publication venue for
- Stable circular and double-cell lean hydrogen-air premixed flames in quasi two-dimensional channels. 39:1731-1741. 2023
- Suppression of thermoacoustic instabilities by flame-structure interaction. 39:1577-1585. 2023
- Characterization of symmetric to non-symmetric flamefront transition in slender microchannels. 39:1813-1821. 2022
- Stability of laminar flames on upper and lower inclined fuel surfaces. 38:4515-4523. 2021
- Numerical description of axisymmetric blue whirls over liquid-fuel pools. 38:2041-2048. 2021
- Effects of differential diffusion on nonpremixed-flame temperature. 37:1757-1766. 2019
- Influences of stoichiometry on steadily propagating triple flames in counterflows. 37:1971-1977. 2019
- Regimes of boundary-layer ignition by heat release from a localized energy source. 36:1467-1473. 2017
- Effect of an external electric field on the propagation velocity of premixed flames. 35:3463-3470. 2015
- The role of separation of scales in the description of spray combustion. 35:1549-1577. 2015
- An explicit reduced mechanism for H₂ -air combustion. 33:517-523. 2011
- The structure of lean hydrogen-air flame balls. 33:1203-1210. 2011
- Effect of Thermal Expansion on the Stabilization of an Edge-Flame in a Mixing-Layer Model. 32:1107-1115. 2009