publication venue for
- Study on the contamination rate of mineral oil in natural-ester retrofilled transformers. 30:1641-1648. 2023
- AC breakdown voltage of Fe3O4 based nanodielectric fluids. Part 1: Analysis of dry fluids. 27:352-359. 2020
- AC breakdown voltage of Fe3O4 based nanodielectric fluids. Part 2: Analysis of fluids with high moisture content. 27:360-367. 2020
- Partial Discharges and Noise Separation using Spectral Power Ratios and Genetic Algorithms. 24:31-38. 2017
- Particle Swarm Optimization vs Genetic Algorithm, Application and Comparison to Determine the Moisture Diffusion Coefficients of Pressboard Transformer Insulation. 22:3574-3581. 2015
- Automatic selection of frequency bands for the power ratios separation technique in partial discharge measurements: Part I, Fundamentals and noise rejection in simple test objects. 22:2284-2291. 2015
- Automatic selection of frequency bands for the power ratios separation technique in partial discharge measurements: Part II, PD source recognition and applications. 22:2293-2301. 2015
- Location of partial discharges sources by means of blind source separation of UHF signals. 22:2302-2310. 2015
- Identification of multiple partial discharge sources using acoustic emission technique and blind source separation. 22:1663-1673. 2015
- Moisture Diffusion Coefficients of Transformer Pressboard Insulation Impregnated with Natural Esters. 22:581-589. 2015
- Diffusion Coefficient in Transformer Pressboard Insulation Part 1: Non Impregnated Pressboard. 21:360-368. 2014
- Diffusion Coefficient in Transformer Pressboard Insulation Part 2: Mineral Oil impregnated. 21:394-402. 2014
- Electrical ageing markers for polyethylene insulation based on space charge accumulation and apparent mobility. 20:2222-2229. 2013
- Partial discharge and noise separation by means of spectral-power clustering techniques. 20:1436-1443. 2013
- Shielding effect of power transformers tanks in the ultra-high-frequency detection of partial discharges. 20:678-684. 2013
- Electro-acoustic detection, identification and location of partial discharge sources in oil-paper insulation system. 19:1569-1578. 2012
- Experimental determination of the diffusion coefficient of water in transformer solid insulation. 19:427-433. 2012
- Influence of Leakage Magnetic Fields on Partial Discharge Activity in Power Transformers. 17:1724-1730. 2010