publication venue for
- The effect of composition and microstructure on the creep behaviour of 14 Cr ODS steels consolidated by SPS. 849:1-8. 2022
- Effect of C content on microstructure and mechanical properties of Cr-based hard composites obtained by different sintering methods. 848:1-17. 2022
- New high strength ODS Eurofer steel processed by mechanical alloying. 817:1-15. 2021
- Effect of strain rate on tensile mechanical properties of high-purity niobium single crystals for SRF applications. 797:1-15. 2020
- Achieving good tensile properties in ultrafine grained nickel by spark plasma sintering. 772. 2020
- Development and characterisation of novel Cr-based hardmetals strengthened by nanosized tungsten carbide. 767:1-12. 2019
- Analysis of the interface and mechanical properties of field-assisted sintered duplex stainless steels. 740-741:410-419. 2019
- Microstructure and compression strength of Co-based superalloys hardened by gamma' and carbide precipitation. 734:437-444. 2018
- Tensile properties of spark plasma sintered AISI 316L stainless steel with unimodal and bimodal grain size distributions. 729:249-256. 2018
- Microstructural development of Powder Metallurgy Cobalt-based superalloys processed by Field Assisted Sintering Techniques (FAST). 724:461-468. 2018
- Effect of hot cross rolling on the microstructure and mechanical properties of an Fe-14Cr ODS ferritic steel. 711:448-459. 2018
- Quantifying the properties of low-cost powder metallurgy titanium alloys. 687:47-53. 2017
- Effect of the milling atmosphere on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a ODS Fe-14Cr model alloy. 671:264-274. 2016
- Investigation of the factors influencing the tensile behaviour of PM Ti-3Al-2.5V alloy. 609:266-272. 2014
- Analysis of crystallographic slip and grain boundary sliding in a Ti-45Al-2Nb-2Mn (at%)-0.8 vol%TiB2 alloy by high temperature in situ mechanical testing. 606:276-289. 2014
- Anisotropy of uni-axial and bi-axial deformation behavior of pure Titanium after hydrostatic extrusion. 588:7-13. 2013
- Hot deformation behavior and workability characteristics of AZ91 magnesium alloy powder compacts-A study using processing map. 580:142-149. 2013
- From the TRIP effect and Quenching and Partitioning steels concepts to the development of new high-performance, lean powder metallurgy steels. 573:253-256. 2013
- From the TRIP effect and Quenching and Partitioning steels concepts to the development of new high-performance, lean powder metallurgy steels. 573:253-256. 2013
- Microstructure gradient after hot torsion deformation of powder metallurgical 6061 Al alloy. 555:154-164. 2012
- Effect of laser shock peening on residual stress and fatigue life of clad 2024 aluminium sheet containing scribe defects. 548:142-151. 2012
- Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by vacuum hot-pressing. 546:189-197. 2012
- Microstructural development and mechanical properties of iron based cermets processed by pressureless and spark plasma sintering. 538:28-34. 2012
- Hot deformation behaviour and flow stress prediction of 7075 aluminium alloy powder compacts during compression at elevated temperatures. 534:624-631. 2012
- Experimental study on the martensitic transformation in AISI 304 steel sheets subjected to tension under wide ranges of strain rate at room temperature. 528:5974-5982. 2011
- Texture and mechanical properties of EUROFER 97 steel processed by ECAP. 528:5927-5934. 2011
- Powder injection moulding of premixed ferritic and austenitic stainless steel powders. 528:3480-3488. 2011
- Influence of Fe content and particle size the on the processing and mechanical properties of low-cost Ti&-xFe alloys. 527:5664-5669. 2010
- Texture and Microstructure of Ultra Low Carbon Steel Processed by Equal Channel Angular Extrusion. 502:13-24. 2009
- Hardness environments around fatigued scratches in clad and unclad 2024 T351 aluminium alloy. 500:16-24. 2009
- Influence of the Crystallization Process on the Luminescence of Multilayers of SiGe Nanocrystals Embedded in SiO2. 147:200-204. 2008