publication venue for
- Optimization of code caves in malware binaries to evade machine learning detectors. 116:102643-1-102643-15. 2022
- A Methodology For Large-Scale Identification of Related Accounts in Underground Forums. 111:1-15. 2021
- Avaddon ransomware: An in-depth analysis and decryption of infected systems. 109:1-20. 2021
- Design recommendations for online cybersecurity courses. 80:238-256. 2019
- PRACIS: Privacy-preserving and aggregatable cybersecurity information sharing. 69:127-141. 2017
- AndroDialysis: Analysis of Android Intent Effectiveness in Malware Detection. 65:121-134. 2017
- Automatic generation of HTTP intrusion signatures by selective identification of anomalies. 55:159-174. 2015
- CooPeD: Co-owned Personal Data management. 47:41-65. 2014
- SoNeUCON(ABC), an expressive usage control model for Web-Based Social Networks. 43:159-187. 2014
- Anonymous authentication for privacy-preserving IoT target-driven applications. 37:111-123. 2013
- Bypassing information leakage protection with trusted applications. 31:557-568. 2012
- A taxonomy and survey of attacks on digital signatures. 34:67-112. 2012
- Analysis of update delays in signature-based network intrusion detection systems. 30:613-624. 2011
- Masquerade mimicry attack detection: A randomised approach. 30:297-310. 2011
- Pervasive authentication and authorization infrastructures for mobile users. 29:501-514. 2010
- Pitfalls in CAPTCHA Design and Implementation: The Math CAPTCHA, a Case Study. 29:141-157. 2010
- Secure Multiparty Payment with an Intermediary Entity. 28:289-300. 2009
- An Optimistic Fair Exchange Protocol Based on Signature Policies. 27:309-322. 2008