Outputs for BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Department (Year 2016)
- A clash of governance logics: foreign ownership and board monitoring
- A maximum entropy approach to the loss data aggregation problem
- A natural resource-based view of climate change: Innovation challenges in the automobile industry
- Accounting conservatism and firm investment efficiency
- Assessing the impact of environmental innovation in the airline industry: An empirical study of emerging market economies
- Bridging finance and behavioral scholarship on agent risk sharing and risk taking
- CSR serves to compete in the sport industry? An exploratory research in the football sector in Peru
- Cambio de auditor y compra de opinión: efectos del cambio de firma y del cambio de socio
- Consumer Bankruptcy, Bank Mergers, and Information
- Corporate Science, Innovation and Firm Value
- Crowding, satiation, and saturation: The days of television series' lives
- Determination of zero-coupon and spot rates from treasury data by maximum entropy methods
- Effects of trust and distrust on effort and budgetary slack: an experiment
- Employee referrals as a screening device
- Going short-term or long term? CEO stock options and temporal orientation in the presence of slack
- Good deals and benchmarks in robust portfolio selection
- Government finances and bank bailouts: Evidence from European stock markets
- Heavy lies the crown? How job anxiety affects top executive decision making in gain and loss contexts
- Knowledge spillovers in the supply chain: Evidence from the high-tech sectors
- Learning by hiring: The effects of scientists' inbound mobility on research performance in academia
- Liquidity in credit default swap markets
- Loss data analysis: Analysis of the sample dependence in density reconstruction by maxentropic methods
- Manager Replacement, Employee Protest, and Corporate Control
- Market frictions and the pricing of sovereign credit default swaps
- Multidimensional Competition and Corporate Disclosure
- Outperforming benchmarks with their derivatives: theory and empirical evidence
- Promotion signals, experience, and education
- Research paradigms and useful inventions in medicine: Patents and licensing by teams of clinical and basic scientists in Academic Medical Centers
- Riding successive product diffusion waves. Building a tsunami via upgrade-rebate programs
- SMORE: Towards a semantic modeling for knowledge representation on social media
- Social business hybrids: Demand externalities, competitive advantage, and growth through diversification
- Strategies of Legitimacy through Social Media: The Networked Strategy
- Tail risk spillovers and corporate cash holdings
- Teaching quality and academic research
- The Effectiveness of Regulation Fair Disclosure: Evidence from an Emerging Market
- The Governance of Perpetual Financial Intermediaries
- The Limits of Reflected Glory: The Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Product Name Similarity in the US Network TV Program Industry, 1944-2003
- The Strategic Behavior of Firms with Debt
- The illusion of CSR: drawing the line between core and supplementary CSR
- Time-zero efficiency of European power derivatives markets
- Towards green growth: How does green innovation affect employment?
- Using panel data DEA to measure CEOs' focus of attention: An application to the study of cognitive group membership and performance
- Marketing Relacional
- Professional investors and the decision usefulness of financial reporting: Report prepared for ICAS (The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland) and EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group)
Conference Contributions
- Agenda digital iberoamericana
- All that glitters is not gold: competition as a reason for voluntary disclosure of bribery
- Alleviating Boardroom Gender Inequality in Emerging Markets: Can Foreign Institutional Investors Counteract Local Institutional Forces?
- An Examination of Ownership Effects on Board Governance and Incentives
- Aplicación de la tecnología emergente de realidad aumentada: Experiencias pilotos en el ámbito de la educación universitaria
- Balancing on a tight rope: can creativity and control coexist for the sake of innovation?
- Balancing on a tightrope: can creativity and control coexist for the sake of innovation?
- Bank Capital Regulation with Unregulated Competitors
- Bank capital regulation with unregulated competitors
- Banks' equity holdings and their impact on securities issues in different institutional settings
- CSR as inhibitor or stimulus for performance improvements in major organizational transformations
- CSR as inhibitor or stimulus for performance improvements in major organizational transformations
- Co-Legitimation of Producers and Customers in a Socially Stigmatized Online Product Community
- Debt pressure and the choice of interactive control systems: Effects on cost of debt
- Digital disruption in capital markets
- Digital transformation and social change: corporate challenges and future agenda: [Round table]
- Discussant de "Effects of the adoption of IFRS on the credit market: Evidence from Brazil"
- Discussion de "Information and financial intermediation: evidence from public disclosure regulation" de Matthias Breuer, Katharina Hombach y Maximilian Andre Müller,
- Disentangling the role of management control systems for innovation´s attributes, outcomes and context
- Disruptive innovation and new business models
- Earnings Management and Conditional Conservatism
- Earnings Quality
- Earnings management and conditional conservatism
- Earnings management and impression management
- Editor's Panel: Research Integrity and Research Ethics
- Effects of CEOs' and CFOs' compensation mechanisms on real activities and accounting manipulation
- Effects of Ideas Dissemination Across Countries: The Case of Board Monitoring Effectiveness
- Effects of Investor Categories on Board Independence
- Engagement and Mutual Influence of Multiple Audiences and the Performance of Boundary Spanners
- Entrepreneurship in equilibrium: a signaling approach
- Environmental R&D investment
- Environmental Supply Chain Collaboration: Exploring the Moderating Effects of Location and Sourcing
- How local is a local banking market? Bank competition, borrower competition and interest rates
- Impact of Firm Created Content on Brand Engagement in the Spanish twittersphere
- Impact of firm created content on user generated content in the Spanish twittersphere
- Impression management and non-GAAP disclosure in earnings announcements
- Industry concentration and investment funding: The importance of understanding the market structure
- Is it good for small firms to engage in Cause-Related Marketing campaigns?
- La importancia del marketing móvil y el marketing digital como generadores del 'Amor de marca' en el sector deportivo. Una aplicación empírica al Real Madrid, F.C.
- Learning skills: how far away are businessmen and graduates?
- Managerial incentives for attracting attention
- Managers who trust whilst create budgetary slack: myth or reality?
- Mood as a moderator of social norm's influence: an abstract
- Ownership Effects on Board Composition: The Case of Inside Versus Outside Board Director Representation
- Professional investors and the decision usefulness of financial reporting
- Regional crime rates and reporting quality: evidence from private firms in London
- Relación entre las vías de internacionalización y el rendimiento de las pequeñas y medianas empresas familiares
- Say-on-Payout
- Search for Yield [Barcelona GSE Summer Forum, 2016]
- Search for Yield [Konstanz Seminar on Monetary Theory and Policy, 2016]
- Small but Moral: The Impact of Firm Size and Gratitude on the Effectiveness of Cause-Marketing Campaigns
- Stakeholder (Dis)Engagement in Social Media: The Case of Twitter and the Banking Industry
- The Bright Side of Stock Repurchases
- The Bright Side of Stock Repurchases
- The Governance Impact of a Changing Investor Landscape: Foreign Investors and Managerial Earnings Forecasts
- The bright side of stock repurchases
- The combined effects of leadership and magnitude of change on adaptive team performance: the mediating roles of implicit and explicit coordination
- The dark and bright sides of collaboration: the effects of geographic proximity and the international diversity of partners on innovation success and failure
- The effects of information differences among investors on the role of earnings quality in facilitating corporate investment
- The institutionalization of sustainability assurance services: a comparison between Italy and United States
- The institutionalization of sustainability assurance services: a comparison between Italy and United States
- The role of experience in influencing support among CEOS
- The strategic allocation of inventors to R&D collaborations
- The strategic allocation of inventors to R&D collaborations
- The strategic allocation of inventors to R&D collaborations
- Topic analysis of Twitter content from Ibero-America: application to car brands
- Using teaching and students based data to answer broad interdisciplinary research questions
- What determines investment in environmental innovation?
- Why are they hiding? Patent secrecy and patenting strategies
- [Participación en Mesa Redonda]
- Análisis del proceso emprendedor en las fases de creación y crecimiento de un nuevo negocio: el papel de los recursos y las relaciones entre los miembros del equipo
- Capacidad innovadora, competitividad y el papel de la información contable. INNCOMCON-CM
- EARLYFIN-CM. Nuevas formas de financiación de la innovación.
- El impacto de los inversores no-residentes en la deuda soberana
- Estrategias y Nuevos Investigaciones de los Activos Intangibles
- Gestión del talento en la era de la información digital
- Información contable y gobierno corporativo: efectos sobre la financiación empresarial, las políticas de inversión y el valor de la empresa
- Instituciones y Cambio Tecnológico: Lecciones de la Crisis sobre Valoración de Activos, Gestión de Inversiones y Regulación
- Las redes de empresas e innovaciones sociales
- Mercados energéticos de contacto y derivados: precios, eficiencia y carteras de inversión.
- Sobre la estrategia corporativa de comunicación financiero-contable: elecciones y objetivos
- Técnicas analíticas de marketing en entornos con riqueza de datos
Supervised Theses
- Essays in program evaluation and investment
- Essays on market discipline, banking and regulation
- La pérdida de valor en los activos estratégicos: el caso de la dilución de marcas
- Maxentropic and quantitative methods in operational risk modeling
- The interrelation between accounting information, corporate governance and insider trading
- Three Essays on Hospitality Management in Emerging Markets.
- Three Essays on Network Theory Applied to Capital Markets
- Three essays on financial markets
- Three essays on the effect of expropriation risk on private investment
Working Papers
- Coherent Pricing
- Dificultades en la aplicación de las deducciones fiscales por actividades de I+D+i
- Good deal measurement in asset pricing: Actuarial and financial implications
- La utilidad de los cuadros de mando integrados para la obtención de una 'smart health'
- Must an optimal buy and hold strategy contain any derivative?
- Opinion shopping: Partner versus firm-level evidence
- Teaching quality and academic research
- The newsvendor problem with convex risk
- The strategic allocation of inventors to R&D collaborations
- VaR as the CVaR sensitivity : applications in risk optimization