publication venue for Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic optimization of a new combined cooling and power system based on supercritical CO2 recompression Brayton cycle 2023 Thermo-economic design of an electric heater to store renewable curtailment in solar power tower plants. 297:1-14. 2023 Evaluating hydrogen-based electricity generation using the concept of total efficiency. 293. 2023 Multi-scale modelling of a fluidized bed biomass gasifier of industrial size (1 MW) using a detailed particle model coupled to CFD: Proof of feasibility and advantages over simplified approaches. 286. 2023 Kinetics mechanism of inert and oxidative torrefaction of biomass. 267:1-14. 2022 Viability on the desorption and air condensation of water in a compact membrane-based microchannel desorber-condenser for cooling applications. 267. 2022 Hybrid storage solution steam-accumulator combined to concrete-block to save energy during startups of combined cycles. 253:1-17. 2022 Introduction to an exergy-based socioeconomic analysis. 249. 2021 Performance investigation of solar tower system using cascade supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton-steam Rankine cycle. 225:113430-1-113430-20. 2020 Water-Energy Nexus: a thermoeconomic analysis of polygeneration systems for small Mediterranean islands. 220. 2020 Comparison of wood pyrolysis kinetic data derived from thermogravimetric experiments by model-fitting and model-free methods. 212:1-12. 2020 Solar multiple optimization of a DSG linear Fresnel power plant. 184:571-580. 2019 Combining the lumped capacitance method and the simplified distributed activation energy model to describe the pyrolysis of thermally small biomass particles. 175:164-172. 2018 1-D transient numerical modeling of counter-current two-phase stratified flow inside a medium temperature solar linear collector. 155:218-229. 2018 Improving the efficiency of gas turbine systems with volumetric solar receivers. 149:579-592. 2017 Thermo-economic optimization of molten salt steam generators. 146:228-243. 2017 Pyrolysis of sewage sludge in a fixed and a bubbling fluidized bed - Estimation and experimental validation of the pyrolysis time. 144:235-242. 2017 Pyrolysis of biofuels of the future: Sewage sludge and microalgae - Thermogravimetric analysis and modelling of the pyrolysis under different temperature conditions. 138:261-272. 2017 Modeling of the pyrolysis of biomass under parabolic and exponential temperature increases using the Distributed Activation Energy Model. 223-230. 2016 On the economics of stand-alone renewable hybrid power plants in remote regions. 118:63-74. 2016 Dynamical modeling procedure of a Li-ion battery pack suitable for real-time applications. 92:396-405. 2015 Saving assessment using the PERS in solar power towers. 87:810-819. 2014 Evaluating the accuracy of the Distributed Activation Energy Model for biomass devolatilization curves obtained at high heating rates. 86:1045-1049. 2014 Development and validation of a radial variable geometry turbine model for transient pulsating flow applications. 85:190-203. 2014 Coordinated reactive power management in power networks with wind turbines and FACTS devices. 52:2575-2586. 2011 On the pressure drop in Plate Heat Exchangers used as desorbers in absorption chillers. 52:1520-1525. 2011 Lithium Bromide Absorption Machines: Pressure Drop and Mass Transfer in Solutions Conical Sheets. 50:1802-1809. 2009 Per Unit Representation of Electrical Magnitudes in Batteries: a Tool for Comparison and Design. 50:554-560. 2009