Outputs for BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Department (Year 2015)
- A contractual approach to discipline self-dealing by controlling shareholders
- A structural model with Explicit Distress
- A study on short-selling constraints: total ban versus partial ban
- Comparing series of rankings with ties by using complex networks: an analysis of the spanish stock market (ibex-35 index)
- Connecting the dots: bringing external corporate governance into the corporate governance puzzle
- Corporate Stock and Bond Return Correlations and Dynamic Adjustments of Capital Structure
- Creditor Intervention, Investment, and Growth Opportunities
- Diviend Policy with Controlling Shareholders
- Editor's Choice: : Not invented here: how institutionalized socialization practices affect the formation of negative attitudes toward external knowledge
- Expropriation risk, investment decisions and economic sector
- Green supply chain management approaches: drivers and performance implications
- Historical impact of technological change on the US mass media advertising expenditure
- How "smart cities" will change supply chain management
- Industry characteristics and financial risk contagion
- Investment, duration, and exit strategies for corporate and independent venture capital-backed start-ups
- Maxentropic approach to decompound aggregate risk losses
- Measuring Systemic Risk: Common Factor Exposures and Tail Dependence Effects
- Not all risk taking is born equal: The behavioral agency model and CEO´s perception of firm efficacy
- On the compensation for iliquidity in sovereign credit markets
- Optimal reinsurance under risk and uncertainty
- Platforms: a multiplicity of research opportunities
- Portfolio selection with commodities under conditional asymmetric dependence and skew preferences
- Price support by bank-affiliated mutual funds
- Quote inefficiency in options markets
- Segment disclosure and cost of capital
- Social value of the firm: analyses and practical applications
- The Performance of Green Supply Chain Management Governance Mechanisms: A Supply Network and Complexity Perspective
- The Renaissance Man is not dead! the role of generalists in teams of inventors
- The effects of budgetary knowledge and extrinsic motivation on the importance that managers attribute to their budgets
- The idiosyncratic volatility anomaly: Corporate investment or investor mispricing?
- The reward for trading illiquid maturities in credit default swap markets
- Time horizon trading and the idiosyncratic risk puzzle
- Tort reform and the theory of coordinating tort and insurance
- Towards a common Eurozone risk free rate
- Two maxentropic approaches to determine the probability density of compound risk losses
- Understanding the innovation behavior of family firms
- Utilitarian and hedonic promotional appeals of 99-ending prices The influence of decision-making style
- Walking a slippery line: Investments in social values and product longevity
- What Drives Credit Rating Changes? A Return Decomposition Approach
- Who Drives Corporate Restructuring? Co-Existing Owners in French Firms
Book Chapters
- Inversión y retorno de las empresas españolas en Latinoamérica. In: Inversión Extranjera Directa en América Latina. Una revisión en las economías latinoamericanas en los albores del siglo XXI
- Path Dependence in Technologies and Organizations. In: Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management
- Problemas de concepto, valoración y cuantificación del daño moral (Análisis económico del derecho). In: El daño moral y su cuantificación
- SMEs Participation to supply chains and credit constraints: implications for internal credit risk models. In: Does one size fit all? Basel rules and SME financing
- Society needs and university teaching: Is there a gap?. In: Investigaciones de Economía de la Educación, Volumen 10
- Why some political opportunities succeed and others fail: Bridging organizational levels in the case of Spanish occupy. In: Civic engagement and social media: Political participation beyond protest / J. Uldam, & A. Vestergaard (Eds.)
Conference Contributions
- "Nacidas de nuevo globales": una vía de internacionalización de las pequeñas y medianas empresas familiares. Desencadenantes del proceso e influencia en el rendimiento
- "Nacidas de nuevo globales": una vía de internacionalización de las pequeñas y medianas empresas familiares. Desencadenantes del proceso e influencia en el rendimiento
- Accounting quality effects of imposing gender quotas on boards of directors
- Banks' equity holdings and their impact on security issues in different institutional settings
- Banks' equity holdings and their impact on security issues in different institutional settings
- Competences development from two perspectives: businessmen vs. graduates
- Competition and Bank Income Smoothing
- Competition and bank income smoothing
- Contraponencia a: "Whistleblowers in the Board: The Role of Independent Directors in Prosecuting Cartels", de Murillo Campello y Daniel Ferrés
- Corporate social responsibility, firm management and international experience as driving factors of a company's brand reputation
- Cost stickiness and accruals estimation models
- Cost stickiness and accruals estimation models
- Cost stickiness and accruals estimation models
- Debt pressure and the choice of interactive control systems: Effects on cost of debt
- Discussant de "Why employees choose to be represented on corporate boards" de Tom Berglund
- Discussant en "Return news decomposition and conditional conservatism" de Shengmin Hung y Zheng Qiao
- Discussion en "Corporate diversification and earnings quality" de C. Homburg, J. Nasev y D. Nussmann
- Effects of CEOs' and CFOs' compensation mechanisms on real activities and accounting manipulation
- El alcance de la reforma concursal y reformas pendientes
- Engagement and Mutual Influence of Multiple Audiences and the Performance of Boundary Spanner
- Expenditure trends in us advertising: long-term effects and structural changes with new media introductions
- Financial Derivatives and Firm innovation
- Financial reporting and Narrative Disclosure. Content Analysis vs. Textual Analysis
- Gender differences in risk aversion: evidence from a multiple choice exam of accounting students
- Geographic disclosures and firm investment efficiency
- Impact of FCC on UGC en Twitter: using a new Social Media Monitoring Tool
- Impact of Firm Created Content on User Generated Content: Using Twittiment as a Social Media Monitoring Tool to Explore Twitter
- Impact of Firm Created Content on User Generated Content: Using a new social media monitoring tool to explore Twitter
- Knowledge sourcing and green innovation
- L'imprenditore como motore di sviluppo
- La ciencia económica y la economía colaborativa
- Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone: Rivalry as a reason for voluntary disclosure firm's corruption
- Let he who is without sin, cast thefirst stone. Rivalry as a reason for realiase firm's corruption
- Market rewards to patterns of increasing earnings: do cash flow patterns, accruals manipulation and real activities manipulation matter?
- Multidimensional competition and corporate disclosure
- Multidimensional competition and corporate disclosure
- On the role of Management Control Systems for Innovation: insights from a large data set
- Owners' Influence on Board Composition and Structure: An Empirical Examination in the French Context
- Owners' Influence on Corporate Governance
- Panel de editores
- Participation in R&D tax credit and subsidy programs: the weight of inertia
- Participation in R&D, tax credit and subsidy programs: the weight of inertia
- Patents as a signal of inventor ability
- Physicians under accountingisation in public hospitals: Professional doctors, occupational doctors and hybrid doctor-managers in a Portuguese teaching hospital
- Physicians under accountingisation in public hospitals: Professional doctors, occupational doctors and hybrid doctor-managers in a Portuguese teaching hospital
- Physicians under accountingisation in public hospitals: Professional doctors, occupational doctors and hybrid doctor-managers in a Portuguese teaching hospital
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication: Overconfidence, Narcissism, or Self-Esteem?
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication: Overconfidence, Narcissism, or Self-Esteem?
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication: Overconfidence, Narcissism, or Self-Esteem?
- Positive and negative CEO personality traits and firm communication: Overconfidence, Narcissism, or Self-Esteem?
- Responsabilidad social corporativa de las empresas multilatinas
- Sales volatility and marketing planning
- Say-on-Payout
- Say-on-Payout
- Say-on-Payout
- Say-on-dividend
- Search for Yield [European Summer Symposium on Financial Markets (ESSFM), 2015]
- Search for Yield [Finance Forum, 2015]
- Search for Yield [Joint BOE , ECB, CEPR and CFM Conference, 2015]
- Society needs and university teaching: Is there a gap?
- Stakeholder engangement and CSR information communication on social media: The case of Twitter and the Spanish banking industry
- Tell Me What to Do When I am in a Good Mood. Show Me What to Do When I am in a Bad Mood: Mood as a Moderator of Social Norm's Influence
- The Bright Side of Financial Derivatives: Options Trading and Firm Innovation
- The Bright Side of Financial Derivatives: Options Trading and Firm Innovation
- The Bright Side of Stock Repurchases
- The Effect of Owners in Setting CEO Incentives
- The Influence of Investor categories on Business Exits
- The bright sides of financial derivates: options trading and firm innovation
- The effects of information differences among investors on the role of earnings quality in facilitating corporate investment
- The management of faultline teams: how to enhance team learning and team performance
- The role of foreign shareholders in disciplining financial reporting
- The role of mood in social norm influence
- Understanding lobbying behaviour around the FASB-IASB leases project
- Understanding patients' participation in health care services
- Análisis económico del sector de hidrocarburos y de telecomunicaciones en España
- Estrategia de marca e internacionalización: estandarización vs adaptación
- Recolección y procesamiento de datos bancarios
- ¿Qué impulsa la innovación?. El papel de la regulación de los mercados de capitales, bancario y de bienes
Supervised Theses
- Enviromental performance and financial structure/ Three Essays on the European Sovereign Debt market
- Mutual fund structure and performance
- Organizations as social cognitive systems
- Three essays on gender issues in accounting, governance and risk aversion
- Three essays on strategic decision making and CEO behavior in family firms
- Three essays on the interest rate curve multiplicity in the interbank market
Working Papers
- CEO risk-taking incentives and bank failure during the 2007-2010 financial crisis
- Determinants of the multiple-term structures from interbank rates
- EMT: transporte urbano 'smart' para Madrid (1)
- How does easing liquidity constraints affect aggregate employment?
- La radiofrecuencia en la atención y gestión hospitalarias: un camino hacia la Smart Health
- Liquidity provision: lessons from a natural experiment
- Search for yield
- Sequential arbitrage measurement in bond markets : theory and empirical applications in the Euro-zone
- The Bright Side of Financial Derivatives: Options Trading and Firm Innovation