publication venue for
- Processor Security: Detecting Microarchitectural Attacks via Count-Min Sketches. 30:938-951. 2022
- Soft Error Tolerant Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGAs With Ensemble Learning. 30:291-302. 2022
- Design of FPGA-Implemented Reed-Solomon Erasure Code (RS-EC) Decoders With Fault Detection and Location on User Memory. 29:1073 -1082. 2021
- Design of SEU-Tolerant Turbo Decoders Implemented on SRAM-FPGAs. 28:2563-2572. 2020
- FracTCAM: Fracturable LUTRAM-Based TCAM Emulation on Xilinx FPGAs. 28:2726-2730. 2020
- An algorithmic-based fault detection technique for the 1-d discrete cosine transform. 28:1336-1340. 2020
- Error Detection and Correction in SRAM Emulated TCAMs. 27:486-490. 2019
- Flexible Biometric Online Speaker-Verification System Implemented on FPGA Using Vector Floating-Point Units. 23:2497-2507. 2015
- Iris biometrics for embedded systems. 19:274-282. 2011