publication venue for Avalanche statistics of fluctuation-induced fluxes from the SLPM and the W7-AS stellarator. 66. 2024 Effect of the neutral beam injector operational regime on the Alfven eigenmode saturation phase in DIII-D plasma. 65:1-16. 2023 The impact of radial electric fields and plasma rotation on intermittence in TJ-II. 64:1-8. 2022 Parametrization of current-voltage characteristics and operation domains of cylindrical emissive probes in collisionless Maxwellian plasmas at rest. 63:115018. 2021 Analysis of runaway electron discharge formation during Joint European Torus plasma start-up. 62:1-18. 2020 Identification and characterization of topological structures of turbulence in magnetic confined plasmas. 62:1-7. 2020 Intermittence and turbulence in fusion devices. 62:1-12. 2019 Runaway electron beam control. 61:014036. 2018 Bootstrap current control studies in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator using the free-plasma-boundary version of the SIESTA MHD equilibrium code. 60:025023-025032. 2018 Investigation of the role of electron cyclotron resonance heating and magnetic configuration on the suprathermal ion population in the stellarator TJ-II using a luminescent probe. 60. 2018 Semianalytical calculation of the zonal-flow oscillation frequency in stellarators. 59. 2017 Runaway electron generation and control. 59. 2017 Multi-code analysis of scrape-off layer filament dynamics in MAST. 58. 2016 Influence of long-scale length radial electric field components on zonal flow-like structures in the TJ-II stellarator. 58. 2016 Residual zonal flows in tokamaks and stellarators at arbitrary wavelengths. 58. 2016 Self-organized criticality and the dynamics of near-marginal turbulent transport in magnetically confined fusion plasmas. 57. 2015 Nature of turbulent transport across sheared zonal flows: insights from gyrokinetic simulations. 53:1-10. 2011 Tracer Particle trapping Times in Pressure-Gradient-Driven Turbulence in Toroidal Geometry and their Connection to the Dynamics of Large-Scale Cycles. 52:105005. 2010 Zonal Flows and Long-Distance Correlations during the Formation of the Edge Shear Layer in the TJ-II Stellarator. 51:65007. 2009 Emergence and Decay rate of Edge Plasma Flow Shear near a Critical Transition. 51:15003. 2009 MHD Study of the Reactor-Relevant High-Beta Regime in the Large Helical Device. 50:124014. 2008