publication venue for
- Wireless EEG: A survey of systems and studies. 269. 2023
- Individual differences in the dominance of interhemispheric connections predict cognitive ability beyond sex and brain size. 155:234-244. 2017
- A multi-centre evaluation of eleven clinically feasible brain PET/MRI attenuation correction techniques using a large cohort of patients. 147:346-359. 2017
- Predicting symptom severity in autism spectrum disorder based on cortical thickness measures in agglomerative data. 144:128-141. 2017
- Different partial volume correction methods lead to different conclusions: An 18F-FDG-PET study of aging. 132:334-343. 2016
- Prediction of brain maturity based on cortical thickness at different spatial resolutions. 111:350-359. 2015
- A multiple kernel learning approach to perform classification of groups from complex-valued fMRI data analysis: Application to schizophrenia. 87:1-17. 2014
- Statistical analysis of brain tissue images in the wavelet domain: wavelet-based morphometry. 72:214-226. 2013
- The different faces of one's self: An fMRI study into the recognition of current and past self-facial appearances. 63:1720-1729. 2012
- Characterization of groups using composite kernels and multi-source fMRI analysis data: Application to schizophrenia. 58:526-536. 2011
- Mathematically gifted adolescents use more extensive and more bilateral areas of the fronto-parietal network than controls during executive functioning and fluid reasoning tasks. 57:281-292. 2011
- Quantification of receptor-ligand binding potential in sub-striatal domains using probabilistic and template regions of interest. 55:101-112. 2011