sample of publications
- Scientific mobility, training and entrepreneurial skills in health sciences: The spanish case. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18:1-22. 2021
- Communication systems for scientific collaboration and mobility. Evidence from Spain. Profesional de la Informacion. 28:1-13. 2019
- On the Feasibility of 5G Slice Resource Allocation With Spectral Efficiency: A Probabilistic Characterization. IEEE Access. 7: 151948 -151961. 2019
- On the Economic Significance of Stock Market Prediction and the No Free Lunch Theorem. IEEE Access. 7:75177-75188. 2019
- University training on entrepreneurship in communication and journalism business projects. Comunicar. 91-99. 2018
- Entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and scientific mobility: The Spanish case. PLoS ONE. 13. 2018
- Expert Selection in Prediction Markets With Homological Invariants. IEEE Access. 6:32226-32239. 2018
- Cumulative advantages and social capabilities in scientific mobility in the Health Sciences: The Spanish case. PLoS ONE. 12:1-23. 2017
- An analysis of the network selection problem for heterogeneous environments with user-operator joint satisfaction and multi-RAT transmission. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (discontinued). 2017:1-13. 2017
- Radial Basis Function Interpolation for Signal-Model-Independent Localization. IEEE Sensors Journal. 16:2028-2035. 2016
- Formación en emprendimiento para periodistas. Profesional de la Informacion. 23:409-414. 2014
- Cell Size Determination in WCDMA Systems Using an Evolutionary Programming Approach. Computers and Operations Research. 35:3758-3768. 2008