sample of publications
- EASIER corpus: A lexical simplification resource for people with cognitive impairments. PLoS ONE. 18. 2023
- Designing user interfaces for content simplification aimed at people with cognitive impairments.. Universal Access in the Information Society. 23:99-117. 2023
- Tuning BART models to simplify Spanish health-related content. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 2023
- Modular 3-D-printed education tool for blind and visually impaired students oriented to net structures. IEEE Transactions on Education. 66:55-61. 2023
- EASIER System. Evaluating a Spanish Lexical Simplification Proposal with People with Cognitive Impairments. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 40:1195-1209. 2022
- An exploratory study of web adaptation techniques for people with low vision. Universal Access in the Information Society. 20:223-237. 2021
- Design and evaluation of ECO: an augmentative and alternative communication tool. Universal Access in the Information Society. 21:827-849. 2021
- Lexical Simplification System to Improve Web Accessibility. IEEE Access. 9:58755-58767. 2021
- Special issue on accessibility and software design for all. Universal Access in the Information Society. 19:483-484. 2020
- UAVs formation approach using fast marching square methods. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. 35:36-46. 2020
- How to interweave accessibility with didactic and technological quality of digital educational materials. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All. 9:141-168. 2019
- The Harmonization of Accessibility Standards for Public Policies. COMPUTER. 52:57-66. 2019
- Inclusive Web Empirical Studies in Remote and In-Situ Settings: A User Evaluation of the RemoTest Platform. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 35:568-583. 2019
- Accessibility Compliance for E-Government Websites: Laws, Standards, and Evaluation Technology. International Journal of Electronic Government Research. 15:1-18. 2019
- Special issue on exploring new Natural User Experiences. Universal Access in the Information Society. 18:1-2. 2019
- Support resource based on standards for accessible e-Government transactional services. Computer Standards and Interfaces. 58:146-157. 2018
- Adapting the Web for People With Upper Body Motor Impairments Using Touch Screen Tablets. Interacting with Computers. 29:794-812. 2017
- eGovernAbility: Marco para el desarrollo de servicios personalizables accesibles en la Administración electrónica. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 163-166. 2016
- Avoiding communication barriers in the classroom: the APEINTA project. Interactive Learning Environments. 24:829-843. 2016
- Approach design of an accessible media player. Universal Access in the Information Society. 14:45-55. 2015
- Accessibility barriers for users of screen readers in the Moodle learning content management system. Universal Access in the Information Society. 13:315-327. 2014
- User-Centered Requirement Engineering for Accessible Chats in m-Learning. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 20:964-985. 2014
- An approach to the integration of accessibility requirements into a user interface development method. Science of Computer Programming. 86:58-73. 2014
- Evaluating the accessibility of three open-source learning content management systems: A comparative study (versión 2014). Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 22:320-328. 2014
- A Model-Based Graphical Editor to Design Accessible Media Players. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 19:2656-2676. 2013
- A graphical tool to create user interface models for ubiquitous interaction satisfying accessibility requirements. Universal Access in the Information Society. 12:427-439. 2013
- Are Accessible Distance Learning Systems Useful for All Students?: Our Experience with IMES, an Accessible Web-Based Learning System. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies. 8:1-18. 2013
- Supporting navigation accessibility requirements in Web engineering methods. Journal of Web Engineering. 12:181-202. 2013
- Overlapping factors in search engine optimization and web accessibility. Online Information Review. 37:564-580. 2013
- Sistema SAGAS: herramienta de soporte al subtitulado para personas sordas. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 217-220. 2012
- Requirements elicitation for designing an accessible chat = Captura de requisitos para el diseño de un chat accesible. Revista española de innovación, calidad e ingeniería del software. 8:7-21. 2012
- Monitoring Accessibility Services in Digital Television. International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting. 294219. 2012
- Design for All in Multimedia Guides for Museums. Computers in Human Behavior. 27:1408-1415. 2011
- Evaluating the Accessibility of Three Open-Source Learning Content Management Systems: A Comparative Study. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 22:320-328. 2011
- Toward an equal opportunity web: applications, standards, and tools that increase accessibility. COMPUTER. 44:18-26. 2011
- Towards and equal opportunity web: applications, standards and tools that increase accesibility. COMPUTER. 44:18-26. 2011
- APEINTA: apuesta por la enseñanza inclusiva: uso de nuevas tecnologías dentro y fuera del aula. FIAPAS. 1-12. 2010
- Disability Standards for Multimedia on the Web. IEEE Multimedia. 15:52-54. 2008
book chapters
- Integrando normativa en accesibilidad a través de herramientas, metodologías y formación (OPINIÓN DE EXPERTOS). In: Normalización y accesibilidad. CEAPAT (Centro de Referencia Estatal de Autonomía Personal y Ayudas Técnicas). 32-33. 2014
- Disability standards and guidelines for learning management systems: Evaluating accessibility. In: Higher education institutions and learning management systems: Adoption and standardization. IGI GLOBAL. 199-218. 2012
- Actas del XVII Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador &- Interacción 2016. SALAMANCA: UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA. 2016
- Proceedings of the XVII International Conference on Human Computer Interaction. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). 2016
- Interacción Persona-Ordenador: Visiones y contextos. [Número monográfico de: Novática: revista de la Asociación de Técnicos de Informátic, n. 235]. Ed. 235. BARCELONA: ASOCIACION DE TECNICOS DE INFORMATICA (A.T.I.). 2016
- Guía para elaborar Documentación Digital Accesible. Recomendaciones para Word, Power Point y Excel de Microsoft Office 2010. Ed. 5. CENTAC (Centro Nacional de Tecnologías de la Accesibilidad). 2014
- Desarrollo de Bases de Datos: Casos Prácticos Desde el Análisis a la Implementación. MADRID: RA-MA, S.A. EDITORIAL Y PUBLICACIONES. 2013
- Formación curricular de diseño para todos en informática y telecomunicaciones = Education on design for all in information systems and telecomunications. Fundación ONCE . Escuela Libre Editorial. 2013
- Accesibilidad a los contenidos audiovisuales en la Web: una panorámica sobre legislación, tecnologías y estándares (WCAG 1.0 y WCAG 2.0). MADRID: REAL PATRONATO SOBRE DISCAPACIDAD. 2008
- Guías multimedia accesibles: el museo para todos. MADRID: REAL PATRONATO SOBRE DISCAPACIDAD. 2008
- La accesibilidad universal en los medios audiovisuales de comunicación. MADRID: REAL PATRONATO SOBRE DISCAPACIDAD. 2008
conference contributions
- Requirements and design patterns for an accessible video conferencing tool. 1-9. 2022
- Designing and Evaluating a User Interface for People with Cognitive Disabilities. 1-8. 2021
- EASIER system. Language resources for cognitive accessibility. 1-3. 2020
- Hulat - ALexS CWI Task - CWI for Language and Learning Disabilities Applied to University Educational Texts. 24-30. 2020
- Using Embeddings and Bi-LSTM+CRF Model to Detect Tumor Morphology Entities in Spanish Clinical Cases. 368-375. 2020
- Expert-based Assessment of an Augmentative and Alternative Communication Tool. 1-8. 2019
- Lexical simplification approach to support the accessibility guidelines. 1-4. 2019
- Exploring the Web navigation strategies of people with low vision 2018
- Checklist for Accessible Media Player Evaluation. 367-368. 2017
- A Model-Based Tool to Develop an Accessible Media Player. 415-416. 2015
- Exploring language technologies to provide support to WCAG 2.0 and E2R guidelines 2015
- Accessibility Evaluation of an Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) Tool. 529-540. 2014
- Accessibility to mobile interfaces for older people. 57-66. 2014
- Accessible Mobile Application to Support Self Testing for Anticoagulated Patients Using a Personal Health Record: Appliying Good Practices 2014
- Adaptation rules for Accessible Media Player Interface. 1-8. 2014
- Assessment of a Tool for Users with Complex Communication Needs. 1-2. 2014
- CAPTCHA and accessibility. Is this the best we can do?. 115-122. 2014
- Evaluación con personas reales de un Chat accesible a través de la plataforma UNINNOVA. 60-70. 2014
- Exploratory Study of Web Navigation Strategies for Users with Physical Disabilities. 1-4. 2014
- Integration of Accessibility Requirements in the Design of Multimedia User Agents Interface 2014
- Interdependent Components for the Development of Accessible XUL Applications for Screen Reader Users. 65-73. 2014
- Overlapping Chat's Accessibility Requirements between students with and without disabilities due to the mobile limitations. 101-108. 2014
- Toward an integration of Web accessibility into testing processes. 281-291. 2014
- Towards Mobile Accessibility for Older People: A User Centered Evaluation. 58-68. 2014
- Women in computer science: Survey on the perception of the women's participation in STEM studies. 1-2. 2014
- An Accessible Chat Prototype for Screen Reader Users in Mobile Devices. 216-220. 2013
- Chats for all: A user survey to improve chats' interaction. 11-18. 2013
- Guía rápida de evaluación automatizada de contenidos web según WCAG 2.0 usando herramientas de software libre. 196-202. 2013
- An Approach to User Interface Design of an Accessible User Agent. 254-262. 2012
- Requirements Elicitation to Design an Accessible Chat as a Synchronous Tool in m-Learning Environments. 358-364. 2012
- Revisión de los requisitos de accesibilidad en la interacción de los usuarios ancianos con las aplicaciones web = A Review of Accessibility Requirements in Elderly Users' Interactions with Web Applications 2012
- A Study of Accessibility Requirements for Media Players on the Web. 249-257. 2011
- A Theoretical Accessible Approach for Collaborative Learning in Mobile Devices. 375-382. 2011
- Accessibility evaluation of Moodle centred in visual impairements. 221-228. 2011
- HTML5 Support for an Accessible User-Video-Interaction on the Web. 535-539. 2011
- Is Moodle Accessible for Visually Impaired People?. 207-220. 2011
- Requisitos de accesibilidad web en los reproductores multimedia. 59-69. 2011
- Web Accessibility Requirements for Media Players. 669-674. 2011
- Web Educational Services for All: The APEINTA Project 2011
- Evaluating the Users' Satisfaction Using Inclusive Initiatives in Two Different Environments: The University and a Research Conference. 591-594. 2010
- Evaluating the use of speech technologies in the classroom: the APEINTA Project. 3976-3980. 2010
- Supporting Teachers to Automatically Build Accessible Pedagogical Resources: The APEINTA Project. 620-624. 2010
- A MDD Approach for Modelling Web Accessibility. 1-6. 2009
- A bridge to web accessibility from the usability heuristics. 290-300. 2009
- APEINTA: A Spanish Educational Project Aiming for Inclusive Education In and Out of the Classroom. 393-393. 2009
- APEINTA: a spanish educational project aiming for inclusive education in and out of the classroom. 393-393. 2009
- Integrating HCI in a web accessibility engineering approach. 745-754. 2009
- PEDACCE: una plataforma de educación digital y accesible en Web. 213-231. 2009
- Subtitulado en web a partir del subtitulado en teletexto. Herramienta BSTM.. 107-118. 2009
- Accessible Interfaces for Educational Multimedia Contents. 56-60. 2008
- Diseño de guías multimedia accesibles en museos. 151-154. 2008
- Guiding accessibility issues in the design of websites. 65-72. 2008
- Inclusion of Accessibility Requirements in the Design of Electronic Guides for Museums. 1101-1108. 2008
- Mobile and Accessible ICTs for Museography. 531-539. 2008
- Using Accessible Digital Resources for Teaching Data base Design: towards an inclusive distance leaming proposal. 32-36. 2008
- Using Accessible Digital Resources for Teaching Database Design: towards an inclusive distance learning proposal. 32-36. 2008
- When Users Become Creators in the web: new requirements to be considered 2008