sample of publications
- Teaching electronics in just one semester for an Engineering degree: the case of Electronic Engineering Fundamentals, Aerospace Engineering, UC3M. 2024 XVI CONGRESO DE TECNOLOGIA, APRENDIZAJE Y ENSENANZA DE LA ELECTRONICA, TAEE 2024. 2024
- Solar Energy Harvesting to Improve Capabilities of Wearable Devices. SENSORS. 22:3950-3971. 2022
- Numerical and Experimental Evaluation and Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Soft Magnetic Transformer Built from Laminated Steel Plates. SENSORS. 21(7939):1-18. 2021
- Power control for grid connected applications based on the phase shifting of the inverter output voltage with respect to the grid voltage. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS. 57:250-260. 2014
- Overview of power inverter topologies and control structures for grid connected photovoltaic systems. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 30:796-807. 2014
- Análisis de los parámetros de salida de los inversores: rendimiento y parámetros mecánicos. Solar News. 24-29. 2012
- Análisis y principales procedimientos para la detección de defectos en el generador FV. Solar News. 46-49. 2012
- Analysis of the Maximum Power point Tracking in the Photovoltaic Grid Inverters of 5 kW. Renewable Energy. 34:2366-2372. 2009
- An Analysis of the Technical Exigencies and CE Marking Relative to Low Voltage (less than 5 kW) Photovoltaic Inverters Marketed in Spain. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 13:1635-1640. 2009
- Overview of the State of Technique for PV Inverters used in Low Voltage Grid-Connected PV Systems: Inverters below 10 kW. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 13:1541-1550. 2009
- Overview of the Photovoltaic Technology Status and Perspective in Spain. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 13:1049-1057. 2009
- Digital Power Factor Control and Reactive Power Regulation for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter. Renewable Energy. 34:315-321. 2009
- Theoretical-Experimental Comparison of a Modeling Procedure for Magnetic Components Using Finite Element Analysis and a Circuit Simulator. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. 320:1024-1028. 2008
- E-lecturas de verano: ingenieros/as a la Boloñesa. 100cias@uned. 11-16. 2008
- Nonlinear Saturation Modeling of Magnetic Components with an RM-Type Core. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. 44:1891-1893. 2008
- Overview of the Legislation of DC Injection in the Network for Low Voltage Small Grid-Connected PV Systems in Spain and Other Countries. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 12:575-583. 2008
book chapters
conference contributions
- Dual Active Bridge con triple desfase, soft switching y corriente eficaz mínima en todo el rango de funcionamiento. 77-77. 2017
- Dual active bridge with triple phase shift, soft switching and minimum RMS current for the whole operating range. 4671-4676. 2017
- Estado de la técnica de la Transferencia capacitiva de energía sin contacto.. 65-65. 2017
- A comparative study and parameterization of electrical battery models applied to hybrid electric vehicles 2016
- Análisis, comparación y validación experimental de modelos de supercondensadores aplicados a vehículos eléctricos híbridos 2016
- Aspectos prácticos del uso de HEMTs fabricados en GaN 2016
- Characterization of defects in encapsulated solar modules using infrared lock-in thermography 2013
- Comparación entre tres sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados a red de diferentes tecnologías 2012
- New Photovoltaic Policy in Spain: Things for Not Doing 2011
- A DSP Control Programmed Into PV Grid-Connected Inverters Implemented at Low Voltage Grid-Connected PV Systems. 3030-3032. 2008
- Analysis of the Technical Requirements and CE Marking Relative to Photovoltaic Grid Inverters of Low Voltage of Less than 5 kW 2008
- Digital Control based on the Shifting Phase for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Inverter. 945-951. 2008
- Grid-Connected Photovoltais System with Power Control 2008