sample of publications
- Integrated nested Laplace approximations for threshold stochastic volatility models. Econometrics and Statistics. 30:15-35. 2024
- Investigating the Impact of Consumption Distribution on CRRA Estimation: Quantile-CCAPM-Based Approach. STUDIES IN NONLINEAR DYNAMICS AND ECONOMETRICS. 2024
- Exploring Option Pricing and Hedging via Volatility Asymmetry. Computational Economics. 57:1015-1039. 2021
- Data cloning estimation for asymmetric stochastic volatility models. Econometric Reviews. 39:1057-1074. 2020
- A bootstrap approach for generalized Autocontour testing Implications for VIX forecast densities. Econometric Reviews. 39:971-990. 2020
- Limited attention, salience of information and stock market activity. ECONOMIC MODELLING. 87:92-108. 2020
- Asymmetric stochastic volatility models: Properties and particle filter-based simulated maximum likelihood estimation. Econometrics and Statistics. 13:84-105. 2020
- Detecting outliers in multivariate volatility models: a wavelet procedure. SORT-Statistics and Operations Research Transactions. 43:289-316. 2019
- Modeling and forecasting the oil volatility index. JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 38:773-787. 2019
- Efficiency evaluation of hotel chains: a Spanish case study. Series-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association. 10:115-139. 2019
- Uncertainty and density forecasts of ARMA models: comparison of asymptotic, bayesian and bootstrap procedures. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS. 32:388-419. 2018
- Threshold stochastic volatility: Properties and forecasting. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 33:1105-1123. 2017
- Do investors price industry risk? Evidence from the cross-section of the oil industry. Journal of Energy Markets. 10:79-108. 2017
- A robust closed-form estimator for the GARCH(1,1) model. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION. 86:1605-1619. 2016
- Correlations between oil and stock markets: A wavelet-based approach. ECONOMIC MODELLING. 50:212-227. 2015
- Dynamic effects in inefficiency: evidence from the Colombian banking sector. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 240:562-571. 2015
- Bayesian estimation of inefficiency heterogeneity in stochastic frontier models. JOURNAL OF PRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS. 42:85-101. 2014
- Outliers, GARCH-type models and risk measures: a comparison of several approaches. Journal of Empirical Finance. 26:26-40. 2014
- Oil price asymmetric effects: answering the puzzle in international stock markets. Energy Economics. 38:136-145. 2013
- Asymmetry, realised volatility and stock return risk estimates. Portuguese Economic Journal. 11:147-164. 2012
- Risk factors in oil and gas industry returns: International evidence. Energy Economics. 33:525-542. 2011
- Information Aggregation in Experimental Asset Markets in the Presence of a Manipulator. EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS. 13:379-398. 2010
- Wavelet-Based Detection of Outliers in Financial Time Series. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 54:2580-2593. 2010
- A Note on the Properties of Power-Transformed Returns in Long-Memory Stochastic Volatility Models with Leverage Effect. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 53:3593-3600. 2009
- Price Manipulation in an Experimental Asset Market. EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW. 53:327-342. 2009
- Financial Stylized Facts and the Taylor-Effect in Stochastic Volatility Models. Economics Bulletin. 29:265-276. 2009
- Modelling Long-Memory Volatilities with Leverage Effect: A-LMSV Versus FIEGARCH. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 52:2846-2862. 2008
- Accurate Minimum Capital Risk Requirements: A Comparison of Several Approaches. JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE. 32:2482-2492. 2008
book chapters
- Predicción de la volatilidad: una comparación entre métodos paramétricos y semiparamétricos. In: Predicción y decisiones Económicas con Big Data. FUNCAS. 93-121. 2024
- Additive level outliers in multivariate GARCH models. In: Topics from the 7th Workshop on Statistical Simulation. SPRINGER. 247-255. 2014
- Risk factors in the oil industry: an upstream and downstream analysis. In: The interrelationship between financial and energy markets. SPRINGER. 3-32. 2014
- Outliers and the estimation of minimum capital risk requirements. In: Investigaciones en Seguros y gestión de riesgos. Fundacion MAPFRE. 541-546. 2009
- The interrelationship between financial and energy markets. SPRINGER. 2014
conference contributions
- Advances in financial econometrics 2020
- Forecastingvalue-at-risk and expected shortfall: A Bayesian approach 2020
- Data cloning estimation for asymmetric stochastic volatility models 2018
- Estimating threshold stochastic volatility models using integrated nested Laplace approximations 2018
- Quantile consumption-capital asset pricing model 2018
- A bootstrap approach for Generalized autocontour testing 2016
- A bootstrap approach for generalized autocontour testing. 99. 2016
- Asymmetric stochastic volatility models: properties and estimation 2016
- Energy industry's market value and oil price 2016
- Energy industry's market value and oil price 2016
- Correlations between oil and stock markets: a wavelet-based approach 2015
- One for all: nesting asymmetric stochastic volatility models 2014
- One for all: nesting asymmetric stochastic volatility models 2014
- Bayesian analysis of dynamic effects in inefficiency: Evidence from the Colombian banking sector 2013
- Bayesian analysis of dynamic effects in inefficiency: evidence from the colombian banking sector 2013
- Modelling volatility and correlations 2013
- Nesting asymmetric stochastic volatility models 2013
- Outliers in multivariate GARCH models 2013
- Particle learning for bayesian non-parametric Markov switching stochastic volatility models with financial applications 2013
- Asymmetric Long-run Effects in the Oil Industry 2012
- Estimating Effiency 2012
- Heterogeneity in Bayesian Stochastic Frontier Models 2012
- Heterogeneity in Bayesian Stochastic Frontier Models 2012
- Wavelet-based Correlations: International Evidence between Stock Market and Oil Returns 2012
- Forecasting Volatility: A Continuous Time Model Versus Discrete Time Models 2011
- Forecasting Volatility: Continuous Time vs Discrete Time 2011
- The Puzzle of Asymmetric Effects of Oil: New Results from International Stock Markets 2011
- The Puzzle of Asymmetric Effects of Oil: New Results from International Stock Markets. 339-345. 2011
- Outliers in GARCH models and the estimation of risk measures. 1219-1233. 2010
- Accurate Minimum Capital Risk Requirements: A Comparison of Several Approaches 2008
working papers
- On the relationship of country geopolitical risk on energy inflation 2024
- Fitting complex stochastic volatility models using Laplace approximation 2024
- A stochastic volatility model for volatility asymmetry and propagation 2024
- A Bayesian semi-parametric approach to stochastic frontier models with inefficiency heterogeneity 2024
- Data cloning for a threshold asymmetric stochastic volatility model 2023
- Measuring efficiency of Peruvian universities: a stochastic frontier analysis 2023
- Integrated nested Laplace approximations for threshold stochastic volatility models 2021
- Adaptative predictability of stock market returns 2020
- Contagion in sequential financial markets: an experimental analysis 2020
- Valuation in the energy sector: Fundamentals or bubbles? 2020
- Quantile Consumption-Capital Asset Pricing 2020
- Data cloning estimation for asymmetric stochastic volatility models 2019
- Exploring option pricing and hedging via volatility asymmetry 2019
- Modeling and forecasting the oil volatility index 2017
- Efficiency evaluation of Spanish hotel chains 2016
- A Bootstrap Approach for Generalized Autocontour Testing 2016
- An analysis of the dynamics of efficiency of mutual funds 2015
- Score driven asymmetric stochastic volatility models 2014
- Outliers in multivariate Garch Models 2014
- Bayesian analysis of dynamic effects in inefficiency: evidence from the Columbian banking sector 2013
- One for all: nesting asymmetric stochastic volatility models 2013
- Correlations between oil and stock markets: a wavelet-based approach 2013
- Predictability of stock market activity using Google search queries 2013
- Bayesian estimation of inefficiency heterogeneity in stochastic frontier models 2012
- Asymmetric long-run effects in the oil industry 2012
- Forecasting volatility: does continuous time do better than discrete time? 2011
- Asymmetric Effects of Oil Price Fluctuations in International Stock Markets 2010
- Outliers in Garch Models and the Estimation of Risk Measures 2010
- Risk Factors in Oil and Gas Industry Returns: International Evidence 2009
- Wavelet-based Detection of Outliers in Volatility Models 2009
- Aggregation and Dissemination of Information in Experimental Asset Markets in the Presence of a Manipulatior 2008
- The Effect of Short-Selling on the Aggregation of Information in a Experimental Asset Market 2008