publication venue for
- The RareDis corpus: A corpus annotated with rare diseases, their signs and symptoms. 125:1-12. 2022
- A cost-effective IoT learning environment for the training and assessment of surgical technical skills with visual learning analytics. 124:1-19. 2021
- Comparing deep learning architectures for sentiment analysis on drug reviews. 110:1-11. 2020
- A two-stage deep learning approach for extracting entities and relationships from medical texts. 99:103285-1-103285-12. 2019
- Predicting of anaphylaxis in big data EMR by exploring machine learning approaches. 87:50-59. 2018
- Smart environment architecture for emotion detection and regulation. 64:55-73. 2016
- Pharmacovigilance through the Development of Text Mining and Natural Language Processing Techniques. 58:288-291. 2015
- Security and privacy issues in implantable medical devices: A comprehensive survey. 55:272-289. 2015
- Lessons learnt from the DDIExtraction-2013 Shared Task. 51:152-164. 2014
- Special Issue on Mining the Pharmacovigilance Literature. 49:1-2. 2014
- The DDI corpus: An annotated corpus with pharmacological substances and drug-drug interactions. 46:914-920. 2013
- Using a shallow linguistic kernel for drug-drug interaction extraction. 44:789-804. 2011
- A comparison of machine learning techniques for detection of drug target articles. 43:902-913. 2010
- Combining Semantic Web Technologies with Multi-Agent Systems for Integrated Access to Biological Resources. 41:848-859. 2008