Powders. 147-152. 2014
- Obtención de cermets (Fe-Ti(C,N) por combinación de técnicas coloidales y pulvimetalúrgicas 2014
- Ti(C,N)-Based cermets with Fe matrix processed by combination of colloidal processing and powder metallurgy 2014
- Refining the microstructure of a Fe matrix cermet reinforced with TiCN by mechanical milling 2013
- Wettability between iron matrix and TiCN reinforcement of cermets at high temperature 2013
- Estudio de la resistencia a oxidación de un cermet matriz hierro reforzado con TiCN: comparación con materiales comerciales. 1-10. 2012
- Oxidation Behavior Of A Fe Matrix Cermet Reinforced With Ti(C,N). Influence Of Heat Treatments. 89-94. 2012
- Microstructural Analysis of an Iron-Based Cermet Reinforced with TiCN. 157-163. 2011
- Study of Phase Transformations in a Steel Matrix Composite by Mechanical Spectroscopy 2011
- Influence of Matrix Composition on the Sinterability and Properties of Fe-Based Cermets Reinforced with TiCN Particles. 457-464. 2010
- Influencia del contenido de carbono en el procesado y propiedades de un cermet de matriz FeCr reforzados con TiCN. 273-282. 2010
- Effect of Carbon Content on the PM Processing and Properties of FeCr-TiCN Composites. 209-215. 2009