publication venue for
- Breaching BBC impartiality rules: Journalism identity, institutional networks and social media 2024
- Social media posts as source for political news coverage inside and outside election campaigns: Examining effects on deliberative news media quality. 1-19. 2024
- Public service media for better democracies: Testing the role of perceptual and structural variables in shaping citizens' evaluations of public television. 0:1-21. 2022
- The Culture of Free: Construct explication and democratic ramifications for Readers" willingness to pay for public affairs news. 23:207-223. 2022
- The dark side of Journalism: Understanding the phenomenology of conflicts in the newsroom and the mechanisms intended to solve them. 1-18. 2021
- Presentism in the newsroom: How uncertainty redefines journalists' career expectations. 22:52-68. 2021
- The effects of news authorship, exclusiveness and media type in readers paying intent for online news: An experimental study. 22:1720-1738. 2018
- Evaluating organisational ethics in Spanish news Media. 18:1142-1162. 2016