sample of publications
- Degradation of Mechanical Properties of Flax/PLA Composites in Hygrothermal Aging Conditions. Polymers. 16:1-19. 2024
- Novel Sustainable Composites Incorporating a Biobased Thermoplastic Matrix and Recycled Aerospace Prepreg Waste: Development and Characterization. Polymers. 15:1-17. 2023
- Magnetic cork particles as reinforcement in an epoxy resin: effect of size and amount on thermal properties. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 148:1981-1995. 2023
- Reuse of Carbon Fibers and a Mechanically Recycled CFRP as Rod-like Fillers for New Composites: Optimization and Process Development. Processes. 11:1-17. 2023
- Novel thermoplastic composites strengthened with carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy composite waste rods: development and characterization. Polymers. 14:1-19. 2022
- Experimental and numerical studies of polyamide 11 and 12 surfaces modified by atmospheric pressure plasma treatment. Surfaces and Interfaces. 32:1-16. 2022
- Theoretical and experimental study of the bending collapse of partially reinforced CFRP-Steel square tubes. Thin-Walled Structures. 177:1-13. 2022
- Development green epoxy adhesive for cork by adding lignin: thermal and bonding properties. Wood Science and Technology. 56:721-742. 2022
- Recent progress in carbon fiber reinforced polymers recycling: a review of recycling methods and reuse of carbon fibers. Materials. 14. 2021
- Comparative characterization of hot-pressed polyamide 11 and 12: mechanical, thermal and durability properties. Polymers. 13:1-21. 2021
- Decomposition kinetics and lifetime estimation of natural fiber reinforced composites: Influence of plasma treatment and fiber type. Journal of Industrial Textiles. 51:594-610. 2021
- Characterization of hybrid biocomposite Poly-Butyl-Succinate/Carbon fibers/Flax fibers. Composites Part B: Engineering. Volume 221:1-12. 2021
- One-Step Enameling and Sintering of Low-Carbon Steels. Metals. 11:1-19. 2021
- Mechanical properties and fire-resistance of composites with marble particles. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 12:1403-1407. 2021
- Composite material with polyurethane-based reactive hot-melt matrix. Journal of Composite Materials. 55:415-422. 2021
- Thermal characterization and diffusivity of two mono-component epoxies for transformer insulation. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 103:1-9. 2020
- Recent progress in hybrid biocomposites: Mechanical properties, water absorption, and flame retardancy. Materials. 13:1-46. 2020
- Effect of APPT treatment on mechanical properties and durability of green composites with woven flax. Materials. 13:1-15. 2020
- Effect of moisture and temperature on thermal and mechanical properties of structural polyurethane adhesive joints. Composite Structures. 247:1-13. 2020
- Coating cork particles with iron oxide: effect on magnetic properties. Wood Science and Technology. 54:869-889. 2020
- Materiales compuestos de polietileno/boro en la atenuación de rayos X. MATERIALES COMPUESTOS: REVISTA DE LA ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE MATERIALES COMPUESTOS. 4:103-107. 2020
- Effect of moisture and temperature on the thermal and mechanical properties of a ductile epoxy adhesive for use in steel structures reinforced with CFRP. Composites Part B: Engineering. 176:1-11. 2019
- Characterization a polyurethane-based reactive hot melt adhesive for applications in materials = Caracterización de un adhesivo termofusible reactivo de base poliuretano para aplicaciones en materiales. DYNA (Colombia). 86:247-253. 2019
- Durability of steel-CFRP structural adhesive joints with polyurethane adhesives. Composites Part B: Engineering. 165:1-9. 2019
- Development of superhydrophobic coatings on AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel with different surface pretreatments. Thin Solid Films. 671:22-30. 2019
- Environmentally Friendly Plasma Activation of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene and Polydimethylsiloxane Surfaces to Improve Paint Adhesion. Coatings. 8. 2018
- Development of Silane-Based Coatings with Zirconia Nanoparticles Combining Wetting, Tribological, and Aesthetical Properties. Coatings. 8. 2018
- Influencia del tratamiento superficial en la resistencia y adhesión entre fibras naturales de lino y una matriz termoplástica. MATERIALES COMPUESTOS: REVISTA DE LA ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE MATERIALES COMPUESTOS. 2:40-43. 2018
- Infiltration behaviour of liquids over fibres or woven. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (discontinued) (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering). 369:012012-1-012012-7. 2018
- Kinetics of curing process in carbon/epoxy nano-composites. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (discontinued) (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering). 369:012011-1-012011-7. 2018
- Study of the behaviour of adhesive joints of steel with CFRP for its application in bus structures. Composites Part B: Engineering. 129:41-46. 2017
- Effect of atmospheric plasma torch on ballistic woven aramid. Textile Reseach Journal. 87:2358-2367. 2017
- Erosion-wear, mechanical and thermal properties of silica filled epoxy nanocomposites. Composites Part B: Engineering. 120:42-53. 2017
- Influence of plasma treatment on the adhesion between a polymeric matrix and natural fibres. Cellulose. 24:1791-1801. 2017
- Influence of the type of solvent on the development of superhydrophobicity from silane-based solution containing nanoparticles. Applied Surface Science. 87-94. 2017
- Experimental method for the determination of material parameters of plasticity models for toughened adhesives. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 68:182-187. 2016
- Silane pretreatment of electrogalvanized steels: effect on adhesive properties. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 65:54-62. 2016
- Evaluation of adhesion improvement of a GFRP treated with atmospheric plasma torch. Journal of Adhesion. 91:937-949. 2015
- Aging by moisture and/or temperature of epoxy/SiC composites: Thermal and mechanical properties. Journal of Composite Materials. 49:2963-2975. 2015
- Microstructural influence on corrosion properties of aluminium composites reinforced with amorphous iron borides. Materials and Corrosion - Werkstoffe und Korrosion. 65:678-684. 2014
- Surface modification of aircraft used composites for adhesive bonding. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 50:157-163. 2014
- Atmospheric plasma torch treatment of polyethylene/boron composites: Effect on thermal stability. Surface and Coatings Technology. 239:70-77. 2014
- Polymerization kinetics of boron carbide/epoxy composites. Thermochimica Acta. 575:144-150. 2014
- Cold plasma effect on short glass fibre reinforced composites adhesion properties. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 48:85-91. 2014
- Effect of surface treatments on natural cork: Surface energy, adhesion, and acoustic insulation. Wood Science and Technology. 48:207-224. 2014
- Assessment of atmospheric plasma treatment cleaning effect on steel surfaces. Surface and Coatings Technology. 236:450-456. 2013
- Effect of tetraethoxysilane coating on the improvement of plasma treated polypropylene adhesion. Applied Surface Science. 280:850-857. 2013
- Modification of glass surfaces adhesion properties by atmospheric pressure plasma torch. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 44:1-8. 2013
- Epoxy Composite Reinforced with Nano and Micro SiC Particles: Curing Kinetics and Mechanical Properties. Journal of Adhesion. 88:418-434. 2012
- Development of improved polypropylene adhesive bonding by abrasion and atmospheric plasma surface modifications. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 33:1-6. 2012
- Extreme durability of wettability changes on polyolefin surfaces by atmospheric pressure plasma torch. Surface and Coatings Technology. 205:396-402. 2010
- Control of wettability of polymers by surface roughness modification. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 24:1869-1883. 2010
- Structural and Mechanical Characterization of gamma-Methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (MPS) on Zn-Electrocoated Steel. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 24:1885-1901. 2010
- Study through Potentiodynamic Techniques of the Corrosion Resistance of Different Aluminium base MMC's with Boron Additions. Materials Science Forum (Materials Science Forum). 660-661:203-208. 2010
- Study by XPS of an Atmospheric Plasma-Torch Treated Glass: Influence on Adhesion. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 24:1841-1854. 2010
- Optimization of the Design of a Double-Cup Specimen Using the Finite Element Method for Testing Adhesive Bonds Under Tensile Loads. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 23:1357-1368. 2009
- Effect of Silane Treatment on SiC Particles Used as Reinforcement in Epoxy Resins. Journal of Adhesion. 85:287-301. 2009
- Friction of PM Ferritic Stainless Steels at Temperatures up to 300º C. Tribology International. 42:1199-1205. 2009
- Effect of Boron Carbide Filler on the Curing and Mechanical Properties of an Epoxy Resin. Journal of Adhesion. 85:216-238. 2009
- Influencia del post-curado en las propiedades mecánicas de una resina epoxi reforzada con SiC: estudio estadístico. Revista Iberoamericana de Polimeros. 10:153-160. 2009
- Surface Modifications of Polycarbonate (PC) and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Copolymer by Treatment with Atmospheric Plasma. Surface and Coatings Technology. 203:2173-2180. 2009
- Effect of Welding on Local Mechanical Properties of Stainless Steels for Concrete Structures Using Universal Hardness Tests. Construction and Building Materials. 23:1883-1891. 2009
- Analytical Solution to Calculate the Stress Distribution in Pin-and-Collar Samples Bonded with Anaerobic Adhesives (Following ISO 10123 Standard). International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 28:405-410. 2008
- Influence of Silanisation Parameters with gamma -Methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane on Durability of Aluminium/Acrylic Adhesive Joints. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 22:1461-1475. 2008
book chapters
- Quasi-Static Constitutive and Strength Tests. In: Testing Adhesive Joints, Best Practices. WILEY-VCH Verlag GmBH. 79-162. 2012
- Quasi-Static Constitutive and Strength Test: Pinand-Collar Test Method. In: Testing Adhesive Joints: Best Practices. JOHN WILEY AND SONS LTD. 2012
- Study of Nanometric Fe/B (50%/50% by wt.) Powder Obtained by Mechanical Alloying. In: Advances in Materials Science Research. NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. 237-250. 2011
conference contributions
- Circular economy in carbon fiber and glass fiber reinforced polymers recycling: recycled carbon fibers and glass fibers as reinforcement in composite materials. 38-39. 2022
- El neumático conectado y sostenible: I-ECOTIRE. 108-118. 2022
- Hybridization of carbon fibers reinforced biopolymers with natural flax fibers:an opportunity for the circular economy. 44-45. 2022
- Ensayo y fabricación de un nuevo nodo de CFRP unido mediante adhesivos para su uso en estructuras de autobuses. 128-133. 2020
- Fabricación de PET reforzado con fibra de carbono a partir de desechos de CFRP y botellas de PET. 12-14. 2020
- Materiales compuestos de polietileno/boro en la atenuación de rayos X. 103-107. 2020
- Adhesivos como alternativa a otros procesos 2019
- Brittle epoxy reinforced with micro particles of magnetized cork: effect of size and amount 2019
- Characterization of magnetic cork particles to manufacture composite materials or to modify adhesives 2019
- Cinética de descomposición y estimación de vida en servicio de materiales compuestos termoplásticos reforzados con fibras naturales 2019
- Comparative study of PUR-based reactive hot melts adhesive joints 2019
- Effect of interactions among parameters on single-lap joint tests 2019
- Intensity of singular stress field (ISSF) variation as a function of the Young's modulus in single lap adhesive joints 2019
- Manufacturing of biodegradable polymer reinforced with carbon fiber: study of wettability and adhesion 2019
- Manufacturing of carbon fiber reinforced PET from wastes of CFRP and PET bottles 2019
- Materialescompuestos de polietileno/boro como apantallantes de rayos X 2019
- Thermal characterization of two mono-component epoxy resins 2019
- Thermal, rheological and mechanical characterization of an epoxy resin to be used as matrix in modified adhesives. 2019
- Utilización de matrices tenaces para mejorar unión adhesiva de capas de laminado de fibra de carbono 2019
- A new joint of FRP design for a bus structure. 1235-1242. 2017
- Caracterización superficial de un material compuesto viniléster-fibra de vidrio 2016
- Contact area actual self-friction in polyolefins. 126-132. 2016
- Efecto de la fatiga térmica en uniones adhesivas acero/CFPR unidos con cinta adhesiva de doble cara 2016
- Effect of low-pressure plasma treatment on surface modification and friction coefficient of poly-(methyl-methacrylate). 120-125. 2016
- Fatiga térmica en uniones adhesivas acero/composite unidos con adhesivos piezosensibles 2016
- Polymerization kinetics of acrylic bone cement: effect of two different antibiotics. 8-8. 2016
- ¿Tratamientos superficiales y/o cambio de adhesivo? 2016
- Addition of a crosslinking agent into conventional silane solution: effect on hydrolysis and condensation process 2015
- Desarrollo de superficies transparentes con propiedades hidrofóbicas a partir de silanos. 159. 2015
- Efecto del envejecimiento acelerado en un sistema adhesivo cerámica‐acero para la instalación de trencadís. 123. 2015
- Effect of atmospheric plasma torch on ballistic UHMWPE composite. 174-179. 2015
- Influencia del tratamiento de plasma en la adhesion entre una matriz termoplástica y fibras naturales. 1009-1014. 2015
- Influencia del tratamiento de plasma en la adhesión entre una matriz termoplástica y fibras naturales de linoy coco. 155. 2015
- Kinetic differences between three commercial epoxies curing to room temperature 2015
- Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma: surface effect on black glass-ceramic 2015
- Uniones adhesivas disimilares para las superestructuras de autobuses y autocares. 261. 2015
- Wear and cavitation effect in an epoxy filled with boron and silicon nanocarbides. 167-173. 2015
- Behaviour of fluids in porous materials. 303-308. 2014
- Cinética del proceso de curado en una resina epoxi reforzada con partículas nano-carbonosas 2014
- Effect of Roughness on Adhesive Bonds of Polymer Materials 2014
- Effect of atmospheric plasma torch on ballistic woven aramide. 34-39. 2014
- Effect of sintering temperature on the formation of intermetallics in Al-Fe-B nanocomposite. 130-134. 2014
- El caso del Palau de les Arts de Valencia: Un problema de selección de materiales 2014
- Envejecimiento de uniones adhesivas elásticas 2014
- Estudio del proceso de desengrase químico por medio de la tecnología de plasma atmosférico 2014
- Fire resistant coatings for polymeric matrix composites. 160-161. 2014
- Friction wear behaviour of carbon based epoxy nanocomposites. 281-287. 2014
- Influence of Boron and Boron Carbide on the Thermo-mechanical and Adhesive Properties of Polyethylene-based Composites 2014
- Influencia del tratamiento de plasma atmosférico en la adhesión en fibra de vidrio con una matriz polimérica 2014
- Mechanical, Thermal and Wear Properties in Nano-composites: Effect of Silica Amount 2014
- Polyolefin Joints with Elastic Adhesives based on Polyurethane: Effect of Aggressive Conditions 2014
- Tratamientos superficiales eco-eficientes para el pintado en ABS 2014
- Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Improvement of the Adhesive Properties of Woven Aramid for Ballistic Applications. 655-664. 2013
- Caracterización superficial del tratamiento de plasma atmosférico sobre cerámica vitrificada 2013
- Ceramic filled epoxy coatings on plasma activated glass fibre reinforced polymer based composites 2013
- Ceramic filled epoxy coatings on plasma activated glass fibre reinforced polymer based composites 2013
- Comportamiento de superficies de mineral de mica bajo el impacto de iones plasmógenos 2013
- Mechanical characterization of steel-polyurethane and steel-silicone structural joints by means of fatigue tests 2013
- Mejora de la adhesión de tejidos de aramida para su empleo en blindajes ligeros. 105-113. 2013
- Optimización de la adhesión de tejidos con aplicaciones balísticas 2013
- Polymerization kinetics of boron carbide/epoxy resin composite 2013
- Propiedades Termo-Mecánicas de materiales compuestos de Polietileno/Boro 2013
- Silane coatings as adhesion promoters of anaerobic adhesives : study of the effect of the Silane solution Ph = Recubrimientos silano como promotores de la adhesión de adhesivos anaeróbicos: Estudio del efecto del pH 2013
- Study of correlation between steel roughness, surface energy and adhesion properties 2013
- Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy/SiC Composites Degraded by Moisture and Temperature. 643-654. 2013
- Activacion de la superficie de poliolefinas mediante tratamientos de plasma a vacío y plasma atmosférico 2012
- Activación de la superficie de poliolefinas mediante tratamientos de plasma a vacío y plasma atmosférico 2012
- Atmospheric pressure plasma hydrophilic modification of a silicone surface. 321-336. 2012
- Conductividad térmica de composites de polietileno de baja densidad/boro 2012
- Degradation of the Elastic Adhesive Bonding: Reliability Study Using the Weibull Modulus. 167-169. 2012
- Detección de grupos funcionales en GFR y CFR tratados con plasma mediante XPS 2012
- Effect of Treatment with Atmospheric Plasma Torch on Composites of Polyethylene/boron 2012
- Envejecimiento de la adhesión en poliolefinas tratadas con plasma 2012
- Estudio de la aplicación de tratamientos químicos y físico-químicos para mejorar la adhesión de polipropileno 2012
- Estudio mediante microscopía de fuerza atómica (AFM) del efecto físico del tratamiento de plasma atmosférico sobre superficies de acero pulido 2012
- Evaluation of the Influence of the Addition of Vancomycin and Cefazolin on Polymerization Kinetics of Acrylic Bone Cement. 130-132. 2012
- Influence of Nanoparticles on Curing Kinetics of Epoxy PMCs. 117-119. 2012
- Propiedades mecánicas de nanocomposites base resina epoxi 2012
- Propiedades mecánicas de uniones estructurales Acero-Poliuretano sometidas a ensayos de fatiga 2012
- Surface Modification of Composite Materials for Adhesive Bonding. 289-291. 2012
- Tratamientos de plasma a vacío y plasma atmosférico de poliolefinas: efecto y durabilidad 2012
- Adhesión de materiales compuestos de matriz polimérica modificados por plasma atmosférico. 293-302. 2011
- Approaches to poly(tetrafluoroethylene) adhesive bonding. 709-719. 2011
- Atmospheric Plasma Surface Treatment of GRP/Acrylic Adhesive Joints 2011
- Boron Nitride Coating of Glass-Fibre Reinforced Composites 2011
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry Study of Polyethylene/Boron Composites Treated with Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Torch 2011
- Effect of EtOH/H2O ratio and pH on bis-sulfur silane solutions for electrogalvanized steel joints based on anaerobic adhesives. 688-708. 2011
- Effect of Roughness on the Adhesion of Polymeric Materials 2011
- Epoxy Composite Reinforced with Nano and Micro SiC Particles: Curing Kinetics at Room Temperature and Mechanical Properties 2011
- Estudio del área real en materiales plásticos 2011
- Evaluación del comportamiento mecánico de un adhesivo sometido a ensayos de fatiga 2011
- Influence of Manufacturing Process in Mechanical Properties and Wear of Al Matrix Composites Obtained by Powder Metallurgy 2011
- Influence of Silanization on the Kinetic of an Anaerobic Adhesive on Metallic Substrates by DSC Technique 2011
- Influencia de la adición de partículas nanométricas de carburo de silicio a la cinética de curado de una resina epoxi 2011
- Influencia de la velocidad y el tiempo de mezclas en las propiedades mecánicas de un material compuesto base epoxi 2011
- Nodulation: A Powder Metallurgy Technique in Ancient Jewellery 2011
- Oxidation of Aluminium Particles 2011
- Evaluation of Adhesion aod Aging ofa Glass Treared with Aurospheric Plasma Torcb 2009
- Análisis de la fiabilidad de juntas adhesivas estructurales con adherentes de aluminio en función del acabado superficial 2008
- Aplicación de la estadística en la caracterización mecánica de uniones adhesivas 2008
- Degradación mediante humedad y temperatura de un epoxi de alta resistencia reforzado con B4C 2008
- Effect of Silane Treatment on SiC Particles Used as Reinforcement in Epoxy Resins 2008
- Estudio estadístico de las propiedades mecánicas de un epoxy reforzado con SiC tras el post-curado 2008
- Influence of particle size and amount of boron carbide added to epoxy resin to improve mechanical resistance 2008
- Optimización de las condiciones de aplicación de gamma-metacriloxipropiltrimetroxisilano en aceros electrozincados 2008
- Optimizing the Design of a Double-Cup Specimen Through Finite Element Methods, for Tensile Tests of Adhesives 2008
- Simulación de uniones adhesivas con adhesivos anaeróbicos para el cálculo de distribución de tensiones en uniones cilíndricas 2008
- Tratamientos superficiales de materiales poliméricos 2008
- Técnicas de caracterización de superficies en tratamientos con plasma atmosférico 2008