Outputs for BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Department (Year 2023)
- Aena case study: Privatization of the largest European airport group
- Combining interpretivism and positivism in international business research: The example of the expatriate role
- Complex supply chain structures and multi-scope GHG emissions: the moderation effect of reducing equivocality
- Digitalization as a facilitator of open innovation: Are family firms different?
- Euro adoption and intra-European Union exporters'productivity: Differences between family and non-family firms
- Exceeding the Ordinary: A Framework for Examining Teams Across the Extremeness Continuum and Its Impact on Future Research
- Exploring the link between family ownership and leverage: A mediating pathway through socioemotional wealth objectives.
- Family Control, Political Risk and Employment Security: A Cross-National Study
- Flexible work arrangements in family firms: A socioemotional wealth perspective
- Government intervention, linkages and financial fragility
- Green innovation strategies and firms' internationalization
- How to keep your portfolio close in risk y diversification to a desired benchmark
- Klima DAO: an intermediary in a nascent market
- La guía danesa para regular las excesivas exigencias cuantitativas del trabajo
- Las ventas en corto: información o manipulación.
- Managing volunteers and paid workers in a nonprofit operation
- Multi-Country and Multi-Horizon GDP Forecasting Using Temporal Fusion Transformers
- Performance feedback and productivity: Evidence from a field experiment
- Positioning context front and center in international human resource management research
- Quarterly earnings guidance and real earnings management
- Socioemotional wealth in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous contexts: The case of family firms in Latin America and the Caribbean
- The case of a subsidized reverse supply chain in the Chinese electronics industry
- The effects of the ECB's unconventional monetary policies from 2011 to 2018 on banking assets
- The effects of the ECB's unconventional monetary policies from 2011 to 2018 on banking assets
- The global spillovers of unconventional monetary policies on tail risks
- The hedging effectiveness of electricity futures in the Spanish market
- The international integration of the term structure of expected market risk premia
- The mere possession effect of shareable digital coupons: The mediating role of anticipated self¿enhancement
- The recruit requirements of recent graduates: approaching the existing mismatch
- The unequal consequences of job loss across countries
Book Chapters
- Career Adaptability. In: Career psychology: Models, concepts, and counseling for meaningful employment
- Employer and employee learning. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Labour Studies
- Il paradosso della motivazione economica: ipotesi dell"evento. In: Introduzione alla realtà totale: saggi sul pensiero pedagogico e sociale di Luigi Giussani
- Prioridades de prevención en la salud mental de los trabajadores: la intensidad de trabajo y la vida social. In: Precarizaçao deo trabalho, desigualdade social e saúde do(a) trabalhador(a) no contrexto socio-político e económico do Brasil e da Espanha pós-2008
- The compensation of corporate expatriates. In: Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management
- Tokenized Assets and Securities. In: The Emerald Handbook on Cryptoassets: Investment Opportunities and Challenges
Conference Contributions
- CEO mentoring and post-CEO succession performance in family firms
- Sustainable governance in family businesses: An environmental point of view: inaugural session
- Asesoramiento en valoración de empresas
- Detección, monitoreo y protección de las ciber amenazas. Alfabetización social en ciberseguridad. - CYBERTHREAT
- Estudio de la evolución de las actuaciones empresariales en relación a los ODS en el contexto de la cadena de suministro y papel desempeñado por los inversores institucionales. - SDG_SCM
- Negociación y fijación de precios en el mundo digital -AlgoPrice&Trade
- Real effects of financial frictions across agents
Supervised Theses
- Evidence from the financial crises: Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and European Sovereign Debt Crisis
- Three Essays on Banking and Finance
- Three Essays on Corporate Narrative Disclosures
- Three Essays on Family Firms
- Three Essays on Finance
- Three Essays on Investors' Behavior in FinTech Markets
- Three Essays on Stigma
- Three Essays on Supply Networks: Cognitive Embeddedness, Social-ecological Resilience, and ESG Risk
- Three essays on digitalization