Outputs for BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Department (Year 2021)
- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush: Technology search strategies and competition due to import penetration
- A pandemic is dynamic: Viewing COVID-19 through an adaptation lens
- An Emergence Model of Team Burnout
- Analysis from a gender perspective of the Olympic Games on Twitter
- Bank Runs, Bank Competition and Opacity
- Bargaining power as moderator of the 'delay costs effect' in supply chain negotiations
- Bitcoin and altcoins price dependency: Resilience and portfolio allocation in COVID-19 outbreak
- Bridging accounting and corporate governance: new avenues of research
- Cointegration, information transmission, and the lead-lag effect between industry portfolios and the stock market
- Colaborar con socios internacionales para innovar: implicaciones para empresas de servicios profesionales y tecnológicos
- Does persistence in using R&D tax credits help to achieve product innovations?
- Dynamic Persuasion with Outside Information
- Empleo, trabajo y riesgos para la salud mental: análisis y propuestas de intervención
- Environmental determinants of energy-efficient transformation of national economies for sustainable development
- Failed and successful innovations: The role of geographic proximity and international diversity of partners in technological collaboration
- Feature selection in a credit scoring model
- Financial constraints on R&D projects and minsky moments: containing the credit cycle
- Green Bond Finance in Europe and the Stock Market Reaction
- Greening Economy vs Greening Business: Performance Indicators, Driving Factors and Trends
- Heterogeneity and competition in fragmented markets: fees vs speed
- Is there life beyond the Spanish government's aid to furloughed employees by COVID-19?
- It's about time: The timing of entrepreneurial experience and the career dynamics of university graduates
- Linking theories of incomplete contracts to empirics in IPO contracting
- Neural Photometry-Guided Visual Attribute Transfer
- Numerical approach to the risk capital allocation problem
- Omega ratio optimization with actuarial and financial applications
- Patterns of team adaptation: The effects of behavioural interaction patterns on team adaptation and the antecedent effect of empowering versus directive leadership
- Plataformización y gestión "platafórmica": una discusión de las condiciones de trabajo en una plataforma cualificada
- Public thrift, private perks: signaling board independence with executive pay
- Resampled efficient frontier integration for MOEAs
- Service robots and COVID-19: exploring perceptions of prevention efficacy at hotels in generation Z
- Stakeholders versus firm communication in social media: the case of twitter and corporate social responsibility information
- Stepping out of the shadows: identity exposure as a remedy for stigma transfer concerns in the medical marijuana market
- Strikes Against Emerging Competition: Respecting Consumers' Needs and Gaining Their Hearts
- Team cognition at a crossroad: Toward conceptual integration and network configurations
- The Influence of Social Norms on Consumer Behavior: A Meta-Analysis
- The Usefulness of Financial Accounting Information: Evidence from the Field
- The pressure behind corporate social performance: Ownership and institutional configurations
- The role of users' engagement in shaping financial reporting: should activists target accounting more?
- The strategic allocation of inventors to R&D collaborations
- The timely overestimation of Spanish GDP in the great recession
- Young people's social engagement: personal motivations and social networks
Book Chapters
- Algunas reflexiones sobre la Industria de la Moda, la pandemia Covid19, y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: la Transparencia y la Economía Circular como condiciones necesarias. In: Nuevas dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible y derechos económicos sociales y culturales
- An original social marketing campaign to 'Try Vegan': effectiveness and impact on quality of life. In: Applied social marketing and quality of life: case studies from an international perspective
- Does carbon reporting really reflect companies' climate change action strategies?. In: Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.
- RSC 2.0: La comunicación entre empresas y stakeholders en redes sociales. In: Marketíng digital y big data
- Role of Donors in Global Health Supply Chains. In: Responsible Business Operations
- The law and economics of comparative corporate law. In: Comparative Corporate Governance
Conference Contributions
- CSR and SDGs Contribution to Hotels Resilience in COVID-19 days
- Explicando la economía circular y la gestión de la cadena de suministros de alimentos en España durante la Covid19: el caso de Commanitas
- Who truly bears (bank) taxes? Evidence from only shifting statutory incidence File PDF: Opens in a new window
- Análisis de contenido y filtrado de términos
- Análisis de los resultados de la Jornada Flexible Retribuida en el Grupo Telefónica
- Asesoría en valoración de empresas
- Liderazgo Adaptativo de Equipos: Entrenando a Líderes y Miembros de Equipo para Adaptarse a Condiciones Inesperadas y Novedosas
- Motivating Work Teams: An Emergence-Based Process Model
- Servicio de investigación académica y de asesoría sobre normativa comparada e impacto de la regulación en cuestiones de Derecho Societario, Gobierno corporativo y otras materias relacionadas con los mercados de valores (expediente 08/21/L2)
Supervised Theses
- Assorted Papers on Auditing and Corruption
- Three Essays on Power Prices and the Impact of Green Technology
- Three Essays on Short Selling Bans, Asset Pricing and Market Quality
Working Papers
- Defusing Leverage: Liquidity Management and Labor Contracts
- Demand-Driven Corporate Social Responsibility and Accounting Quality: Evidence on Symbolic vs Substantive Change after Large Technological Disasters
- Narrative Conservatism
- The role of users' engagement in shaping financial reporting: should activists target accounting more?