publication venue for
- Wideband Phase Shifter in Groove Gap Waveguide Technology Implemented With Glide-Symmetric Holey EBG. 28:476-478. 2018
- Design Guidelines for Gap Waveguide Technology Based on Glide-Symmetric Holey Structures. 27:542-544. 2017
- A Multisection Phase Correcting Network for Broadband Quadrature Power Splitter Design. 23:468-470. 2013
- Compact Reconfigurable Planar EBGs Based on Short-Circuited Hairpin Resonators. 23:462-464. 2013
- Suppression of Parallel Plate Modes in Low Frequency Microstrip Circuit Packages Using Lid of Printed Zigzag Wires. 23:359-361. 2013
- Analytical Coupled-Resonator Filter Synthesis Method by Extraction of Fully Canonical Second Order Blocks. 23:137-139. 2013
- Design and Testing of a Single-Layer Microstrip Ultrawideband 90 degrees Differential Phase Shifter. 23:122-124. 2013
- An Ultrawideband T-Pulse Fitting the FCC Mask Using a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm. 22:615-617. 2012
- Time Reversal Applied to the Time Domain Response of a CRLH Transmission Line. 22:609-611. 2012
- New Microstrip Gap Waveguide on Mushroom-Type EBG for Packaging of Microwave Components. 22:129-131. 2012
- Dual-Band Tunable Recursive Active Filter. 21:92-94. 2011
- Parallel Plate Cavity Mode Suppression in Microstrip Circuit Packages Using a Lid of Nails. 20:31-33. 2010