sample of publications
- BGP convergence in an MRAI-free Internet. Computer Networks. 240:1-14. 2024
- Design, implementation and validation of a receiver-driven less-than-best-effort transport. Computer Networks. 233. 2023
- When less is more: BBR versus LEDBAT++. Computer Networks. 219:1-11. 2022
- Measuring Roaming in Europe: Infrastructure and Implications on Users' QoE. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 21:3687-3699. 2022
- An experimental evaluation of LEDBAT++. Computer Networks. 212:1-13. 2022
- Measuring DoH with web ads. Computer Networks. 212:1-12. 2022
- Practicable route leak detection and protection with ASIRIA. Computer Networks. 211:1-12. 2022
- Design and Implementation of InBlock, A Distributed IP Address Registration System. IEEE Systems Journal. 15:3528-3539. 2021
- An Elephant in the Room: Using Sampling for Detecting Heavy-Hitters in Programmable Switches. IEEE Access. 9:94122-94131. 2021
- A Distributed Autonomous Organization for Internet Address Management. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 67:1459-1475. 2020
- A first look at the IP eXchange ecosystem. Computer Communication Review. 50:25-34. 2020
- Power Prefixes Prioritization for Smarter BGP Reconvergence. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 28:1074-1087. 2020
- Bartolomeu: An SDN rebalancing system across multiple interdomain paths. Computer Networks. 169:1-17. 2020
- Measuring BGP Route Propagation Times. IEEE Communications Letters. 23: 2432 - 2436. 2019
- Measuring ECN++: good news for ++, bad news for ECN over mobile. IEEE Communications Magazine. 56:180-186. 2018
- NATwatcher: profiling NATs in the wild. IEEE Communications Magazine. 55:178-185. 2017
- The BGP Visibility Toolkit: detecting anomalous internet routing behavior. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 24:1237-1250. 2016
- An analysis of the economic impact of strategic deaggregation. Computer Networks. 81:147-163. 2015
- Design and practical deployment of a network-centric remotely piloted aircraft system. IEEE Communications Magazine. 52:22-29. 2014
- Building a Standard Measurement Platform. IEEE Communications Magazine. 52:165-173. 2014
- SAVI: The IETF Standard in Address Validation. IEEE Communications Magazine. 51:66-73. 2013
- Standardizing Large-Scale Measurement Platforms. Computer Communication Review. 43:58-63. 2013
- BGP-XM: BGP eXtended Multipath for Transit Autonomous Systems. Computer Networks. 57:954-975. 2013
- An Integrated Approach to Prevent Address Spoofing in IPv6 Links. IEEE Communications Letters. 16:1900-1902. 2012
- The NAT64/DNS64 Tool Suite for IPv6 Transition. IEEE Communications Magazine. 50:177-183. 2012
- New data communication standards. IEEE Communications Magazine. 50:70-71. 2012
- Security for multipath TCP: a constructive approach. International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology. 6:146-155. 2011
- The Shim6 Architecture for IPv6 Multihoming. IEEE Communications Magazine. 48:152-157. 2010
- Analytical Characterization of Failure Recovery in REAP. Computer Communications. 33:485-499. 2010
book chapters
- Multi-Path BGP: Motivations and Solutions. In: Next Generation Internet: Architectures and Protocols. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 238-254. 2011
conference contributions
- Global mobile network aggregators: taxonomy, roaming performance and optimization. 183-195. 2022
- Incrementando la participación en clase y la retroalimentación del conocimiento adquirido por los alumnos con Wooclap 2022
- Insights from operating an IP exchange provider. 718-730. 2021
- A Characterization of the COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on a Mobile Network Operator Traffic 2020
- The Trusted and Decentralized Network Resource Management. 1-7. 2020
- Experience: Implications of Roaming in Europe. 179-189. 2018
- Informing protocol design through crowdsourcing: The case of pervasive encryption. 33-38. 2015
- Separating wheat from chaff: Winnowing unintended prefixes using machine learning 2014
- Understanding the Reachability of IPv6 Limited Visibility Prefixes 2014
- Diseño de red de comunicaciones para UAVs de nueva generación. 619-626. 2013
- Opportunistic mobility with multipath TCP. 9-12. 2011