publication venue for Towards equitable representations of ageing: evaluation of gender, territories, aids and artificial intelligence. 13(8) 1304:1-27. 2024 Evaluation of older people digital images: representations from a land, gender and anti-ageist perspective. 12:1-15. 2022 Urban ageing, gender and the value of the local environment: The experience of older women in a central neighbourhood of Madrid, Spain. 11:1-19. 2022 The potential impact of climate change on the efficiency and reliability of solar, hydro, and wind energy sources. 11:1-18. 2022 A System of Indicators for Socio-Economic Evaluation and Monitoring of Global Change: An Approach Based on the Picos de Europa National Park. 11:741-758. 2022 Ageing perception as a key predictor of self-rated health by rural older people: a study with gender and inclusive perspectives. 11:1-13. 2022