publication venue for Approximate and ensemble local entanglement transformations for multipartite states. 108. 2023 Deflection of electromagnetic waves by pseudogravity in distorted photonic crystals. 108. 2023 Classical analogs of generalized purities, entropies, and logarithmic negativity. 108:1-15. 2023 Classical analogs of the covariance matrix, purity, linear entropy, and von Neumann entropy. 105:062412-1-062412-14. 2022 State transformations within entanglement classes containing permutation-symmetric states. 105. 2022 Dynamical preparation of stripe states in spin-orbit coupled gases. 104:1-13. 2021 Invariant-based inverse engineering of time-dependent, coupled harmonic oscillators. 102:063112-1-063112-7. 2020 Coherent spin mixing via spin-orbit coupling in Bose gases. 100. 2019 Quantum Kibble-Zurek physics in long-range transverse-field Ising models. 100:032115. 2019 Quantum simulation of multiphoton and nonlinear dissipative spin-boson models. 99:032303. 2019 Glassy dynamics due to a trajectory phase transition in dissipative Rydberg gases. 98. 2018 Quench dynamics of a dissipative Rydberg gas in the classical and quantum regimes. 97. 2018 Nonclassicality of coherent states: Entanglement of joint statistics. 96. 2017 Experimental signatures of an absorbing-state phase transition in an open driven many-body quantum system. 96. 2017 Action-noise-assisted quantum control. 96:033417-1-033417-6. 2017 Energy consumption for shortcuts to adiabaticity. 96:022133-1-022133-7. 2017 Protected ultrastrong coupling regime of the two-photon quantum Rabi model with trapped ions. 95:063844. 2017 Shared randomness and device-independent dimension witnessing. 95. 2017 Entanglement manipulation of multipartite pure states with finite rounds of classical communication. 95. 2017 Excited-state quantum phase transition in the Rabi model. 94:023835. 2016 Excited-state phase transition leading to symmetry-breaking steady states in the Dicke model. 87:023819. 2013