sample of publications
- Some reflections on the standard of review in the experience of the ESAs Joint Board of Appeal and of the SRB Appeal Panel. European Company and Financial Law Review. 19:950-970. 2023
- Central banks and climate change (Part 1). Does climate change fit into central banks" mandates?. Business & Finance Law Review. 6:214-259. 2023
- Central banks and climate change (Part 2). Can central banks intervene now? And how? Arguments of 'opportunity" and 'suitability". Business and Finance Law Review. 6:260-320. 2023
- Responsabilidad de los supervisores financieros y las autoridades de resolución en España. Civitas. Revista española de derecho administrativo. 109-154. 2022
- Banking Union's accountability system in practice : a health check-up to Europe's financial heart. European Law Journal. 28:1-31. 2022
- Non-performing loans (NPLs) and asset management companies (AMCs). The need for a mature debate on banking sector restructuring in Europe. Revista General de Insolvencias & Restructuraciones. 167-214. 2021
- The EMU and Its Multi-Level Constitutional Structure: The Need for More Imaginative 'Dialogue" Among and Across EU and National Institutions. Legal Issues of Economic Integration. 47:311-336. 2020
- Reconciling legal certainty in corporate divisions with respect for civil law remedies: Case C-394/18 I.G.I. Srl v. Maria Grazia Cicenia. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law. 27:358-378. 2020
- Monetary policy judicial review by 'hysteron proteron'? In praise of a judicial methodology grounded on facts and on a sober and neutral appraisal of (ex ante) macro-economic assessments. EU LAW LIVE. 2020
- Bank resolution and creditor distribution: the tension shaping global banking &- Part II: The cross-border dimension. University of Miami Business Law Review. 28:245-296. 2020
- Law and practice of financial appeal bodies (ESAs Board of Appeal, SRB Appeal Panel): a view from the inside. COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW. 57:119-160. 2020
- Bank resolution and creditor distribution: the tension shaping global banking &- Part I: "External and intra-group funding" and "Ex ante planning v. Ex post execution" dimensions. University of Miami Business Law Review. 28:1-87. 2020
- Law and practice of financial appeal bodies (ESAs' Board of Appeal, SRB Appeal Panel): a view from the inside. COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW. 57:119-160. 2020
- International insolvency issues of delocalized structures with special purpose vehicles (SPVs). Capital Markets Law Journal. 14:335-363. 2019
- Resolución bancaria y preferencias de crédito. Revista de Derecho Concursal y Paraconcursal. 23-51. 2018
- Can complex contracts effectively replace bankruptcy principles? : why interpretation matters. AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY LAW JOURNAL. 92:417-488. 2018
- Does Europe Have What it Takes to Finish the Banking Union?. Columbia Journal of European Law. 24:233-290. 2018
- Moot Madrid : diez años de historias. Spain arbitration review. 141-148. 2018
- Transnational securities disputes: a role for arbitration?. Spain arbitration review. 73-93. 2018
- The Marketing of MREL securities after BRRD. Quaderni giuridici . 1-85. 2017
- Do fundamental rights conflict with private law?. European Review of Private Law. 25:1031-1084. 2017
- The ECB powers as a catalyst for change in EU Law. Part 2: SSM, SRM and fundamental rights. Columbia Journal of European Law. 23:199-263. 2017
- The European Central Bank (ECB) as a catalyst for change in EU Law. (Part 1) : The ECB's mandates. Columbia Journal of European Law. 23:1-54. 2016
- Protecting mobile money customer funds in civil law jurisdictions. International & Comparative Law Quarterly. 65:705-739. 2016
- Shadow Banking : the blind spot in banking and capital markets reform. European Company and Financial Law Review. 13:157-196. 2016
- Bankruptcy-remote transactions and bankruptcy law : a comparative approach (part 2): can parties validly waive bankruptcy proceedings?. Capital Markets Law Journal. 10:362-389. 2015
- Bankruptcy-remote transactions and bankruptcy law : a comparative approach (part 1) : changing the focus on vehicle shielding. Capital Markets Law Journal. 10:239-274. 2015
- Tax arbitration and its issues: from fiction to reality, to surrealism. Spain arbitration review. 5-36. 2014
- Banca en la sombra: regulando el futuro con las dudas del pasado. Cuadernos de información económica - Fundación Fondo para la Investigación Económica y Social. 63-74. 2014
- Restructuración de grupo, responsabilidad sociedades beneficiarias de escisión/segregación parcial, y levantamiento del velo : sentencia de 3 de enero de 2013. Cuadernos Civitas de Jurisprudencia Civil. 343-363. 2013
- Abuso del Derecho, transacciones transfronterizas y la construcción del mercado interior y de la UE. ¿Un equilibrio imposible?. Civitas. Revista española de derecho europeo. 61-125. 2012
- Derecho uniforme, interpretación uniforme y sus retos evolutivos : de la diversidad en las jurisdicciones a la diversidad en las transacciones y contextos comerciales. Revista de derecho mercantil. 93-150. 2012
- Transacciones trascendentes : operaciones fuera de balance, disociación de la propiedad y problemas regulatorios, patrimoniales y de gobierno. Revista de Derecho Bancario y Bursátil. 31:171-240. 2012
- CISG & Arbitration. Spain arbitration review. 63-84. 2011
- In Praise of Small Things: Securitization and Governance Structure. Capital Markets Law Journal. 5:363-418. 2010
- SEC v Goldman Sachs and the New Wave of (Asset-Backed) Securities Litigation: What are the Arguments? What is at Stake?. Law and Financial Markets Review. 4:413-420. 2010
- Living on the Edge: Securitization Supervision and Characterization Problems. European Company Law Review. 6:217-227. 2009
- Comparaciones transatlánticas o el retorno a una visión ética del derecho mercantil: a propósito de la obra "La contratación comercial en el derecho comparado". Revista de derecho mercantil. 243-269. 2008
book chapters
- Los futuros posibles del arbitraje tributario internacional. In: Cuestiones actuales y conflictivas de la fiscalidad internacional. WOLTERS KLUWER ESPAÑA, S.A.. 261-283. 2022
- Spain. In: Liability of Financial Supervisors and Resolution Authorities. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. 2022
- Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) in the context of the exercise of supervisory powers and extraordinary measures. In: Capital and Liquidity Requirements for European Banks. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. 2022
- The definition of regulatory capital instruments. In: Capital and Liquidity Requirements for European Banks. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. 2022
- El fenómeno FinTech desde el punto de vista del Derecho de la competencia . In: Perspectiva legal y económica del fenómeno Fintech. WOLTERS KLUWER ESPAÑA, S.A.. 709-739. 2021
- Next Generation EU: its meaning, challenges, and link to sustainability. In: Financial Stability Amidst the Pandemic Crisis: On Top of the Wave. EUROPEAN BANKING INSTITUTE. 325-356. 2021
- The impact of digitalization of financial markets: presentation. In: The digital economy: regulatory, contractual and competition aspects. TIRANT LO BLANCH, S.L.. 151-162. 2021
- Excesiva onerosidad (hardship) en los contratos de derivados. In: La rebus sic stantibus en tiempos de pandemia : análisis general e impacto por sectores económicos. TIRANT LO BLANCH, S.L.. 433-455. 2021
- Administrative pre-litigation review mechanism in the Single Resolution Mechanism: the SRM Appeal Panel. In: Judicial Review in the European Banking Union. Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd. 44-58. 2021
- What recovery fund for Europe? : (for a dedicated equity line for business, and sound fiscal policy). In: Pandemic crisis and financial stability. EUROPEAN BANKING INSTITUTE. 245-264. 2020
- Estabilidad financiera y disciplina presupuestaria: una perspectiva constitucional del semestre europeo. In: Las implicaciones constitucionales de la gobernanza económica europea. TIRANT LO BLANCH. 105-160. 2020
- La desmaterialización de los valores negociables. In: Electronificación de los títulos valores. REFINITIV S.L.U.. 177-247. 2018
- Free Movement of Capital: Could the CJEU Smooth Brexit?. In: After Brexit. Consequences for the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan. 343-349. 2017
- El procedimiento alternativo de liquidación a través de intermediario financiero. In: La reforma del sistema de postcontratación en los mercados de valores. ARANZADI THOMSON REUTERS. 693-749. 2017
- La desmaterialización de los valores negociables. In: Electronificación de los títulos valores. Civitas Ediciones S.L.. 155-214. 2016
- Participación en concursos internacionales (Moot Viena). In: 74 experiencias docentes del Grado en Derecho. Ediciones OCTAEDRO. 251-254. 2016
- Shadow Banking : from the margins of the system to the mutation of its core. In: La regulación del "Shadow Banking" en el contexto de la reforma del mercado financiero. ARANZADI THOMSON REUTERS. 107-168. 2016
- El derecho de grupos que viene : cuidado con lo que deseas. In: Estudios sobre el futuro Código Mercantil: libro homenaje al profesor Rafael Illescas Ortiz. UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID. 840-859. 2015
- A supplementary approach towards the regulation of financial contagion. In: Crisis y reforma del sistema financiero. Aranzadi Editorial. 125-142. 2014
- A game of snakes and ladders - Tax Arbitration in an International and EU setting. In: Litigating EU Tax Law in International, National and Non-EU National Courts. International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation. 109-207. 2014
- CISG and Arbitration. In: Private law : National, Global, Comparative. Festschrift für Ingeborg Schwenzer zum 60. Geburtstag. INTERSENTIA. 1355-1374. 2011
- The Power of Arbitrators to Make Pro Futuro Orders. In: Performance as a Remedy: Non-Monetary Relief in International Arbitration. Juris Publishing. 91-122. 2011
- From Competition to Symbiosis. Commercial Context and Commercial Law and Their Importance in Legal Education. In: Liber Amicorum Eric Bergsten. International Arbitration and International Commercial Law: Synergy, Convergence and Evolution. Kluwer Law International. 773-810. 2011
- La Convención de Viena sobre contratos de compraventa internacional de mercaderías. In: Arbitraje. Derecho internacional económico y de las inversiones internacionales. Palestra. 681-728. 2009
- Greening the bond market : a European perspective. Springer International Publishing. 2023
- Remedios contractuales: cumplimiento, conservación y adaptación del contrato. CIZUR MENOR: ARANZADI THOMSON REUTERS. 2022
- Competition issues in the area of financial technology (FinTech). Bruselas: ECON committee . Parlamento europeo. 2018
- Celebrando 10 años : los casos y los escritos premiados de los diez primeras ediciones del Moot Madrid. GETAFE: UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID. 2018
- EU Financial Law : an introduction. Milano: WOLTERS KLUWER. 2016
- Depicting the limits to the SSM's supervisory powers : the role of constitutional mandates and of fundamental rights' protection. Ed. 79. Roma: Banca d'Italia. 2015
- The Law of Transnational Securitization. NEW YORK: UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. 2010
conference contributions
- Technologizing the Bank Charter 2020
- The EMU and its multi-level constitutional structure: the need for more imaginative 'dialogue' among and across EU and national institutions. 311-336. 2020
- Appeal bodies of EU financial regulatory agencies: are we where we should be? 2019
- La jurisprudencia del TJUE en relación al sector bancario, los clientes y su solvencia. 111-140. 2019
- Sustainable Finance: Different Roles of Market Participants 2019
- Bank resolution and insolvency priorities. 256-286. 2017
- Arbitraje internacional en España. Cláusula arbitral y ética e imparcialidad de los árbitros. Casos prácticos 2016
- EU fundamental rights and private law from a Spanish perspective = EU-Grundrechte und Privatrecht aus spanischer Sicht. 227-272. 2016
- Examen de la mercaderías y aviso de falta de conformidad bajo los arts. 38, 39 CISG = On the examination of goods and the notice of non-conformity under art. 38, 39 CISG 2016
- Finanzas inclusivas, mercados emergentes y reforma institucional = Inclusive finance, emerging markets and institutional reform 2016
- On the examinations of goods and the notice of non-conformity under art. 38, 39 CISG 2016
- Reconciling monetary policy, financial stability, prudential mandates and fundamental rights : the ECB in "unchartered waters"? 2016
- ¿Cuál es el acuerdo? : la batalla de los formularios bajo la CISG = What is the agreement? Battle of the forms under the CISG 2016
- La CISG en Latinoamérica y en España. Más allá de la CISG: hacia una futura convención internacional 2015
- Structural issues in protecting the float: a policymaker's manual 2015
- Tax Arbitration in an International and EU Setting 2012
- Cartolarizzazione: dello statico allo dinamico. Le sfide per il Diritto della cartolarizzazione sulla scia della crisi 2011
- La Interpretación de la Convención de Viena y su Influencia en el Derecho Nacional 2011
working papers