sample of publications
- Profile of men and women sentenced to community services: risk factors and social vulnerability. European Journal of Probation. OnlineFirst. 2024
- The robustification of distance-based linear models: some proposals. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 95:101992. 2024
- La evaluación del desempeño de la mediación intrajudicial como instrumento para la calidad de la mediación en el sistema de justicia. La Ley: Mediación y Arbitraje. 2023
- A global indicator to track well-being in the silver and golden age. Social Indicators Research. 169:1057-1086. 2023
- Research patterns in communication (2009-2019): testing female representation and productivity differences, within the most cited authors and the field. Scientometrics. 128:137-156. 2023
- The diversity of the English higher education system: a multilevel quantitative analysis. Studies in Higher Education. 48:1377-1398. 2023
- Looking for COVID side effects in the EU through the analysis of health and behavioural profiles. Quality and Quantity. 2022
- Dynamic mixed data analysis and visualization. Entropy. 24:1-12. 2022
- Editorial on S.I. "Advances in Measuring Health and Wellbeing" in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19:1-3. 2022
- Visualizing health and well-being inequalities among older Europeans. Social Indicators Research. 155:479-503. 2022
- Subsampling and aggregation: a solution to the scalability problem in distance based prediction for mixed-type data. Mathematics. 9:2247. 2021
- Smart visualization of mixed data. Stats. 4:472-485. 2021
- How to explain the cross-section of equity returns through common principal components. Mathematics. 9:1-22. 2021
- Impact of Pandemic on European Well-Being: Visualizing Scenarios from the SHARE Database. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18:4620. 2021
- Visualizing Profiles of Large Datasets of Weighted and Mixed Data. Mathematics. 9:891. 2021
- Robust multivariate analysis for mixed-type data: Novel algorithm and its practical application in socio-economic research. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 73:100907. 2021
- Models for Expected Returns with Statistical Factors. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 13:314. 2020
- Visualizing Inequality in Health and Socioeconomic Wellbeing in the EU: Findings from the SHARE Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17:7747. 2020
- A mathematical approach to assess research diversity: operationalization and applicability in communication sciences, political science, and beyond. Scientometrics. 125:2299-2322. 2020
- Constructing a Children's Subjective Well-Being Index: an Application to Socially Vulnerable Spanish Children. Child Indicators Research. 13:1235-1254. 2020
- Correction to: Constructing a Children's Subjective Well-Being Index: an Application to Socially Vulnerable Spanish Children. Child Indicators Research. 13:1-1. 2020
- Detecting outliers in multivariate volatility models: a wavelet procedure. SORT. 43:289-316. 2019
- Long term care insurance pricing in Spanish population: a functional data approach. European Journal of Finance. 26. 2019
- Correction to: Foreword special issue Deaf 2019-Maf 2018. Decisions in Economics and Finance. 42. 2019
- Foreword special issue Deaf 2019-Maf 2018. Decisions in Economics and Finance. 42. 2019
- How functional data can enhance the estimation of health expectancy: the case of disabled Spanish population. ASTIN Bulletin. 49:57-84. 2019
- El proceso penal, mecanismo ineficaz de compensación a la víctima: un estudio de campo = The criminal procedure, an ineffective compensation mechanism for the victim: a field study. Revista de victimología. 35-81. 2018
- A wide review on exponentiality tests and two competitive proposals with application on reliability. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 88:108-139. 2018
- On Visualizing Mixed-Type Data: A Joint Metric Approach to Profile Construction and Outlier Detection. Sociological Methods and Research. 47:207-239. 2018
- Las mujeres victimas de violencia de genero, atendidas en el servicio ATENPRO.. Boletin sobre vulnerabilidad social. 2017
- Goodness-of-fit test for randomly censored data based on maximum correlation. SORT. 41. 2017
- La vulnerabilidad social y la exclusión digital de las personas atendidas. Boletin sobre vulnerabilidad social. 2017
- A test for normality based on the empirical distribution function. SORT. 40:55-87. 2016
- Piercesare Secchi, Simone Vantini and Valeria Vitelli: Analysis of spatio-temporal mobile phone data: a case study in the metropolitan area of Milan. Statistical Methods and Applications. 24:313-314. 2015
- Profile identification via weighted related metric scaling: an application to dependent Spanish children. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society. 178:593-618. 2015
- Outliers, GARCH-type models and risk measures: a comparison of several approaches. Journal of Empirical Finance. 26:26-40. 2014
- Asymptotic properties of a goodness-of-fit test based on maximum correlations. Statistics. 47:202-215. 2013
- Exact goodness-of-fit tests for censored data. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 64:1187-1203. 2012
- Asymmetry, realised volatility and stock return risk estimates. Portuguese Economic Journal. 11:147-164. 2012
- A directional test of exponentiality based on maximum correlations. Metrika. 73:255-274. 2011
- Wavelet-Based Detection of Outliers in Financial Time Series. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 54:2580-2593. 2010
- A Location- and Scale-Free Goodness-of-fit Statistic for the Exponential Distribution Based on Maximum Correlations. Statistics. 43:1-12. 2009
- Projection Error Term in Gower's Interpolation. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 139:1867-1878. 2009
- Local Linear Regression for Functional Predictor and Scalar Response. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 100:102-111. 2009
- Karhunen-Loève basis in goodness-of-fit tests decomposition: An evaluation. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 37:3144-3163. 2008
- Accurate Minimum Capital Risk Requirements: A Comparison of Several Approaches. Journal of Banking and Finance. 32:2482-2492. 2008
book chapters
- Estudio comparativo sobre tratamiento procesal a víctimas de violencia sexual en España, Grecia e Italia. In: Reformulando el tratamiento procesal de las víctimas de violencia sexual en procesos penales. DYKINSON, S.L.. 166-229. 2022
- Obstáculos que enfrentan las víctimas de delito sexual en las etapas del proceso penal. In: Reformulando el tratamiento procesal de las víctimas de violencia sexual en procesos penales. DYKINSON, S.L.. 6-92. 2022
- Health and wellbeing profiles across Europe. In: Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance. SPRINGER. 265-271. 2021
- La ineficacia del sistema español en la compensación a través del proceso. In: La reparación económica a la víctima en el sistema de justicia. DYKINSON, S.L.. 23-97. 2019
- Additive level outliers in multivariate GARCH models. In: Topics from the 7th Workshop on Statistical Simulation. SPRINGER. 247-255. 2014
- Applications of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in food science and technology. In: Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Food Science and Technology. Wiley-Blackwell. 57-86. 2014
- Can personal dependency paths help to estimate life expectancy free of dependency?. In: Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance. SPRINGER. 1-5. 2014
- Outliers and the estimation of minimum capital risk requirements. In: Investigaciones en Seguros y gestión de riesgos. Fundacion MAPFRE. 541-546. 2009
- Local Linear Regression for Functional Predictor and Scalar Response. In: Functional and Operational Statistics. SPRINGER. 47-51. 2008
- Book of Abstracts. VI International Workshop on Proximity Data, Multivariate Analysis and Classification. UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID. 2024
- Book of Abstracts. V International Workshop on Proximity Data, Multivariate Analysis and Classification. UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID. 2023
- Análisis y visualización de los ODS en distintos territorios. UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID. 2023
- El sistema de justicia ante la victimización sexual. Ed. 15. MADRID: DYKINSON, S.L.. 2023
- Estudio sobre las mujeres mayores de 65 años víctimas de violencia de género. Ministerio de la Presidencia, Relaciones con las Cortes e Igualdad, Centro de Publicacione. 2019
- La reparación económica a la víctima en el sistema de justicia. MADRID: DYKINSON, S.L.. 2019
- La eficacia de la reparación a la víctima en el proceso penal a través de las indemnizaciones. Un estudio de campo en la Comunidad de Madrid. MADRID: DYKINSON, S.L.. 2018
- Mathematical and statistical methods for actuarial sciences and finance. SPRINGER. 2018
conference contributions
- A compared protocol to improve clustering procedures = Un protocollo comparato per migliorare le procedure di clustering. 298-303. 2023
- Data depth for mixed-type data through multidimensional scaling. An application to biological age imputation = Profondità dei dati per dati misti attraverso la scalatura multidimensionale. Un'applicazione all'imputazione dell'età biologica. 294-297. 2023
- Distance-based regression with robust Gower's distance. 25-25. 2023
- O tratamento á vítima de delito sexual en España: a ineficacia do sistema de xustiza 2021
- Robust multivariate analysis of mixed type data. 82-85. 2019
- Using deepest dependency paths to enhance life expectancy estimation 2018
- Nuevas tendencias en la modelización actuarial: de los GAM a los métodos DB 2015
- Can personal dependency paths help to estimate life expectancy free of dependency? 2014
- Goodness-of-fit for randomly censored data based on maximun correlation 2014
- Outliers in multivariate GARCH models 2013
- Contrastes de bondad de ajuste basados en la correlación máxima de Hoe ffding 2012
- Profile Identification Via Weighted Related Metric Scaling: An Application to Dependent Spanish Children 2012
- Profile Identification Via Weighted Related Metric Scaling: An Application to Dependent Spanish Children 2012
- Profile Identification Via Weighted Related Metric Scaling: An Application to Spanish Dependent Children 2011
- Outliers in GARCH models and the estimation of risk measures. 1219-1233. 2010
- Accurate Minimum Capital Risk Requirements: A Comparison of Several Approaches 2008
- Local Linear Regression for Functional Predictor and Scalar Response 2008
working papers
- Obstáculos que enfrentan las víctimas de delito social en las etapas del proceso penal = Drawbacks Faced by the Victims of Sexual Crime at Each Stage of the Criminal Proceeding: Spanish National Report RE-TREAT 2021
- Models for expected returns with statistical factors 2019
- Estimating life expectancy free of dependency : group characterization through the proximity to the deepest dependency path 2017
- Goodness-of-fit test for randomly censored data based on maximum correlation 2014
- Outliers in multivariate Garch Models 2014
- Profile identification via weighted related metric scaling : an application to dependent Spanish children 2011
- Sensitivity and Robustness in MDS Configurations for Mixed-Type Data: A Study of the Economic Crisis Impact on Socially Vulnerable Spanish People 2010
- Outliers in Garch Models and the Estimation of Risk Measures 2010
- Exact Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Censored Data 2009
- Wavelet-based Detection of Outliers in Volatility Models 2009
- Asymptotic Properties of a Goodness-of-Fit Test Based on Maximum Correlations 2008