sample of publications
- EASIER corpus: A lexical simplification resource for people with cognitive impairments. PLoS ONE. 18. 2023
- Designing user interfaces for content simplification aimed at people with cognitive impairments.. Universal Access in the Information Society. 23:99-117. 2023
- EASIER System. Evaluating a Spanish Lexical Simplification Proposal with People with Cognitive Impairments. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 40:1195-1209. 2022
- Disambiguating Clinical Abbreviations Using a One-Fits-All Classifier Based on Deep Learning Techniques. Methods of Information in Medicine. 61:28-34. 2022
- Analyzing transfer learning impact in biomedical cross lingual named entity recognition and normalization. BMC Bioinformatics. 1-22. 2021
- Lexical Simplification System to Improve Web Accessibility. IEEE Access. 9:58755-58767. 2021
- The impact of pretrained language models on negation and speculation detection in cross-lingual medical text: Comparative study. JMIR Medical Informatics. 8:1-21. 2020
- Automatic learning framework for pharmaceutical record matching. IEEE Access. 8:171754-171770. 2020
- Testing contextualized word embeddings to improve NER in spanish clinical case narratives. IEEE Access. 8:164717-164726. 2020
- A two-stage deep learning approach for extracting entities and relationships from medical texts. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 99:103285-1-103285-12. 2019
- The Harmonization of Accessibility Standards for Public Policies. COMPUTER. 52:57-66. 2019
- Accessibility Compliance for E-Government Websites: Laws, Standards, and Evaluation Technology. International Journal of Electronic Government Research. 15:1-18. 2019
- Support resource based on standards for accessible e-Government transactional services. Computer Standards and Interfaces. 58:146-157. 2018
- Simplifying drug package leaflets written in Spanish by using word embedding. Journal of Biomedical Semantics. 8. 2017
- Exploring convolutional neural networks for drug-drug interaction extraction. Database : the journal of biological databases and curation. 2017
- Combining heterogeneous sources in an interactive multimedia content retrieval model. Expert Systems with Applications. 69:201-213. 2017
- Conceptual models of drug-drug interactions: A summary of recent efforts. Knowledge-Based Systems. 114:99-107. 2016
- EasyLecto: Un sistema de simplificación léxica de efectos adversos presentes en prospectos de fármacos en español. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 177-180. 2016
- eGovernAbility: Marco para el desarrollo de servicios personalizables accesibles en la Administración electrónica. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 163-166. 2016
- Turning user generated health-related content into actionable knowledge through text analytics services. Computers in Industry. 78:43-56. 2016
- Pharmacovigilance through the Development of Text Mining and Natural Language Processing Techniques. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 58:288-291. 2015
- DINTO: Using OWL ontologies and SWRL rules to infer drug-drug interactions and their mechanisms. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 55:1698-1707. 2015
- Application of Domain Ontologies to Natural Language Processing: A Case Study for Drug-Drug Interactions. International Journal of Information Retrieval Research. 5:19-38. 2015
- Exploring Spanish Health Social Media for detecting drug effects. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 15. 2015
- Approach design of an accessible media player. Universal Access in the Information Society. 14:45-55. 2015
- Lessons learnt from the DDIExtraction-2013 Shared Task. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 51:152-164. 2014
- TrendMiner: Large-scale cross-lingual trend mining summarization of real-time media streams. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 53:163-166. 2014
- An approach to the integration of accessibility requirements into a user interface development method. Science of Computer Programming. 86:58-73. 2014
- Applying black-box testing to UML/OCL database models. Software Quality Journal. 22:153-184. 2014
- Evaluating the accessibility of three open-source learning content management systems: A comparative study (versión 2014). Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 22:320-328. 2014
- Special Issue on Mining the Pharmacovigilance Literature. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 49:1-2. 2014
- A Model-Based Graphical Editor to Design Accessible Media Players. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 19:2656-2676. 2013
- Guidelines for representing complex cardinality constraints in binary and ternary relationships. Software and Systems Modeling. 12:871-889. 2013
- The DDI corpus: An annotated corpus with pharmacological substances and drug-drug interactions. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 46:914-920. 2013
- Prueba de concepto de expansión de consultas basada en ontologías de dominio financiero. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 51:109-116. 2013
- Supporting navigation accessibility requirements in Web engineering methods. Journal of Web Engineering. 12:181-202. 2013
- Overlapping factors in search engine optimization and web accessibility. Online Information Review. 37:564-580. 2013
- Lightly supervised acquisition of named entities and linguistic patterns for multilingual text mining. Knowledge and Information Systems. 35:87-109. 2013
- A real time Named Entity Recognition system for Arabic text mining. Language Resources and Evaluation. 46:543-563. 2012
- Prototipo buscador de información médica en corpus multilingües y extractor de información sobre fármacos = Medical information search and information extraction about drugs prototype on a multilingual corpus. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 49:209-212. 2012
- Sistema SAGAS: herramienta de soporte al subtitulado para personas sordas. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 217-220. 2012
- Using a shallow linguistic kernel for drug-drug interaction extraction. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 44:789-804. 2011
- Evaluating the Accessibility of Three Open-Source Learning Content Management Systems: A Comparative Study. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 22:320-328. 2011
- Toward an equal opportunity web: applications, standards, and tools that increase accessibility. COMPUTER. 44:18-26. 2011
- Conceptual hierarchies in UML:comparing ISO 2788 standard with the UML metamodel = Las jerarquías conceptuales en UML: comparando la norma ISO 2788 con el metamodelo de UML. Técnica administrativa. 10:1-10. 2011
- Towards and equal opportunity web: applications, standards and tools that increase accesibility. COMPUTER. 44:18-26. 2011
- A comparison of machine learning techniques for detection of drug target articles. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 43:902-913. 2010
- Evaluación de la extracción de entidades nombradas de OpenCalais en castellano. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 287-290. 2010
- Educational Experiences Detecting, Using, and Representing Ternary Relationships in Database Design. IEEE Transactions on Education. 53:358-364. 2010
- Extracting Drug-Drug Interactions from Biomedical Texts. BMC Bioinformatics. 11. 2010
- Resolving Anaphoras for the Extraction of Drug-Drug Interactions in Pharmacological Documents. BMC Bioinformatics. 11. 2010
- APEINTA: apuesta por la enseñanza inclusiva: uso de nuevas tecnologías dentro y fuera del aula. FIAPAS. 1-12. 2010
- Learning Teaching Strategies in an Adaptive and Intelligent Educational System through Reinforcement Learning. Applied Intelligence. 31:89-106. 2009
- Reinforcement Learning of Pedagogical Policies in Adaptive and Intelligent Educational Systems. Knowledge-Based Systems. 22:266-270. 2009
- Aplicación de técnicas de extracción de información temporal a los sistemas de búsqueda de respuestas. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 25-30. 2009
- OCL2Trigger: Deriving Active Mechanisms for Relational Databases Using Model-Driven Architecture. Journal of Systems and Software. 81:2299-2314. 2008
- Disability Standards for Multimedia on the Web. IEEE Multimedia. 15:52-54. 2008
- Drug Name Recognition and Classification in Biomedical Texts: A Case Study Outlining Approaches Underpinning Automated Systems. Drug Discovery Today. 13:816-823. 2008
- Detección de fármacos genéricos en textos biomédicos = Detecting Generic Drugs in Biomedical Texts. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 27-34. 2008
book chapters
- Are Passages Enough? The MIRACLE Team Participation in QA@CLEF2009. In: Multilingual Information Access Evaluation I: Text Retrieval Experiments: 10th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2009, Corfu, Greece, September 30 - October 2, 2009, Revised Selected Papers. SPRINGER. 281-288. 2010
- MDD Approach for Maintaining Integrity Constraints in Databases. In: Handbook of Research on Innovations in Database Technologies and Applications: Current and Future Trends. Information Science Reference. 143-153. 2009
- Towards the Achievement of Natural Interaction. In: Engineering the User Interface: from Research to Practice. SPRINGER. 67-86. 2009
- Guía para elaborar Documentación Digital Accesible. Recomendaciones para Word, Power Point y Excel de Microsoft Office 2010. Ed. 5. CENTAC (Centro Nacional de Tecnologías de la Accesibilidad). 2014
- Formación curricular de diseño para todos en informática y telecomunicaciones = Education on design for all in information systems and telecomunications. Fundación ONCE . Escuela Libre Editorial. 2013
- Proceedings of the 1st Challenge Task on Drug-Drug Interaction Extraction 2011. Huelva, Spain, September 7, 2011.. Ed. 761. 2011
- Accesibilidad a los contenidos audiovisuales en la Web: una panorámica sobre legislación, tecnologías y estándares (WCAG 1.0 y WCAG 2.0). MADRID: REAL PATRONATO SOBRE DISCAPACIDAD. 2008
conference contributions
- Requirements and design patterns for an accessible video conferencing tool. 1-9. 2022
- Designing and Evaluating a User Interface for People with Cognitive Disabilities. 1-8. 2021
- Disambiguating Clinical Abbreviations using Pre-trained Word Embeddings. 501-508. 2021
- Combining financial word embeddings and knowledge-based features for financial text summarization: UC3M-MC System at FNS-2020. 112-117. 2020
- EASIER system. Language resources for cognitive accessibility. 1-3. 2020
- Hulat - ALexS CWI Task - CWI for Language and Learning Disabilities Applied to University Educational Texts. 24-30. 2020
- Using Embeddings and Bi-LSTM+CRF Model to Detect Tumor Morphology Entities in Spanish Clinical Cases. 368-375. 2020
- Deep neural model with enhanced embeddings for pharmaceutical and chemical entities recognition in Spanish clinical text. 38-46. 2019
- Lexical simplification approach to support the accessibility guidelines. 1-4. 2019
- A Hybrid Bi-LSTM-CRF Model to Recognition of Disabilities from Biomedical Texts.. 44-52. 2018
- A Hybrid Bi-LSTM-CRF model for Knowledge Recognition from eHealth documents. 65-70. 2018
- LABDA at TASS-2018 Task 3: Convolutional Neural Networks for Relation Classification in Spanish eHealth documents. 71-76. 2018
- Checklist for Accessible Media Player Evaluation. 367-368. 2017
- Exploring convolutional neural networks for sentiment analysis of spanish tweets. 1014-1022. 2017
- LABDA at SemEval-2017 Task 10: Extracting keyphrases from scientific publications by combining the BANNER tool and the UMLS Semantic Network. 947-950. 2017
- LABDA at SemEval-2017 Task 10: relation classification between keyphrases via convolutional neural network. 969-972. 2017
MC-UC3M Participation at TAC 2017 Adverse Drug
Reaction Extraction from Drug Labels 2017 - LABDA at the 2016 BioASQ challenge task 4a: Semantic Indexing by using ElasticSearch. 16-22. 2016
- LABDA at the 2016 TASS challenge task: using word embeddings for the sentiment analysis task. 29-33. 2016
- Simplifying Drug Package Leaflets. 20-28. 2016
- A Model-Based Tool to Develop an Accessible Media Player. 415-416. 2015
- Combining Conditional Random Fields and Word Embeddings for the CHEMDNER-patents task. 90-93. 2015
- Exploring Word Embedding for Drug Name Recognition. 64-72. 2015
- Exploring language technologies to provide support to WCAG 2.0 and E2R guidelines 2015
- Word Embedding clustering for Disease Named Entity Recognition. 299-304. 2015
- A Proof-of-Concept for Orthographic Named Entity Correction in Spanish Voice Queries. 181-190. 2014
- ADRSpanishTool: Una herramienta para la detección de efectos adversos e indicaciones = ADRSpanishTool: A tool for extracting adverse drug reactions and indications. 177-180. 2014
- Accessible Mobile Application to Support Self Testing for Anticoagulated Patients Using a Personal Health Record: Appliying Good Practices 2014
- Adaptation rules for Accessible Media Player Interface. 1-8. 2014
- CAPTCHA and accessibility. Is this the best we can do?. 115-122. 2014
- Detecting drugs and adverse events from Spanish social media streams. 106-115. 2014
- Extracting drug indications and adverse drug reactions from Spanish health social media. 98-106. 2014
- Integration of Accessibility Requirements in the Design of Multimedia User Agents Interface 2014
- Towards Mobile Accessibility for Older People: A User Centered Evaluation. 58-68. 2014
- Women in computer science: Survey on the perception of the women's participation in STEM studies. 1-2. 2014
- An Illustrated Methodology for Evaluating ASR Systems. 33-42. 2013
- An Ontology for formal representation of Drug Drug Interaction Knowledge 2013
- An ontology for drug-drug interactions 2013
- Annotation Issues in Pharmacological Texts. 211-219. 2013
- Combining Dictionaries and Ontologies for Drug Name Recognition in Biomedical Texts. 27-30. 2013
- Corpus DDI: Un corpus anotado con fármacos e interacciones farmacológicas 2013
- Extraction of Drug-Drug Interactions from Biomedical Texts. 341-350. 2013
- An Approach for Detecting Modality and Negation in Texts by using Rule-based Techniques 2012
- An Approach to User Interface Design of an Accessible User Agent. 254-262. 2012
- Revisión de los requisitos de accesibilidad en la interacción de los usuarios ancianos con las aplicaciones web = A Review of Accessibility Requirements in Elderly Users' Interactions with Web Applications 2012
- A Methodological Framework for Evaluating ASR Systems 2011
- A Study of Accessibility Requirements for Media Players on the Web. 249-257. 2011
- A linguistic rule-based approach to extract drug-drug interactions from pharmacological documents. 1471-2105. 2011
- DDIExtractor: A Web-based Java Tool for Extracting Drug-Drug Interactions from Biomedical Texts. 274-277. 2011
- HTML5 Support for an Accessible User-Video-Interaction on the Web. 535-539. 2011
- OCL2TestSW: Generating Test Software from OCL Specification. 1-5. 2011
- Requisitos de accesibilidad web en los reproductores multimedia. 59-69. 2011
- Some Experiments in Evaluating ASR Systems Applied to Multimedia Retrieval. 12-23. 2011
- The 1st DDIExtraction-2011 Challenge Task: Extraction of Drug-Drug Interactions from Biomedical Texts. 1-9. 2011
- Web Accessibility Requirements for Media Players. 669-674. 2011
- Are Passages Enough? The MIRACLE Team Participation at QA@CLEF2009. 281-288. 2010
- Automatic Identification of Biomedical Concepts in Spanish language Unstructured Clinical Texts. 751-757. 2010
- Combining Similarities with Regression based Classiffiers for Entity Linking 2010
- Combining Syntactic Information and Domain-Specific Lexical Patterns to Extract Drug-Drug Interactions from Biomedical Texts 2010
- Temporal information needs in ResPubliQA: an attempt to improve accuracy. The UC3M Participation at CLEF 2010 2010
- UC3M system: Determining the Extent, Type and Value of Time Expressions in TempEval-2. 329-332. 2010
- UC3M system: Determining the Extent, Type and Value of Time Expressions in TempEval-2. 329-332. 2010
- A MDD Approach for Modelling Web Accessibility. 1-6. 2009
- A bridge to web accessibility from the usability heuristics. 290-300. 2009
- Integrating HCI in a web accessibility engineering approach. 745-754. 2009
- PEDACCE: una plataforma de educación digital y accesible en Web. 213-231. 2009
- A Preliminary Approach to Rcognize Generic Drug Names by Combining UMLS Resources and USAN Naming Conventions. 100-101. 2008
- A Preliminary Approach to the Automatic Extraction of Business Rules from Unrestricted Text in the Banking Industry. 299-310. 2008
- Accessible Interfaces for Educational Multimedia Contents. 56-60. 2008
- An Empirical Approach to a Preliminary Successful Identification and Resolution of Temporal Expressions in Spanish News Corpora 2008
- Diseño de guías multimedia accesibles en museos. 151-154. 2008
- Guiding accessibility issues in the design of websites. 65-72. 2008
- IRIS: un sistema de integración de información sobre materiales audiovisuales subtitulados y audiodescritos a partir de fuentes de datos heterogéneas 2008
- Inclusion of Accessibility Requirements in the Design of Electronic Guides for Museums. 1101-1108. 2008
- MOSTAS: un etiquetador morfo-semántico, anonimizador y corrector de historiales clínicos. 299-300. 2008
- Using Accessible Digital Resources for Teaching Data base Design: towards an inclusive distance leaming proposal. 32-36. 2008
- Using Accessible Digital Resources for Teaching Database Design: towards an inclusive distance learning proposal. 32-36. 2008
- When Users Become Creators in the web: new requirements to be considered 2008