Deep Robot Sketching: An application of Deep Q-Learning Networks for human-like sketching Articles uri icon

publication date

  • September 2023

start page

  • 57

end page

  • 63


  • Septiembre


  • 81

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 2214-4366

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1389-0417


  • The current success of Reinforcement Learning algorithms for its performance in complex environments has inspired many recent theoretical approaches to cognitive science. Artistic environments are studied within the cognitive science community as rich, natural, multi-sensory, multi-cultural environments. In this work, we propose the introduction of Reinforcement Learning for improving the control of artistic robot applications. Deep Q-learning Neural Networks (DQN) is one of the most successful algorithms for the implementation of Reinforcement Learning in robotics. DQN methods generate complex control policies for the execution of complex robot applications in a wide set of environments. Current art painting robot applications use simple control laws that limits the adaptability of the frameworks to a set of simple environments. In this work, the introduction of DQN within an art painting robot application is proposed. The goal is to study how the introduction of a complex control policy impacts the performance of a basic art painting robot application. The main expected contribution of this work is to serve as a first baseline for future works introducing DQN methods for complex art painting robot frameworks. Experiments consist of real world executions of human drawn sketches using the DQN generated policy and TEO, the humanoid robot. Results are compared in terms of similarity and obtained reward with respect to the reference inputs.


  • Robotics and Industrial Informatics


  • deep q-networks; deep reinforcement learning; robotic art; robotics